Chapter 16

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"What's your name?" Layla asked.

"Jamie... but I also go by-"

"JJ" She said cutting me off. This is what I wanted right, for her to know that it was me she was dancing with and then for me to apologize for being a dick to her. Everything seems to be going by plan but I just can't talk to her. Just looking at her and her expressions, which changed from shocked to blank. All she did was just stand there and stare at me with no expression or at least a readable expression on her face. If only I was able to read minds, it would've made this situtation a whole lot easier. I couldn't take it anymore, her stares were overwhelming.

"Why?" she asked quietly, almost inaudible with the music playing in the background. Why? What does she mean by why?

"Why did you dance with me when you clearly don't want anything to do with me?" She said, as if she read my mind. I took her outside so we could have some privacy.

"I want to apologize" I said once we were outside.

"Apologize. For what, the incident at the diner?" she said clearly showing she was angered by the situtation.

"Yes and I know it's late but I want you to hear me out before say anything" She nodded, motioning me to continue.

"That night at the diner, Union J got eliminated from The X-Factor. I was already angry because I let my group down with my poor vocals that week but that doesn't matter right now. When I saw you there, I was ecstatic and relieved. Your presence just made all the negative feelings I felt before disappeared. But then you were with Zayn and from the looks of it, it look like you two were a couple. I felt betrayed, like I was lead on just to get my heartbroken. And of course at the heat of moment, I yelled at you and said some hurtful things. I know I can't take back the words I said and I'm sorry about that and of course for the way I acted. I guess I'll understand if you don't forgive me, heck if I was in your postion then I wouldn't." Shut up JJ, your not helping! "I just hope you do" I said, feeling like a weight on my shoulders being taken off. I can understand if she hates me but I just want her to know the whole story, so she at least knows why she hates me.

"So, why did it take you so long? It's been two weeks" Layla said.

"I realized the day after that I was wrong but my ego got to me and I just couldn't make myself do it, you know talk you. Soon it was a two weeks later and I saw you at Starbucks the other day and you looked happy, I didn't want to ruin that by talking to you" I said. It felt like hours of silence, the only thing was heard were the night bugs buzzing away and the light sounds of the water from the pond near by.

"Since you said your story, I think you deserve to know the truth" She suddenly said. I nodded in response.

"you might want to take a seat, it's a long story" She patted the empty spot beside her to speak. She told me about how her best friend, Maya who came up with a plan to get revenge on her old best friend, who I come to know as Niall Horan. She told me about her and Zayn going to dinner as friends, emphasizing friends. The moment that I saw her with Zayn doubling over with laughter was because she was telling her story about her experience with squirrels. She also mentioned that Zayn helped her recover from my outburst and was being a good friend to her. It was a bittersweet moment, sweet because it's evident she has no feelings for Zayn and bitter because I judged her to  quick. We sat there for a while, once again silence took over but this time it was a comfortable silence.

"I forgive you" She said quietly again.


"I said, I forgive you"

"Oh I know, i just wanted to hear you say it again" she punched my arm lightly while giggling.

"But why? I was a jerk to you"

"I think everyone deserves a second chance"

"Well thank you" she nodded with a little smile that made her eyes shine in the night sky. Gosh, I miss that smile and those hazel eyes. We sat there, making light conversation. Both of us making very little effort to head back to the ball. In between the conversations, I asked her a question that has been on my mind for a while.

"So what's this squirrel story, everyone seems to love?"


Hey loves,

JJ RETURNS! Sorry I haven't had a JJ POV or much JJ at all, I just didn't know where to add him. But all that matters is he's back and Layla and JJ back together! D'awwwww Jayla! To all you Naya or Miall (Maya & Niall) fans, next chapter is about them. Woot woot!

In other news that has nothing to do with this story, is anyone a OneRepublic or Imagine Dragons fan? Because if you are I will love you till the end of the world! But if your not, I still have a place in my heart for you :)

Btw anyone watch The Host yet? I watched it yesturday on opening day with my best friend. I thought this one was wayyyy better then all the Twilight movies and book put together (Sorry if i offended any Twilight fans, its just my opinion).  If you have, comment below and we can fangirl about it. If you haven't, dont worry I won't spoil it. 

Like always, vote, comment and share! 


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