Chapter 15

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Author's Note

So I forgot that Faye's parents had already met Greyson (the last time she was in the hospital), so I'm going to make that change to the last chapter, when Faye made a comment about her mom meeting Grey. Nothing else will change though. I just have a terrible memory.

(As a side note, I think this is the fastest I've ever written a chapter. Cool.)

Oops. Carry on.

--Faye's POV--

When my eyes open, I hear nothing. I feel nothing.

I remember what happened. The truck hit us. I should be in a lot of pain right now, but I'm not.

I look to my side. Greyson is hanging from his seat. It's at this time that I realize that the car is upside down, and we're both strapped to our seats, straining against our seatbelts.

Greyson is limp, his arms dangling lifelessly. Blood drips down his fingers and pools in a small puddle on the roof of the car, which is littered with broken glass.

Through the beaten-out windshield, I can see only grass. We must have been pushed into the ditch. There isn't much light shining in through the other windows - about as much as there was when we were hit. Not much time could have past.

In the distance, as if I'm under water, I can begin to hear the siren of what could only be an ambulance. How many vehicles were involved in the crash? What was the cause? More ice?

I try to flex my muscles, testing for broken bones. When I look down - well, up - at myself, nothing moves. My limbs are still hanging uselessly. I try harder, but nothing happens. Not even a twitch of my pinky finger.

Am I paralyzed?

As my hearing begins to clear, I can hear noises coming from something in the car. Human noises, but they're not coming from Greyson or me. I look down and, on the roof of the car, is my phone, still on the call with my mother. What I'm assuming are frantic sobs and yelling are coming through the speaker. I guess a good case pays off.

"Mom?" I say, surprised at the clearness of my own voice. "Are you there?"

The sobs and screams continue as if I had never spoke. Perhaps she never heard me. Maybe I wasn't loud enough.

"Mom! Calm down!" I yell back as loud as I can. Still, there are no breaks in her cries.

Ignoring her, I turn to Greyson.

"Greyson! Hey! Are you with me?"

Greyson doesn't so much as open his eyes.


I huff sulkily. If only I could-

Without too much thought, I reach across the seat and nudge Greyson's right arm. It sways slightly in the open air, disrupting the drip of crimson blood.


I look back at my arm. Wait. Did I just move that?

I try to move it again. This time, it moves. When I say 'moves', I mean that it multiplies and friggin' births another arm, identical but slightly transparent, which then does what I want it to.

What the hell?

I try the other arm and get the same result. Actually, I try all my limbs and get the same result.

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