Chapter 5

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walking along the dirt path breathing in the ice like air i couldn't help but shudder mostly at the cold but at the conversation i just had with the gentlemen, now i'm not mostly one to believe in spiritual entities but that was rather...grotesque.

losing myself in the dirt streets not knowing what turn to take to find my way to the stables. finally succumbing to find help and turning to the closets person near me.

"Pardon me miss but do you happen to kno-"  I started but was caught of guard when i was struck with the most brilliant blue eyes i've ever seen, her hair was a golden waterfall shimmering in the sunlight...she was the culprit of my dreams.

"Sir?" i heard her angelic voice call out to me but i was to hypnotised by her to even respond, thats when i saw another girl behind her with the same colour of skin and hair Katrina

"excuse me, sir are you alright?" the girl asked once more looking at the young man infront of her, he seemed lost or in a daze, shaking him slightly on his arm seemed to wake him up from his haze.

"Yes pardon me, Miss but do you happen to know where the stables are?" the man infront of her questioned scratching the back of his neck like a child would do if asking for candy.

looking up at the man she noticed how handsome he was but also quite odd, his messy dark curls fell from his head covering his eyes, his pale complexion was astonishingly white with dark circles under his eyes that seemed to go on forever. looking down at his clothes she noticed how city like they were, his black button up trench coat  was complemented with gold detailed buttons, everything seemed to scream mystery to the young girl.

"yes, i assume you'r new?" replied the young girl with a shy smile.

"Quite...its silly really to get lost in a town this small" I commented, looking around the small village

"its not silly, the best things are hidden away from prying eyes" she voiced almost to herself more than anything.

"Mr Crane! what a delight to see you out" drifted a voice from behind them

turning around he noticed it was a curly blonde floating his way, she must have noticed the two talking.  "I see you've met my sister"

"Sister?" i questioned, thinking back to what Baltus had said to me just a night ago.

"Yes, Victoria she's my younger sister. she doesn't walk around the town much always cooped up in the library at home, isn't that right Victoria" Katrina voiced almost like belittling the girl and it seemed to work as the girl shrunk in hight and bowed her head at the unwanted attention.

turning around to cast my gaze upon the young girl infront of me who was shrinking in hight by the second only wanting the ground to swallow her up away from the eyes that were gorging  into her ready to rip her apart.

"So Constable what where you looking for?" mussed Katrina

"The Stables...but Miss Victoria was kind enough to lead me there."i declared looking over my shoulder at the girl with her head bowed down.

"Oh nonsense i'm sure my sister has some book waiting for her back at home" Katrina remarked

"Thats very kind of you but i already agreed to Miss Victoria, i apologise sincerely" I  uttered, bowing slightly and waited for The young girl to lead the way.

"I apologise for my sister, she can be at dose one put it.." Victoria vocalised after a minute of silence   

"It's alright" i replied softly knowing that the girl isn't used to having company

"May i ask how old you are?" i added, seeing how long the dirt road was i may as well pass the time to get to know her.

"22" she timidly replied back with "My sister is 25" smiling warmly at her  i remarked "I'm also 25"

Getting closer to the destination i noticed some stables that looked in a some what of good condition.

"Well sir this is were i must leave you now" she claimed, looking down at her i noticed how she was slightly shaking due from the crisp October air  " me Ichabod" i voiced bowing and taking my leave.

The stables belonged to the the Killian Family, with Mr.Killian, a dashingly, elder man being the father of the rather young family. i took a liking to him although i can't say the same for the horse he offered to me.

Killian walks up to me with the old stallion "His names Gunpowder" he states.

not wanting to offended Killian i slap the horses hind quarters gently "he should do just fine Mr. Kil-"

The horse started to whine softly due to my slap, its reflexes startling me making me jump to the side, my smile disappearing like thin air. continuing my sentence a little quieter "Thank you Mr. Killian"

The man stood smirking at me with an amused glint in his eyes "Good luck sir, if you need my help, Call my name"

letting me take the reins backing away from Gunpowder, smiling in return "Much appreciated"

Once again my smile drops when the horse nuzzles it's face towards me, immediately  i lean away from the horse alarmed by its actions

i hear Mrs. Beth Killian and another woman come out of their home, turning to watch them in curiosity.

she stands at the doorway looking at the woman infront of her handing her a bunch of herbs

Mrs. Killian tells the woman as they walk out of the doorway "Now don't you worry about a thing . Everything's going to be just fine"

As the woman leaves Mrs. Killian turns on her hill and goes back inside the house but something seems to falter her strides as she turns towards the small pasture infront of the barn.

"Thomas, Inside!" she ordered her son then resuming to walk back into the house.

turning my gaze to the boy who she hollered at i noticed the little boy feeding the horses in their little pen area, The boy puts down the food and comes running towards where his mother once was getting embraced by his father. Mr. Killian lifts him up and peppers his cheeks with kisses" setting the boy back down "Go run along for your breakfast. kiss your mother once for you and twice for me"

patting the boy on the back telling him to go, which the boy complied.

Before i can say a word a gunshot was heard of in the distance in the direction of the woodland the sound was soon followed by a man ridding horse back hurrying and shouting Mr Killian and i watch the man in horror as he shouts "The horse men has struck again!"

Mr. Killian rushes off and mounts his horse leaving me to try and mount Gunpowder

Although me and the horse stared out on rather grim way. the horse began taking off in a whole other direction as i was trying to mount it hanging on to the saddle for dear life

"Come on. Nope. No. No.No " i nervously call out to the horse hoping it would listen to my pleas 

"No. Come on the other way, turn around" i tug the reins gently not wanting to hurt the horse

"Hyah!" i hear a female voice yell out turning to seen who it was, billowing black robes rush past me with golden locks of hair tumbling out of the hood and a black stallion with hooves that sounded like the roar of thunder as it galloped ...Victoria

making the horse turn with more force now i rush after the black stallion thats headed towards the Gunshot's

𝐹𝑜𝓇 𝒩𝑜𝓌 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝐹𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 - 𝙸𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚍 𝙲𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚎Where stories live. Discover now