𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 2

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I awaken with my heart hammering faster then ever before, because of a dream...it was quite an odd one too. A girl with the most brilliant blue eyes that glistened like a lagoon in a warm summer's day and her golden hair that cascaded down back, bouncing with every movement she made, it almost looked like silk and her skin was the most white i've ever seen almost like snow.  She was without a doubt the most gorgeous girl i've ever seen.

Shaking my head trying to forget about the dream with the mysterious girl, I sigh and sit up running a hand through my dark raven messy hair. I have to get ready for a court case in the metropolis watch-house.

I get up and quickly dress into my usual police uniform, buttoning up my black coat and running a hand through my hair once again trying to tame its wildness, I look towards my large circular  window with the sun leaking through the grey clouds of New York into my room, hearing the sounds of my red  cardinal chirping lively, smiling slightly at the bird i grabbed my satchel with important research and hurried out of the room closing the door behind me and speed down towards the stairs and racing through the streets, hailing a coach.

The metropolis is thriving with horse-drawn carts, men,Women, children, merchants and tradesmen everywhere.

The coach slows to a halt outside the city's watch-house, I note the men held in chains with a grim looking expression in front of the watch-house.

I get out of the coach and stride in with confidence, satchel in hand. i take my place amongst gathering members of the court, ready to bring fourth my standpoint.

The court is holding an Audition today, A row of the officials are auditioning applications, mostly consisting of obvious cranks and eccentrics. the applications are crowded on one side of the court room waiting  their turn, I among them. holding only my satchel compared to my fellow applicants.

The Burgomaster watches intensely seeing if he should even indulge his time, shadowing him was the high constable and various magistrates. The inventor before the Burgomaster was demonstrating something peculiar.

"Thank You Mr Williams...we will take you device under...consideration, Next!" the Burgomaster politly regarded.

It was now my turn, taking confident strides towards the burgomaster, "The millennium is almost upon us. In a Few months We will be living in the nineteenth century!" I Declared loudly stopping right infront of the podium into their view. "Yet our courts continues to rely on our medieval devices of torture." i affirmed.

I could see the frown forming on the High Constable's face, disagreeing with my opinion on the matter. "Stand Down!" he hollers at me.

This only makes me straighten my posture in pride and confidence, glancing at them all. "I Stand up!...for sense and justice"

I turn my back to the podium to face the people, my hands neatly folded behind my back "Our jails are overflowing with men and women convicted on confessions worth no more than this one" i added

The High constable Hammers at me furiously as i finish my statement of truth, I heard the Burgomaster booming voice bellowing in the court, "Constable Crane!"

I turn back towards and my confidence washes away instantly, anxiety only replaces the once demeanour i had, This is a song that we have heard from you more than once" he averred

At this my jaw could only tighten, i have come to this court more than once with this claim and not once have they took it into consideration i gaze back upon him, when i do not speak up he takes the chance "Now there are two courses open to me. First, I can let you cool your heels in a cell until you learn respect for my dignity of my office-"

"I beg your Pardon," i interruption, muttering a quick apology, placing my hand behind my back once more " But why am i the only one who sees that to solve crimes, to detect the guilty, we must use our brains to recognise vital clues, using up-to-date scientific techniques?"

"Which brings me to my second point.." the burgomaster stated

he leans a few inches closer to me, a smile plastering his features "There is a town upstate, two day's journey to the north in the Hudson Highlands. It Is a place called Sleepy Hollow...Have you heard of it?"

Sleepy Hollow?... i look down at my polished pitch black shoes in confession, a feeling of uneasiness filled my stomach, looking back up at the man " i have not"

"An isolated farming community, mostly Dutch. Three people have been murdered there, all within a fortnight. Each one found with there head..." he remarked darkly before sweeping his finger across his neck "Lopped Off"

My eye's widen at this sudden information, i utter out just above a whisper, not being unable to control the uneasy smile forming on my lips "L-Lopped off?"

The burgomaster sat up straight in his chair and flashed me a smile "Clean as Dandelion head, apparently you will take these experiments of your to Sleepy Hollow, And there you will detect the murderer, bring him here to face our good Justice " he added calmly, he glances at the High constable, then tilts his head and revert his eye back upon me "Will you do this?"

I swallow down the lump that was forming in my throat, knowing that this case will probably not end fabulous...well it's either this or Jail...

"I shall" choosing the second option, not wanting to spend the rest of my life behind bars..

before i walk away i can hear the Burgomaster lean forward, looking up at the man i notice that he is pointing a finger at me, "Remember, it is you..Ichabod Crane who is put to the test" chills ran down my spine as those words left his mouth.

Scanning my room my eyes fall upon the files books ,jars of chemicals, magnifying glasses, chalkboards, anatomy charts, scrolls and chalk sticks everywhere, sighing i packed most of the things i would be needing into my large briefcase.

looking at the room once again checking if i had everything, my ears were filled with the lively song of my Red Cardinal, it seemed that it's song brought joy to my small dark-end room.

I stepped towards the cage opening carefully and grasping the bird gently, feeling it soft feathers beneath my hand for the last time , looking at the beautiful bird sudden sadness enveloped my body. Stepping towards my large window i opened it and released the gorgeous bird, watching it fly away.

I looked down at the busy street below me and saw a coach halt the driver holds his head up in my direction...

My coach has arrived.

𝐹𝑜𝓇 𝒩𝑜𝓌 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝐹𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 - 𝙸𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚍 𝙲𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚎Where stories live. Discover now