Chapter 8

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A|N: hello my sweethearts, as some may know my health hasn't been the best. the only book that i have recently update is Tom Riddle, but even that is slow. i do apologies for the lack of chapters, but i will try. please listen to the video while reading this chapter. thank you

Victoria's Pov,




It's funny how life moment you'r living your best life and then the next you could be sitting, looking back on memories you shared with others wishing to have them back. some say their scared of death, i wonder why...i welcome it with open arms if he decides to come knocking at my door one day.

Watching the droplets of rain trickle down my window pane, seeing on how they race each other. not even the sky will grace me with Its happiness, or the boy that has just lost his father.

"Masbeth, Darling let me tell you something" i whispered loud enough for him to hear me, my back still facing the sorrowful soul that laid on the plush velvet couch.

"Love is often cut short, there is beauty in the temporary...feeling that hole in your heart will heal give it time, it is often what people call the counterpart. But for it to heal you must experience both, to truly appreciate life itself and the ones around you"

Watching the rain pitter patter on the dirt road, my thoughts became clear for only a moment...but then came rushing back when the boy let out a sob.

looking back at him, my heart clenched. he was only a boy. walking over to the crackling fire and where a small mountain of books lay, i sat down on the carpet.

"Honey come here" I gestured my hand towards him, waiting for him to hold my hand.

The boy pulled himself up from the couch and trailed his way over to me, his cheeks soaked with tears and eyes that could tell a million stories all that end in heartbreak and sorrow. his hand held mine and i could feel the tears on his palm.

Pulling out a book from the small stack, i smiled when i read the title. the blue fairy.

It was said that she brought happiness to the kingdom she lived in, and one day she fell in love...but not with anyone. she fell deeply in love with the king, of course he showered her in riches and love. they lived happily in the palace having a family shortly after, she still visited the village from time to time. But one day something terrible happened, for some unknown reason the fairy was withdrawn from her magic, stripped of the glimmering blue aura she gave out. she no longer gave out the happiness she used too. but that did not stop the king from loving her.

"The Blue Fairy...It was my favourite, Mama always read it to me before i went to sleep. i haven't read it in so long"

giving a soft smile to the boy, i patted the space next to me. watching him lay down and rest his head on my lap, i picked up the book once more and started to read to him.

A hour has passed since Young Masbeth fell asleep. Looking down at the Boy that has recently fallen an Orphan, my heart pains to see him like this. Sighing, I sit the Hardcover book back onto the small pile.

Hearing the living room door creak open, I glance up to see who was there. Leaning in the doorway I caught a glimpse of the black wild hair that always seemed knotted. Ichabod leaned against the doorway not seeming to notice me until last minute

"Oh, Pardon my intrusion" he murmurs once he catches sight of me. i smile softly at his nerves and look down to see that young Masbeth  is still asleep.

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