Chapter 7

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A/N- OK WOW Literally didn't think this book would get this much love, by the way i do apologies for not updating in such a long time, i just started collage and everything is quite loaded.

anyway enough of my babbling, i'm sure you want to on with the story good sir. 



Fighting my nerves as i looked up at the man staring into my eyes " The wound was cauterised the very instant the blade made contact, almost as if the balde was on fire." i trailed off as i finished.

i adjusted my magnifying glasses on the bridge of my nose, "And yet no blistering or scorched flesh.." i added looking over my shoulder.

something caught my eye though, a figure was hiding behind one of the trees, a black stallion and black robes...

Deep in thought i didn't realise the group of me were mumbling to each other until one of them screamed out "The Devils fire!" snapping my head back towards  the person who hollered it, i noticed it was phillipse, he was gripping his hands to his chest and eyes wide like saucers

this only made me worry, casting my eyes upon the tree that was hiding the figure i saw that she was no longer there

i will solve your secret soon Victoria.




I stand off to the side behind Baltus and the Lady Van Tassel, a bit distant from village that is gathered for Jonathan Masbath's Funeral. Reverend Steenwyck stands at the open grave reeding from the bible, "Be vigilant..." as it says in the book of peter, chapter five, verse eight. "Because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion, walking about, seeking whom he may devour.."

i glance over at the crowd of people who are whispering and stealing glances at me. I look around observing all of them closely. Young Masbath standing with his head hung low, threatening glassy blue tears in his eyes that begged to be released. Theodore and Glenn are Nearby with Rifles over their shoulders. Glancing to where Katrina and Victoria  and find that they were crying.

Brom Doesn't regard Victoria or even give her a single glance. Instead, he notices my gaze and throws me daggers, wrapping an arm around Katrina, who was wiping away her tears with a white cloth, pink stitching on the outside of the material. tearing my gaze away from them i glanced over at Victoria, her hair was thrown up into an elegant bun  black pearls dotted here and there. she looked hauntingly beautiful.

Before i decided to walk over to her and comfort her,  Reverend Steenwyck sermonised sorrowfully "God Rest, Jonathon Masbath."

The Funeral ended there, people filtering out of the cemetery. Steenwyck approaches the small boy and gently pats him on the shoulder comforting him the best he can before joining the others in leaving.

walking past me i glance at him, Steenwyck notices my gaze and shoots back with clear daggers in his eyes fire burning with rage he cant conceal. shifting my eyes back to the young boy who was infront of his fathers head stone, peeling my eyes of the boy i looked to his left to see Victoria And Katrina making their way out of the cemetery. looking closer i noticed that Baltus was holding his Daughters hand, leaving Victoria to be isolated behind them.

"Mr Constable, sir" came a soft voice behind me, turning around. My eyes landed on a small broken boy with glassy blue eyes, Bending down to his hight i give a small sorrowful smile.

"Ah. Young Masbath, Didn't see you there" i regarded politely with a small chuckle.

The boy Looks down at his shoes hoping to keep the tears at bay, taking in a breath he brings his head up again and stares at me with hope "I was the Young Masbath, but not anymore i'm now the only one. Masbath, at your service. In honour bound to avenge my fathers death"

stunned with his proposal and courage i was speechless, snaping back into reality i couldnt let this young boy come in harms way under my watch. "Well, One-and-only Masbath, i thank you for your proposal but i think your mother would need you more than I"

shaking his head softly, he answers his voice is low and sad "My Mother is in Heaven sir. she has my Father to take care of now...but you have no one to serve you, I am your man, Sir!"

feeling a pang in my chest and an urge to protect the small boy. i cant let him get involved into this case "Yes and such a brave one too, but i cannot be the one to look after you"

he lowers his head in shame of not being able to honour his mother and father, i see the sorrow he bears as small droplets of water hit his shoe.

reaching out and placing a hand on his shoulder "I am truly sorry for your loss, Young Mr Masbath"

getting up from my crouching position i turn away when i hear a gentle voice behind me.

"Masbath sweetie, come here" turing around to see who this voice belonged to i was shocked to see Victoria standing there with her arms outstretched, it didn't take long for the boy to crash against her.

"It's alright sweetheart, you can cry all you want" Victoria Soothed, rubbing the boy's back. small sobs could be heard coming from the boy, his body was shaking violently.

taking a step back she looked at the boy, stroking his dark brown hair away from his face as tears still slipped down his face.

"I don't want to cry anymore Vic, i want my parents back " Masbaths voice could be heard braking, his sobs only grew to be gut wrenching. he was after all only a child who had lost his mother and father.

"Darling, Not everything in your heart can be said out loud, so god created tears... sweetie never think any less of yourself"  Victoria held the boy tighter in her embrace, "You are like the sun, brilliant, warm and necessary.  and i will love you fiercely for as long as i can, i will make up for the both of them." kissing the top of the boys head, Victoria held his hand and walked out of the cemetery, giving one long sorrowful look at the Constable.

"How about some honey and Tea? i remember when you where little that used to be your favourite" and that was the last he heard of Victorias voice as she drifted down the dirt path to the van Tassel Manor.


Okay i know the ending of this chapter was a bit rubbish but my mind is frazzled, anyway what do you think of Victoria bringing in Masbath as her own?  tell me what you think so far about the book! i love you all and i'll try to update often key word  Try .

Till next time my darlings  Xx

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