Chapter 6

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As i arrive at the murder site shortly after Mr killian my eyes scanned the area for a familiar figure dressed in a black clock, but for some reason she wasn't there, glancing the other people that has arrived i noticed them watch Doctor Lancaster turn over the headless corpse.

"Its alright. i'm here now," i assured them as i struggled and stumbled of off my horse.

regaining my footing i straightened my posture and ignoring the barrel chested man that was eyeing me up. striding over to the corpse that laid limp on the floor, New York was never like this...

Doctor Lancaster straightens out the body  the body respectfully and stands up walking to Phillipse's side so i can start my work on the recently deceased corpse.

From behind me i could hear Doctor Lancaster announce grimly "The fourth victim...Jonathan Masbath"

facing the body once more unsettled with the sight of the headless corpse, glancing down straight at the severed neck seeing the blood pool and leak down the poor man's chest, instantly fighting to keep down the rising bile that was forming. "Ah.." was all i could reply back with.

glancing at the former man i noticed something odd, his head was no where to be see. clenching my jaw in irritation thinking that one of the men played a sick joke.

"And...the head?"

Magistrate phillipse speaks up "Taken."

snapping my head towards him "Taken..." i repeat back with bluntly

he didn't say anything back to me just nodded.

Someone took the head from the site. Why? I make my way around the corpse, inspecting it for further details. "Interesting, very interesting"

Looking to my side i take note of Doctor Lancaster and his body Language...he seems rather unprofessionally twitchy- he grasps Phillipse by the arm holding it like a child would do to its mother if it was frightened, The man shakes the Doctor of off his arm and swiftly takes out a flask that was attached to his hip, taking a swig. their behaviour to me seems to be out of the ordinary, turning my attention back to the matter at hand, putting aside my observation.

Baltus strides towards me with hesitation "What is it?"    

rolling my neck back to look up at the man who's face was plastered with a look of utter disgust.

"In Headless corpse cases like these" i informed gesturing my hand infront of me towards the once headed man "The head is removed to prevent identification of the body"  i finished

Not understanding my explanation "But we know it's Jonathan Masbeth" he stated

staring up at the tree tops were they swung and crashed into one another in complete discomfort, then raking my eyes back over him, exclaiming with minor irritation "Precisely! So why has the head been removed?"

the men don't utter a word towards me, rather still confused and wanting me to detangle the knots in their thoughts.

"Why" Baltus spoke out.

I nod, leaning more towards him to emphasis' my reason knowing he is now finally asking the right questions. "Right"

i scan my eyes over the three men: Baltus, Magistrate Phillipse and Doctor Lancaster. They all watch me seeing what my next movements will be. my eyes snap back to phillipse who was taking another swing of of his sliver flask. i glance back at the recently decaying corpse, unsure of what to make of it all. In all honesty i'm not that keen to take a closer look at the body...Wait a second

striding up to Doctor Lancaster with brows furrowed, staring him directly in the eyes "you have moved the body" i declared rather than asked him.

He nods and swallows a lump in his throat. "I did"

infuriated by his actions, i scold him on the spot. "You must never move the body!"

He blinks at me completely baffled and confused. "Why not"

"Because." i squinted irritably, looking down at my black polished shoes  and walking back towards the corpse. i don't have the patience or the time to explain it to them how little details can provide so much information, they wouldn't understand the reasoning of it all.

turning my head slightly over my shoulder, I observe the men, each one individually. Despite their interests, they are rather impressed with my knowledge.

Setting my bag down on the woodland ground, that was covered in Moss and freshly fallen crisp leaves. A mark that was embedded into the mud took my interest, there was significant deep   hoofprint, looking at the strides, it looked rather awkward. placing my foot in each of the steps, i noticed how large they were. "The Stride is gigantic!"

I look all around the ground studying each and every print that was etched onto the Earths surface. what puzzled me the most was that the prints looped around in a circle.

"The attacker rode down Masbeth" i tell them, turning on my heel and striding over to the prints. and continuing, "Turned his horse..."

then i strode back to where the corpse laid, "Came back.." Looking down at the headless body, then it suddenly dawned on me.

looking up at the men with a euphoric smile plastered on my features, "The attacker came back to claim his reward, The Head"

Glancing back at the crowd of people watching me with astonishment with my antics, as i had leaped from hoofprint to hoofprint like a mere child would do in puddle's on a rainy day.

pausing for a moment, i hastily grab my satchel,  kneeling infront of the beheaded corpse. Opening my bag, lifting out a small glass bottle filled with fine grounded green dust. Uncorking it, i look at the corpse sideways. immensely feeling nauseous by the sight of the flapping flesh and blood i looked anywhere else bar there.

Holding my breath, lifting the bottle and sprinkling a thin layer of the powder onto the dirt, waiting for it to sink in, a reaction unfolds infront of me. causing the powder to bubble and froth.

Murmuring softly to myself, thinking it's all coming together, "Yes.." "There's a chemical reaction that's just taken place. it shows there was a powerful singular thrust to the neck."  i announce  a littler louder.

popping the cork back onto to my little vial and placing it back into to my satchel.

I swallow down my queasiness, trying not to let my nerves show, leaning down, my face mere inches from the woodlands ground, taking out my magnifying spectacles which were wire-framed with lenses scattered everywhere. fumbling to place them on, as soon as they were safe on me i proceeded to continue examine the neck wound, whispering to myself " Now.."

taking a delicate fine tweezer, that thins out into small clamps. calming my breathing seeing as the small tweezers start to shake uncontrollably due to my nerves, moving the flesh away from the neck to get a better look, i noticed the flesh seems cauterised.       

suddenly a blood red beetle crawls from out of the neck, gasping, alarmed by the situation i bolt upright almost stumbling over myself. "interesting..." i murmur under my breath looking away from the sight.

Baltus pipes up "What is it?"

swallowing down the lump in my throat still shaken with the grotesque sight and the beetle that seemed too feast on the flesh of the dead mans neck.

fighting my nerves as i look up at the man staring into his eyes, " The wound was cauterised the very instant the blade made contact, almost as if the blade was on fire.." i trailed of as i finished.

i adjusted my magnifying glasses on the bridge of my nose, "And yet no blistering or scorched flesh.." i added looking back over my shoulder.

Something caught my eye though, a figure was hiding behind one of the trees, a black stallion and black robes...

Deep in my thoughts i didn't realise the group of men where mumbling to each other, until one of them screamed out "The Devil's fire!" snapping my head back towards the person who hollered it, i noticed it was phillipse, he was gripping his hands to his chest and eyes wide like saucers

This only made me worry, casting my eyes upon a tree that was hiding the figure i saw that she was no longer there.

I will solve your mystery soon Victoria

𝐹𝑜𝓇 𝒩𝑜𝓌 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝐹𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 - 𝙸𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚍 𝙲𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚎Where stories live. Discover now