Chapter 13

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--Faye's POV--

I stare at my ceiling, wide awake. It has only been a few days, and it shouldn't bother me as much as it does, but I still find myself having trouble getting past it. The letter that fell out of the book Greyson had in his bag haunts me.

It wouldn't bother me so much if it was signed from someone else. The craziness, I can handle, but the fact that it's signed from me sends chills down my spine. Have I been losing chunks of time, doing things I can't remember? Could it be linked to me crashing my car? Could it be a side effect, or the cause?

A million unanswered questions fill my mind, preventing me from sleeping. I sigh as I roll out of bed and onto my feet. I haven't had a good night's sleep this week, and I'm really starting to feel it. My back aches and my head pounds as I walk barefoot to the kitchen. There, I boil water so I can make myself a cup of hot chocolate before I look for some advil in the cupboard. When I discover an empty bottle, I feel as if I could cry. I have no money, no car, no job - my previous job sacked me for not having any transportation - and now no damn pills. I have the worst luck.

After the water boils, I return to my room with a steaming mug of hot chocolate. To my dismay, it alleviates none of the pressure of my brain throbbing against my skull. I sigh and wince in pain as I roll over to look at the clock on my nightstand. The glowing numbers scorch my eyes, which had been adjusted to the darkness of the room. It's a little past eleven, and my parents are not due to be back from their party for another few hours at least. That leaves me with no vehicle and no parents with hidden stashes of medication.

After waiting for a few minutes and deciding that the headache is too painful to wait out, I grope around the bed for my phone, which I had discarded an hour ago when the screen became too bright for my eyes. Once I find it, I squint at the screen and scroll through my contacts list. It's a short scroll - I seem to have forgotten that I have no friends. There are only ten or so names, most of which are family members, old work numbers, or long forgotten friends from middle school. The only recent one is Greyson.

After debating for another couple of minutes, I send him a text.

Hey, what's up? - F

I begin to regret bothering him before I get a response ten minutes later.

At a stupid party. Finn dragged me along and I hate him. What's up with you? - G

Isn't it a school night? I'm dying with a headache. Do you know of any remedies? I'm out of pills. - F

This time, I get a response immediately.

It depends on what kind of headache you have. Sinus, hunger, lack of sleep, stress, etc. - G

I'm not sure, probably sleep. I tried to have a nap, but the pain is keeping me up. - F

Partially a lie, but I honestly can't sleep. I nearly resort to walking to the nearest convenience store - a mere hours walk away - before Greyson replies.

I have no idea. I can pick you up and we can go get meds, if you want. - G

No, I'll suffer through. Haven't you been drinking? You can't drive anyway. - F

Nope, designated driver. Finn can find another way home. PLEASE give me an excuse to leave. - G

I really don't want to drag Greyson away from his friends. I'll feel bad if they get angry at him for it. I sigh as I type a response.

Dont leave because of me, but if you want to, I can't stop you. You can easily make up an excuse. - F

I'll be outside your house in twenty. I'll text when I arrive. - G

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