Chapter Eighteen: The Unity Order

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John was anxiously waiting for Bridge and the other Phoenixes to return. It had been about twenty minutes and Bridge had told them to come in with weapons at the ready if they were not out in half an hour. That was when John saw Bridge and the rest of the Phoenixes exit the Willis Tower and start coming towards them. With them were about ten other people who all had a bag with them each that they were pulling across the ground by the handles and the bald man with the glasses seemed to be their leader. When they all arrived, Bridge said "Everyone, this is Joe Mason. He leads the group here and he says that there's something we all need to know". Joe stepped forward to the other Phoenixes and said "Indeed. Now we're all going to sit down and I'm going to explain to you people something that'll blow your minds".

Over the next five minutes, Bridge, Phinehas and Anna set up some chairs in a circle and everyone sat down in a chair. Louise and Eleanor's daughter Stacy immediately started playing hide and seek with each other and enjoying every second of it. Stacy especially loved playing with Azrael the cat and simply adored the kitty. Michelle sat next to Eleanor, who took notice of Michelle's large baby bump. Showing concern for Michelle, Eleanor asked "How did you get pregnant at such a young age?" Michelle looked at Eleanor in her blue eyes and said sternly "Believe me, your not gonna believe it".

Joe was standing in the centre of the circle and he was about to speak. With a stern tone of voice, Joe said "There is something you all need to know...about the Governments. You see, the Governments of the world had no intention of stopping the Virus at all. They actually intended to use it as a form of artificial population control and then unleash an Antivirus that they were hoarding from the public". Joe expected the Phoenixes to be shocked and appalled by his claims, but they just stayed silent and looked at him with a look of shock. Not of learning of the Government's true agenda, but that Joe and his people already knew about it. That was when Bridge said "We already know". Joe nearly gasped as He turned around to Bridge and said "You.. You already know? But how!?" Bridge looked over at Anna and She silently nodded at him. Bridge then stood up and said "Trust me, your not gonna believe this".

Bridge, Anna and Phinehas laid it all out: Ivan; The Antidote and even the Virgin Mothers. Joe and His people took it very well. After all, it's not every day that you learn that the only reason your alive is thanks to an experienced Virologist from the same place the Virus began. Anna had of course showed them Ivan's journal and his research notes, they had proved very shocking to Joe's group. Eleanor was of course shocked about it all and asked "So there are hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of women out there who are pregnant without husbands? Me included?" Bridge had a sad look on his face as he said "I'm afraid so. Plus there's a Cult in Ohio wo believe that the fatherless children are all the sons and daughters of God himself". With a look of shock on his face, Sebastian asked "So they think it's the Second Coming of Jesus or something?" Bridge looked over at Sebastian and said "Yes, plus they think that hate is a sin. Which is kind of true I guess". Shocked at learning about all of this, Joe said "So Ivan saved us all huh? Sorry about you Dad Anna". Anna looked over at Joe and said "Thanks" as She wiped a tear from her eye. Sebastian looked over at Anna and said "Your Dad saved us all. The guy is a God damn hero". Bridge agreed with Sebastian and said "Ya got that right. Future generations will thank Ivan for saving the Human race from extinction and He'll go down in history as a hero who put the needs of others before His own".

Bridge then looked over at Joe and said "So now you understand why we're headed to San Francisco. Because Ivan confirmed that the Virus is still in those who were infected and if it mutates, it could mean the end of the Human race as we know it". With a look of anger on his face, Joe said "Indeed and this whole crisis could've been avoided, if the Order had unleashed the Antivirus". Wanting to know what he was talking about, Bridge said "Okay, now you answer this question: Who the heck are the Unity Order!? Come on Joe, we want answers!" Joe looked Bridge in the eyes as he said "You want answers? Alright". Bridge then sat down in his chair and Joe began to explain who the Unity Order were. With a stern tone of voice, he said "The Unity Order were a German Science Unit during World War Two. They created all kinds of weapons and equipment for the German war machine: the Tiger Tank; machine guns; U-Boats; even did research into a nuke. Only a select few knew about them and if anyone found out about it and weren't meant to know....then they would be...taken care of". Bridge's eyes widened as he said "Taken care of? As in...killed?" The look on Joe's face confirmed it as he said "Yes and all evidence of that person's existence was erased". Continuing to explain the Unity Order, Joe said "In the final days of the War, the Unity Order decided that Allied Victory was inevitable and that the best they could do for themselves was avoid capture. The Order turned themselves into the Allies when the war ended and received positions of power within military research departments in exchange for evidence of Hitler's crimes and their assistance in research projects".

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