Chapter 4

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-- Faye's POV --

I was in Greyson's car, waiting for him to finish school for the day.

Four days ago, Greyson had found out the truth about my...current situation. He had provided his help and support, but we still have no idea what to do.

This wasn't a problem you could just Google.

Well, you could, but I doubt you'd find anything helpful.

Yesterday, I had Greyson sneak into my house to get my phone; my mom had brought all of my stuff home two days ago. It was funny, telling him about the secret key in the flower pot, and scouting ahead for my parents.

Since I still couldn't touch anything, before Greyson left for school this morning, I had him set it up on his dash, playing music.

I only had another fifteen minutes or so before school was out. While I did spend most of my day here, earlier I had toured the town for what seemed like the hundredth time this week. Nothing exciting had changed.

I visited my parents one or twice during the week, but I don't enjoy seeing them look so miserable. My mom has what seems to be a permanent sniffle, and my dad barely speaks. They visit my comatose body every day, which I understand, but find slightly creepy. I am sleeping, after all.

There's been no change in my condition, and nothing has been confirmed, brain damage wise. I have no idea what will happen to this version of myself if I get better or die, so I'm kind of glad.

I jumped when the car door suddenly opened. Greyson climbed into the driver's seat, looking angry.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Greyson reached over for my phone and shut off its music.

"My math test." He replied, hastily jamming the key into the ignition.

"It can't be that bad-"

"43%. I failed." His mouth formed a hard line as he pulled out of the school's small parking lot. "I promised my mom that I'd pass. Well, she doesn't pay me enough attention to remember anyway."

"Uh, math?" I asked after a minute of silence. Greyson nodded, watching the road. I cleared my throat. "I'm pretty good at math. I could tutor you, if you want."

"I don't think I'll ever understand it..."

"At least let me try."

"I don't want to trouble you-" I cut him off by laughing.

"Trouble me? I have literally nothing to do all day. You're the only person I can talk to."

"Oh, yeah." After a moment, "Sure. I guess you could try. I'm a hopeless cause, though."

"It's worth a shot."

After ten minutes of driving, we reached Greyson's house. I hadn't been there before; Greyson asked me yesterday if I wanted something to do today, to which I accepted his invitation gladly.

"Well, here we are." Greyson asked as he pulled into the driveway and turned off the car. In front of me was a large, modern, expensive-looking two story house.

"Are you rich or something?" I asked after a moment of staring.

"I don't know, maybe a little?" He replied, sounding sheepish. He unbuckled his seat belt before pushing his car door open. I just drifted through the door, which still felt odd to me.

Greyson looked slightly surprised when he looked over to see me outside of the car without opening the door. "I'm sorry, that's still..."

"Creepy?" I supplied.

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