Chapter 11

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Recap: "How is the investigation going? find anything new?" i asked, looking up at him with curiosity.

he opens his mouth then closes it again...representing a fish out of water. he looks perplexed. "well i discovered that there where rather instead of four graves there were five.."

that halted my strides "impossible! five victims in four graves?"

shaking his head, he walks over to me, with a sad glint in his eyes."not impossible...just very unlikely, the Widow Winship...she was with child, Victoria."

raising my hand to my mouth in utter horror and disgust "The Hessian... decapitated an unborn?"

feeling my heart Wight down heavily, making my breathing uneven. a child, an innocent child not even born into the world, to experience the bright blue skies and the grass that tickled the noses of those who gazed at the fluffy clouds

a warm hand slip into mine, their fingers intertwining with my own. "i am sorry about this, and seeing that it upsets you so. which encourages me greatly to find this murderer. if it's the last thing i ever do."

strong arms enveloped me into a hug, caging me in like a butterfly. wrapping my arms around their torso i was greeted by a soft voice.

"I wont let him hurt you..even if i die trying"


upon reaching Mr. Killian's stables, he opens the warping wooden doors and glides in, bringing out a large shadow grey steed with white speckles that almost looked like freshly fallen snow, i marvel at it's beauty, "Is this your horse?"

"No. Temporarily, he is mine but i do not own him" he hummed, making sure the saddle is secure, "This is Gunpowder"

"He's gorgeous, Arn't you Boy" i chime, running my hands down his head and tickling his neck, "Do you two get along?" i ask, Tilting my head to the side to see Ichabod.

"We are a rather graceless pair, but yes all the same" he shared, patting Gunpowders stomach.

"Oh i don't believe that! i think you two would make an elegant duo, don't you agree boy?" as if understanding me, the steed huffed out nudging me with his head.

"Here" turning my gaze away from the Grey beauty, i noticed Ichabods hand withdrawn, taking it i heaved myself up onto the saddle, looking down at the raven haired man i frowned "What horse are you riding, if i'm on Gunpowder?"

without another word, he sticks his ink boot into the stirrup and heaves himself over the saddle plopping right behind me, feeling heat rise up my neck due to the closeness, his breath could be felt fanning the back of my neck and the rise and fall of his chest. "You do know how to ride i presume?" he questioned.

"Of course" i coughed, grabbing the reins and giving a small kick. we walked down the dirt pathway that led to the town, warm lights glowed in the distance as families kissed their children goodnight and told them fascinating stories that they soon dreamt off.

"It almost doesn't look real..." i whispered gazing at the town in awe.

"I thought the same when i laid my eyes upon it" i heard from behind me, looking back i saw brown orbs twinkling in the moonlight, filled with all sorts of emotions, smiling i returned to face the front. all that filled the night air was the chorus of crickets and the echoing sound of Gunpowders hooves clicking against the wood that arched over the small river.

that soon ceased when a malevolent sound could be heard, placing a hand on Ichabods leg out of fright, i murmured. "Did you hear that?" my eyes scanning the area for any figure, with no response, i turned back only to see the man rigid and his orbs on his leg where i placed my hand. quickly removing it, i sputtered out an apology, but he only shakes his head and flashes me one of his gentle smiles.

halting the horse, both of us listened closely, the only thing i could hear was my own heart hammering in my chest and the breathing of the two of us, a malicious whisper could be heard saying Ichabods name, but it was shortly followed by a splash near the river.

both agreeing that it was probably one of the creatures living near the river like a toad or a frog croaking.

continuing on over the bridge, i got lost in thought once more, it's strange how you can be taken by one person isn't it...i've been completely allured by this man behind me, his aura is so gentle and caring he reminds he of a breeze on a summers day, so refreshing and calm.

hearing a whine from behind, i stopped the horse and listened closely. soon i heard the gallop of hooves drum against the ground, both of us turning to scan the area but came up short, no one was there on the bridge behind us, a shiver ran down my spine soon the gallops stopped and all that could be heard was the crickets playing their song.

Ichabod hesitates as he builds up his courage to call out, "Who's There!?" but was met with silence from the chilly night.

steps could be heard, stepping into the chalky moonlight was the figure, i could feel my face drain of it's colour. there on the other side of the bridge was a man dressed in armour with a billowing black cape sat on-top of a jet black stallion, the hooves seemed to ooze black smoke but the thing that made my blood run cold was that the man was missing a head, in his right hand he seemed to be holding a deformed looking replica of a head.

"Ichabod, hold on tight" was the only thing i could stumble out as i grabbed the reins and galloped off, heeding my warning i felt his arms lock around my waist. pure shock and horror was etched onto my face as i could hear the same rhythmic sound following close behind.

The October night air was like razors cutting me, the wind held no mercy as we carried on, the sound of the reins whipping and the whines of the horse was all that i could hear, i hear Ichabod gasp in fright at the approaching figure.

Gunpowder gallops into the forrest, weaving through trees and jumping over falling trunks, stealing a glance behind i notice his armour reflecting of the moonlight, only making me snap the reins more. feeling someone tug at the reins harshly, i only catch a glimpse of a fiery head hurling towards Ichabod, He made Gunpowder do a sharp turn so he could protect me.


The pumpkin shaped head with fiery eyes, smashes Ichabod right in the face making his grip on me loosens and tumbles backwards of off Gunpowder, hitting the ground with a loud


with the sudden action it only frightens Gunpowder more, calming down the horse i give a scan of the area we are in, spotting the Horsemen rearing again only to race right past us leaving us horrified and breathless. i hear the drum of hooves gallop of...but it was more than just one set this time.

slipping off Gunpowder i tie him to the nearest tree and go aid Ichabod, bending down i could see that he was shaken, his face was a sickly shade of milk. glancing up once more the horsemen stops somewhere near the forrest line and throws his cloak to the ground revealing a man with a bundle of ropes balanced upon his head, hearing roaring laughter echo throughout the forrest i recognise the voices immediately.

Brom Van Brunt. Glenn and Theodore are there too, holding onto the black stallion, returning my eyes to Ichabod i see that his expression is haunted and mortified. his eyes held a melancholy smog to them, "Ichabod listen to me, it was met him at the funeral. there was no headless Horsemen."

still it was no point, he still trembled from the experience, the only sign that he heard me was a solemn nod, then his eyes roll to the back of his head his brown orbs too tired to be open anymore.


Oh My Sweet Baby Jesus! the book has reached it's first 1k, i can't explain how happy i am thank you so much for giving this book a chance i know i've been away lately but i'm back in full force now! I see how much people enjoy the book and i want to finish it. So thank you everyone i love each and everyone of you! Xx

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