Chapter 10

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Soon after the day had come and gone, i returned to the Van Tassels manor and immediately strided over to my room, tossing my black trench onto the bed and grabbing a fresh buttoned shirt. peeking around the bedroom door and the hallways making sure no one would see the blood stains that decorated my cream shirt.

Knowing that there wasn't a soul around, i make a beeline for the washroom, shutting the door behind me and locking it. you may be wondering what happened with the Widow Winship, well it turned out she was bearing a child. A madman had not only slaughtered a woman but a child too.

I sigh in desperation and begin to take my off my stained clothes, pouring the large porcelain pitcher of water into the cast iron tub, hearing the water trickle into the tub my eyes were focused on the small water droplets splashing back. hearing a faint knock on the door.

straightening my back up, growing stiff as a board, fear tickling at my neck, calling out reluctantly, "Yes?"

"Ichabod? is that you?" The soft voice calls out, like a sweet melody, and for a moment my breathing hitches.

feeling my anxiety grow as i answer her back "Yes, Madam"

"Ichabod, are you alright?" i hear the worry in her voice, the panic only growing more, hoping she wont come in and see me without clothes on and with splattered blood. she'd never look at me the same way , or even talk to me.

"I am Fine Victoria" i reply softly "i'm just washing up, i'll see you in the library" running a hand through my hair hoping that it would calm down the anxiety that has built up.

"okay Ichabod, i'll see you soon" i hear her response, but i never heard her leave.

"I-I..I wanted to say thank you, for the flowers, they were beautiful" she stammered. i pause in taming the birds nest of a hair, a small smile tugging at my lips.

"You remind me of them, vibrant, joyful and so full of life but also the most beautiful flower that i have ever seen" i marvelled, stepping closer to the door and placing my hand upon the wood. my heart welling up with flutters.

fearing her footsteps fade away i lean my head onto the door a smile gracing my features. returning the the bath. with a silly childish grin on my face.


returning back to the library, with a dusting of red covering my cheeks and feeling giddy, i was soon brought back to reality when i saw my sister in one of the sweetheart chairs. casually flipping through my collection of books .

"Katrina..what a lovely surprise" i voice with a tight lipped smile, casting my gaze around the room, not wanting to look near the her.

"Evening Sister, i just wanted to pop in and say a know since you're always Locked in here" she chimed, flopping one of the books down to the ground, and standing up. feeling my blood bubble at her mocking me in my sense of vulnerability, her knowing full well that father dose this on purpose.

"You know thats not true!" i fumed at the blonde girl in front of me, her head snapped back towards me, taking long strides over towards me she came to a halt, standing infront of me, face to face.

"You will not raise your voice at me! you stand down when you are spoken to Victoria" she roared, followed by a hard slap to my cheek, my head snapping to one side, feeling the familiar stinging sensation overwhelm me. "learn your place in this house Victoria, or else the consequence will be sever "

With that she made her way to the dark double oak doors, pulling on one of the handles, she paused in her movements.

"Oh..and don't think he likes you one should." and with that she faded away down the hall, her heels still clicking. but she stopped halfway and was greeted by another voice, a much smoother and gentle voice.

"Evening Ms Van Tassel"

"Please call me Katrina!" she gushed.

"Right, well i best be on my way." and with that footsteps could be heard along the wooden planks of the hallway, "Hang on a minute, would you not like to join me for dinner with the family?"

"No Thank you, i appreciate the offer but i must really get going. have a lovely night Ms Van Tassel"

hearing the steal heels that i came to enjoy halting outside the double oak doors. a light knock was followed suite

"come in"

"Ms Victoria, pardon if i kept you waiting at all." he stuttered as he entered the room, bergamot filling my senses.

"Not at all Ichabod." i beam up at the man infront of me, his raven hair still slightly wet.

"um..i was thinking if you wanted to possibly join me on a evening horseback ride? " he sputtered, fiddling with his hands in the process.

"it would make me most happy to join you Ichabod" i cheered, walking over towards him, seeing his arm outstretched ready to link them together .

making our way down the hall and into the foyer. he opened the main door for me, holding it as i walked through. gazing out at the farming lands that have been freshly cut, the smell of wheat and barley hitting me but also the smell of petrichor, it gave me a great sense of comfort. feeling something heavy draped on my shoulders, i took a quick glance and saw the black trench coat with gold buttons.

"It's a bit chilly, i don't want you falling sick" he mentioned, flashing me a smile, walking down the dirt path side by side into the main village area. gazing around us a comfortable silence filled the air, looking back up at the gentle giant a question popped into my head.

"How is the investigation going? find anything new?" i asked, looking up at him with curiosity.

he opens his mouth then closes it again...representing a fish out of water. he looks perplexed. "well i discovered that there where rather instead of four graves there were five.."

that halted my strides "impossible! five victims in four graves?"

shaking his head, he walks over to me, with a sad glint in his eyes."not impossible...just very unlikely, the Widow Winship...she was with child, Victoria."

raising my hand to my mouth in utter horror and disgust "The Hessian... decapitated an unborn?"

feeling my heart Wight down heavily, making my breathing uneven. a child, an innocent child not even born into the world, to experience the bright blue skies and the grass that tickled the noses of those who gazed at the fluffy clouds

a warm hand slip into mine, their fingers intertwining with my own. "i am sorry about this, and seeing that it upsets you so. which encourages me greatly to find this murderer. if it's the last thing i ever do."

strong arms enveloped me into a hug, caging me in like a butterfly. wrapping my arms around their torso i was greeted by a soft voice.

"I wont let him hurt you..even if i die trying

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