Chapter 7

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Niall’s POV

“I know what can cheer you up?” Liam said. I’ve been down lately, well ever since I talked to Maya. I know what I did was wrong but I had no other choice. Okay, I actually did but I had to break off the relationship for her safety. I just wish I could go back in time and explain everything.

“What ?” I asked.

“GROCERY SHOPPING!” Louis and Liam yelled.

“You guys are actually letting me go grocery shopping?” I asked.

“Yeah, usually we wouldn’t because you tend to buy the whole store but this we’ll let you” Louis said.

“Okay” I jumped from my seat and ran to get my shoes.

“Whoa there Pot of Gold, we’re coming too” Liam said.

“Okay’ I said with little less excitement.


We arrived at the store in our disguises and new names. Zayn was Wayne; he was dress like Bob Marley, big colorful beanie, baggy clothes and deadlocks.Harry was Larry and Louis was Lewis; they went as twins, which were surfers. Liam was James; he dressed like a lumberjack, wool hat, big plaid sweater and one long ass beard. I was Neil and unlike the others, I decided to go with the basic disguise sweats and shades. Once we arrive at heaven (I mean the store), I went straight to the candy aisle, I needed ‘Cheer Me Up Food’. I heard giggles and the pattering of little feet.

“Unff!” A little boy fell to the floor after bumping into me. I helped him up to his feet.

“I sorry” he said. I bent down to his level.

“Its’ okay, what’s your name?” I asked.


“How old are you?”

“Thwree” he said, putting up three fingers.

“It’s nice to meet you Spencer, I’m Ni-Neil”

“Why you wearing sunglasses inside? There’s no sun’ he said.

“Can I tell you secret?” Spencer nodded crazily.

“I’m actually Niall from One Direction” I whispered.

“My sister loves One Direction”

“Really? Who’s her favorite?”

“Kayla likes everyone and Maya doesn’t like when we talk about One Direction”

Maya. Could they be related? Nah, what are the possibilities?

“Spencer? Spencer, there you are!” A female pushing the cart, with a girl about 12 or 13 trailing behind.

“MOMMY” Spencer ran into his mother’s arm. The female looked very familiar, so did the girl beside her.

“Thank you for taking care of him” The lady said. The girl beside her was giving me curious look.

“Mommy, guess what?’ Spencer said.

“What is it?’ His mom asked.

“It’s secret” He said putting his finger to his mouth.

“Alright I won’t tell anyone” His mom said.

“Promise?” Spencer said.

“We promise, just spill” The girl stated.

“Okay, he Niall from 1D” He whispered. Both the lady and girl stood there in shock. Damn it, I should’ve asked the kid to promise not to tell anyone.

‘Niall? Niall James Horan?” The lady asked.

“Yeah, that’s me”

“You don’t remember us, do you?’


“Mrs. Mittal, your old best friend’s mother, Maya” She said. So he was related to her

“Mrs. Mittal! Maya! I’m so sorry I didn’t recognize you guys”

“Oh, it’s fine but look at you, all famous and living the dream. I always knew you would be famous one day, so did Maya. Anyways, how are you? Are you still the boy I counted on to finish all my meals?”

“Yeah, that part of me will never change’ I laughed.

“Speaking of food, why don’t you come over for dinner?” Kayla asked.

“I would love to but I’m here with the boys”

“Then invited them too’

“I’ll ask, excuse me for a second” I started doing the bird call that Louis came up with in case of emergency. The Mittal’s gave me weird looks I gave them a weak smile in return. Curse you Louis!Before I could say anything, the boys came running towards me with their carts.

"Whats up Niall?" Liam asked all concern.

Oh, I wanted you guys to meet Maya's family,this is her mom, her sister Kayla,big fan by the way and big mouth Spencer who happens to be her brother" Spencer giggled putting his hands on his mouth.

"Nice to meet you all, Niall actually called because i was wondering if you boys would like to join us for dinner?" Mrs.Mittal asked. I shook my head no to the boys, behind Mrs.Mittal.

"Uhhh...sure" Harry said with a smirk.

I glared at him but quickly smilied when Mrs.Mittal looked at me. It's not that want to see Maya, trust me i do but i just dont want to bother her, she was really pissed the last time we talked. And now Harry ruined it all. I f i could do the things i'm thinking about right now, Harry would be dead a thousand times and in various ways.


We arrived at the Mittal's house, it looked like a typical house, it reminded me of home. Liam knocked on the door. Mrs. Mittal answered in a doctor's uniform.

"Hello boys, come in" She said.

"It's a beautiful house you, Mrs.Mittal" Mr. I-Am-So-Nice-Please-Pinch-My-Cheecks (aka Liam) said.

"Why thank you Liam, Maya decorated most of it. Anyways, I'm really sorry but i got called down to the hospital and i have to leave now. But Maya will be here soon, so you guys can hangout" She said but looked like she had more to say. I noticed Kayla and Spencer were on the couch, watching TV and i knew exactly what she going to ask.

"Do you want us to watch the kids until Maya comes back?" I asked.

"Is that okay with you guys?" She asked.

"Of course, how hard could it be?... It's not hard right?" Zayn asked.

"Thank you and i promise to reschedule. Now i have to run, bye everyone" She said quickly ad rushed out without answering Zayn's question. The boys and I exchanged looks then looked at the kids, who had devilish grins on their faces.

What have we gotten ourselves into?

Heyy, i uploaded this yesturday but for some reason it got deleted. Sorry about that.

I recieved some sad news this morning. Union J got eliminated! :'( It hurts! Hopefully its not the last of them.

On to the good news. IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS! i can just smell it! (dont mind my weirdness)!

Anyways, like i say at the end of these author notes, please vote and comment, they insipire me to write more.

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