chapter 3

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As the Coach journey begun i watch New York fade away as i passed by civilians and street lamps shortly we were surrounded by wilderness and and overcast Grey skies that loomed over me.

dusk began to fall and soon the Coaches lanterns lit the way as the coach lurched along, searching for my satchel wanting to look at my notebook, finally finding it i settled back again and flipped the first page open to study my handwriting and drawings that i have done showing gruesome torture devices, with little written phrases like "Punish the Guilty, Not the Weak!" and other things as such.

Torture devices are hugely inhumane in my eyes. it should be forbidden to do such things. if you have careful observation into a crime scene it will hold the truth to the manner of death, after all truth is the honourable way.

flipping the page again felling the thin yellow pages beneath my fingertips looking at my research on Sleepy Hollow case, having a roughly drawn map of the Hudson River and the two cities either side of it New York and Sleepy Hollow and just below it the three current victim's: Peter Van Garrett, who was prominent land owner and his son Dirk Van Garrett and a widow by the name Emily Winship. every single one of them...decapitated

looking out the window unnerved and the vast amount of woodland captivating my attention, my mind was brought back to the girl in my dream her lagoon coloured eyes still hypnotise me. There was not a chance in gods heaven that this girl is real. feeling my cheeks burn i shook the girl out of my mind and glanced my eyes back to my notebook sighing.

A day has past since i left New York to work on this case and all that filled me was anxiety, checking the contents of my leather satchel that sat on my lap, i pulled out some science tools of my own design making sure it still works, pausing a moment lowering the tool to study the palm of my hand.

touching the strange scars on my palms evenly spread tiny dots... i can't remember how i got them but they've been with me forever, looking out my window to see the sun fall over the horizon once again relaxing back against the leather seat my eyes slowly closing drifting of into a slumber but it didn't last long as a Wolf's howl jolted me awake, scrambling to shut the curtains with uneasiness growing in my stomach.

Hours passed by and i eventually fell asleep a hard bump of the coach jolts me awake trying to get gain my bearings, the coach begins to slow down coming to stop. Looking out the window to spot a farmland of a town...but a rather eerie atmosphere.

Taking my briefcase and my satchel out of the coach i began my way down the dirt path into Sleepy Hollow.

as i was half way i noticed something unnerving, there was not a soul in sight, it was deserted, continuing on i finally arrived at the destination i needed to be at the Van Tassel household.

coming to the door of the household i heard a sound that sounded severely unpleasant looking to my right i noticed a young couple lustfully kissing although it was to dark to tell who it was i just averted my gaze back to the door, thankfully it opened shortly after.

Walking in i noticed there was a party taking place no doubt a harvest celebration the air was filled with joyful laughter . there were women dressed in beautiful colours and small children running around enjoying the celebration.

Looking further into the bustling crowd i noticed a small group they were chanting something along the lines of "the pickety witch" and a woman that was being spun around, watching carefully making my way slowly around them in hope not to make contact with them.

the lady makes a lunge but fails as no one was there, i try to make my way past to reach the furthest door but instead found myself in the young woman's grasp.

her hands feeling my jaw "Is It Theodore?" she asked softly.

The room went silent and embarrassment washed over me freezing with tension i say quietly to her "No pardon miss. i am only a stranger"

the woman smiles brightly and speaks softly once more "Then have a kiss on account" feeling the woman kiss my cheek i'm sure i was a deep crimson by now.

taking of her blindfold i almost had to do a double take, for a second i thought i saw the girl from my dreams although her hair wasn't the colour golden colour he came to love nor were her eyes the lagoon he seemed to fall into...instead her hair was the colour of pale wheat and her eyes were a hazel . my heart sinking as i thought i had found the culprit of my dreams.

"I am looking for Baltus Van Tassel."

the woman smiles kindly at me and a man appeared by her side "I am his Daughter, Katrina Van Tassel" she introduced herself.

the barrel-chested man next to her asks rather rudely "And who are you, friend? we have not heard your name yet"

answering him back in a polite and well mannered but rather bluntly structure that i could manage "I have not said it"

facing the woman before me i apologised with a small timid smile "Excuse me.."

The broad man grabbed me by my collar startling me, gripping my shoulders with force and making me face him directly, "You need to learn some manners !"

Katrina gripped the mans arm and scolded him "Brom!"

jumping slightly as i heard another mans booming voice announce "Come, Come. we'll have no raised voices"

the man holding me shoved me back releasing my shoulders, looking at him in bizarre way fixing my coat i glanced back up at the man who had entered the room, the man who i assume is Baltrus Van Tassel. "it is only to raise the spirits during the dark time that i and my wife are giving this little party"

relived to see that i see the man that has sent for me has arrived.

looking behind the man i see a lady dressing in the most finest clothes and her hair nicely done, assuming thats lady Van Tassel.

the man scans the room and then his eyes finally land on me addressing me "Young Sir, you are welcome even if you are selling something"

replaying respectfully to the man i fish out the letter from my coat "Thank You Sir"

handing him the letter i introduced myself, "I am Constable Ichabod Crane, sent from New York City to investigate the murders Of Sleepy Hollow"

Lady Van Tassel greets me kindly in a warm manner " Then Sleepy Hollow is grateful to you, Constable Crane, And we hope that you will honer us by remaining in this house"

i smiled gratefully at her, nodding in gratitude.

Baltus, who was scanning the letter suddenly spoke and praised his wife. "Well spoken dear"

his face then turned to me and smiled "well come sir. we'll get you settled"

leaning down to pick up my two bags i noticed Katrina watching me with a faint smile, smiling kindly at the girl i followed Baltus to my provided room , walking down the long corridors, we passed two double oak door that was slightly ajar light of the fireplace dancing along the walls.

Hearing the softest voice hum a melody that was like angles enchanting me, But before i could even peer inside Baltus closed the door of the singing angle, "Apologies Constable, That would be my other Daughter Victoria Van Tassel"

Looking at the man infront of me "Victoria?" not realising i said that out loud the man gave me a look and continued to explain "Yes, You see Victoria doesn't like to socialise with the towns folk, so she stays here in our house cooped up in the Library. She's not like Katrina quite the opposite really"

he finished showing me my room "We hope that you can sort this case out soon Constable" I only Nodded still lost in thought.

Victoria Van come she didn't come up on my report on the van Tassel family? nevertheless i would love to meet her..

sighing happily i sat down my bags and unpacked my equipment laying them all in a straight line, walking over to the bed and lay down. thinking of the girl thats been haunting me for the past few days...

"Who are you...?"

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