A Mountain Of Problems.

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normal clothes your wearing

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normal clothes your wearing

I was running towards the quints apartment being late from stopping a mugging. I ran the the entrance and saw the door was about to close I ran faster I reached out and grabbed it barely making I ran inside and saw Miku and Fuutarou in the elevator. Miku was about to hold the elevator door but was to late it closed taking them up.

Y/n: Stupid L/n luck, guess I gotta take the stairs again.

I ran towards the stairs and checking if anyone was around when the coast cleared I started jumping up and webbing my way up. I got to the door and opened arriving at the same as Miku and Fuutarou

Miku: Wait how did you get up here so fast?

Y/n: I ran up the stairs how else was I supposed to get up here.

Miku: That doesn't answer how you get up here so fast.

Ignored her question and walked towards their apartment

Y/n: Let's not worry about that right now. Let's go inside and study.

She started pouting at me but dropped the subject

(10 minutes later)

I walked up the stairs trying to gather all the quints. I knocked on Itsuki she opened it and started glaring at me

Itsuki: Great you guys just had to show up.

I chuckled awkwardly then I knocked on Yotsuba door

Yotsuba: Y/n it's good to see you again!

Y/n: Hey

Then I knocked on Nino's door she opened it and glared at me then slammed the door

Y/n: I expected that to happen *sigh*

I was then in ichika's room trying to get her out of bed

Y/n: You gotta be kidding me.

Ichika: I don't know.... its gotta be here somewhere

Yotsuba: The white one, right?

Ichika: Yeah sorry.

Y/n: It's afternoon and here you are still in bed.

Yotsuba then picked up a piece of black lingerie

Yotsuba: Is this thing really yours, ichika? Whoa, so grown-up!

Ichika: We have the same face. It would look just as good on you.

Yotsuba: Wha...

Ichika: You've had the same underwear since grade school. Its time to throw'em out.

Yotsuba stood flailing her arms embarrassed

Yotsuba: Y/n here! Shhh!

She turned around

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