Black Cat Strikes

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Fuutarou: I can't believe they each bombed four subjects. Great.

Fuutarou was currently looking at his notebook that had all the Quints score from the midterms. Raiha was behind us washing the dishes from our dinner.

I sat right Fuutarou sketching up suit designs on my notebook. While Isanari sat across from us holding a bowl in his hands.

Fuutarou: I know we didn't have much time, but all of them studied so hard!

Isanari: Fuutarou! There's no talking about school at the dinner table!

Fuutarou: What kind of dumb rule is that? Besides you were the one who hooked me up with this job!

Isanari: You weren't always the whiz-kid you are today, remember? They'll get there. Try not to worry so much.

The conversation caught Raiha's attention. She stopped doing the dishes and turned around.

Raiha: Huh?

She walked over to Isanari.

Raiha: Wow, you mean there was a time when Fuutarou wasn't a huge nerd?

Isanari: Oh, yeah. In fact, your big bro was a regular troublemaker, same as his old man.

She looks at him shocked.

Raiha: Really?

Isanari: And don't think I don't know about that old photo you keep tucked in your student handbook.

Fuutarou looked stunned hearing that as Raiha looked at him eager to see it.

Raiha: Show me!

Fuutarou: Hell no! I'm not gonna let--

While Fuutarou's attention was on Raiha, Isanari grabbed his student handbook from his shirt pocket.

Isanari: Gotcha!

Fuutarou: Hey! Dad!

Fuutarou tried to reach for his student handbook, but Isanari kept it out of his reach. Everytime Fuutarou made a move to grab Isanari moved his arm back and out of Fuutarou's reach.

Raiha: Yay! I wanna see it too!

Raiha runs over to Isanari, he opens up Fuutarou's student handbook.

Isanari: Now. Let's look.

He gives the handbook to Raiha who grabs and had a face mixture of surprise and awe.

Raiha: Whoa! That can't really be him, can it? How?

Isanari laughs hearing this, I chuckled as well.

Isanari: That was around the time you met that little girl and became the way you are today.

This surprises me. I put my notebook down and looked at Fuutarou smirking.

Y/n: This is the first I ever heard of this.

I scooted closer to him and started nudging his sides.

Y/n: Who was she? What's her name? What was she like?

Fuutarou: Butt out! That's none of your business!

Y/n: Awwww, don't be like that. You either tell me now or--

I scooted closer to him and whispered to him.

Spider-Cop: Spider-Cop will investigate it.

He pushed me away from and I laughed at this.

Fuutarou: That is such a stupid name!

Both Raiha and Isanari looked at us confused.

Isanari: What are you two talking about over there?

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