Chapter 7

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—Faye's POV—


Marilyn shakes me from my unconscious state. My eyes fly open. I take a deep breath, heart pounding.

"Did you do it? Did you reconnect?" She asks, an anxious look on her face.

"I-yeah. I think so." My thoughts are jumbled  together, as I can't remember anything after being violently awakened.

"What did you see? You whispered something just before you blacked out."

"Uh..." I thought for a moment. I was lying in my hospital bed when... "Greyson! I saw Greyson walk into my room!"

I pushed myself up from the hard chair I was sitting in - the same chair I had been in before, when I was training.

As I stood up straight, I felt like I was going to puke.

"I feel nauseous." I say as I sit back down and clutch my churning stomach.

"Don't worry, that's common. I'll get you some water." Marilyn says before rushing out of the room.

I lay my head back on the chair's headrest and sigh. I look around the small room; I hadn't paid much attention since I had entered it six days ago, which was unusual for me as I'm always looking for some way to procrastinate.

The room isn't as large as you would think a 'training' room would be - about 10' x 15' - and it's lit only by one annoyingly dim ceiling bulb that flickers occasionally - there are no windows.

The only things decorating the room are two stiff black chairs and one table between them. The floors are white tiles, and the walls are painted dark grey, causing there to be many dark shadows in the corners of the room.

I felt half determined, and half intimidated.

The heavy black metal door opens, making me jump.

"Here's your water." Marilyn says as she walks over and places it into my outstretched hand.

"Thanks." I sip the water before pressing the cold glass to my forehead. The unpleasant feeling in my stomach subsides slightly.

Since arriving on the first day, I had found out that along with being visible, I could do most of the things I did before - including being hungry as hell. I'm pretty sure I had downed three sandwiches and two liters of milk in under one hour.

"Why couldn't I go through? What do you have left to teach me?" I ask as I close my eyes. I hear Marilyn sit down in the chair across from me.

"Well, once you find this place, it's hard - sometimes impossible - to get back."

"What?" I ask, panicked. "What will I do if I need help? I can't fight evil souls on my own!" I exclaim, my eyes widening.

"You won't be on your own, Faye. You'll have Greyson." Marilyn says, trying to be reassuring.

"Greyson?" I ask incredulously. "He knows even less than I do!"

"When the time comes, he'll know just what to do."

"How could you possibly know that? The boy has troubles with math, let alone evil souls - the Herleni - things!" I say, accidentally slamming my glass on the table in front of me when I put it down.

"Don't doubt him. It's in his blood to know these things."

"Not more of this 'it's in your blood' crap!" I yell, rubbing my hands over my face dramatically. "It's not realistic to rely on what's in your blood. Any prince can step down from the throne."

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