Chapter 2

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Layla POV

"Hey aunt Tulisa" I said entering her dressing room. My aunt is none other than Tulisa Contostavolos, the X-Factor judge. My mom is Tulisa's sister, my mom and dad met thanks to aunt T (aha shee what i did there). My mom was heading to Ireland to meet aunt T and my dad was also going to see gran who was ill at the time, my dads a doctor. Anyways it was love at first sight, i found it cute where as my brothers that it was stupid. Boys. My brothers are Kumar and Siva, yup Siva from The Wanted and Kumar, the model. I'm basically surrounded by famous people.

"Hey hun, how are you?" Aunt T asked, kissing my cheek.

"Fine, i got tackled on my way here" I said, taking a seat on her makeup table.

"Tackled? Who? What? Where?" She asked all concerned.

"Oh its nothing, JJ fron Union J mistaken me for Jaymi and attacked me" I giggled, remembering JJ's reaction when he found out i wasnt Jaymi and his comment afterwards. Gosh, he made me feel speical.

"Oh those boys will never change" She chuckled.

"I kind of dont want them to" I said, smiling at my hands.

"Does my niece have a crush?" She asked winking.

"Umm... So hows the party planning coming"

"Changing the subject are we? But yeah its going to be a black and white masquerade ball" She said, handing me the invite. I nodded, i always wanted to go to masquerade ball, its so enchanted and something you would see in a fairytale.

"Oh speaking of the ball, are free tomorrow, cause we're going dress shopping, me you and your mom" Oh no, shopping with aunt T and my mom, dont get me wrong i like shopping but just not with them, they take forever. Once it took them 2 hours to pick a pair of heels. I sighed, theres no possible way of me getting out of this.

"Sure, name the time and place" I said.

"Alright love, i'll texted you in the morning, now i have to go, bye" She said giving me a quick hug.

"Bye aunt T"


I got a text this morning at 7, 7 am for gods sake. Who in the world goes shopping this early? Anyways, i'm standing in front of the facy boutique. I entered the store, it was all white with black furniture.

"Hunny, over here" My mom called.

"Morning mom, morning aunt Tulisa" I said, giving them each a peck on the cheek.

"Morning love, are you excited?" Aunt Tulisa asked. I nodded in return.


"Yes mom"

"I know its early and your not in the mood for shopping but i have something that will cheer you up"

"What is it?"

"Turn around" I heard two male voices say. I turned to see my brothers, gosh I missed them so much, Siva's been touring and Kumar has been modeling.

"SIVA, KUMAR!' I yelled running towards them. I started to tear up and was mumbling how much i missed them.

"We miss you too Lay, now lets go pick a dress for you" Siva said. I nodded wiping my eyes and walked towards the white and black dresses.

"Hunny, where are you going?" Mom asked.

"Looking at dresses" I said,stating the obvious.

"Layla, we already picked a few for you, you just have to pick one" Aunt Tulisa said.

"Oh okay" I walked to the rack with all the dresses mom and aunt T picked, they were all beautiful but they were coloured.

"Umm... guys these dresses are coloured. I thought the theme was black and white" I asked.

"It is, for us but we wanted you to stand out" Aunt Tulisa said.


"Well, lately you've been down and its been a while since you've had a boyfriend. This was the best way, you can find a boy" She said.

"Mom! You know im busy with the dance studio and school, i dont have time for a boyfriend"

"I know, i know but its just your brothers have told me how you want a boy in your life." Mom said. Before I could say anything, Siva and Kumar took me to the side.

"Why did you tell her? I thought this was between us" I whisper yelled.

"It might have slipped when we skyped her one day" Siva said looking down, all sad. Ughh, how can i be mad at them they look like puppy dogs.


"We're sorry sis but mom just wants you to be happy, just go with it and hey, you can show of some dance moves, right?" Kumar said.

"Yeah, I guess you guys are right"

"We're always right" They said together. i might have grew up with them but them being twins and saying things at the same time, still creeps me out.

"Whoa there, dont let that ego hurt you two" We laughed and headed back, i apoligized to my mom and aunt Tulisa. I tried on a few dresses, they were nice but i just dont think they were me. Theres one dress left that my mom and aunt T picked, it was a floor length dress, the top was white and a low cut back, the bottom was pink with a thin black belt. I walked out of the dressing room, lifting the bottom up a bit so i could walk.

"So what do you think" I asked. Everyone sat there staring at me, not a word was spoken. I felt sad, i was actually starting to like the dress.

"Please say something" They looked at each other, then back to me. It's a no for sure. All of a sudden they fanatically took out their wallets and yelled "WHERE CAN I PAY".

"You like it?"

"YES!" They yelled in unison, causing people in the store to look at us. After debating over whos buying the dress, which Siva won, mom and aunt T had to go work, so Siva, Kumar and I decided to head home and have a movie marathon. My family might have a lot of famous people in it but even if they weren't famous, i would still be grateful to have them.

Layla's dress is to the side. Thank you for reading and please leave comments :D

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