Green Terror

971 38 24

Itsuki sat at the foot of the front door, waiting for the arrival of Y/n and Fuutarou. The two were 30 minutes late for their scheduled morning tutoring session. Which made Itsuki quite annoyed at their tardiness.

Itsuki: Looks like their late.

She gets up and opens the door to walk out of her apartment.

Itsuki: Saturday's our tutoring day. Everybody's waiting of them, what the heck is taking so long.

Down the hallway, Itsuki saw Fuutarou laying face first on the floor.

Itsuki: Uesugi?!

She rushes over and flips the supposed dead Fuutarou over to see the blank look on his face.

Itsuki: Dead!

Her face turns into one of horror. Thinking the worst has happened.

A snot bubble began to expand and shrink with each breath he took. Showing Itsuki that he's very much alive.

Itsuki: Never mind, he's asleep.

After spending a few seconds waking him up, the two entered the apartment and took off their shoes at the entrance.

Fuutarou: I did it again. I always get so into my studying the night just flies by.

He says embarrassingly. Rubbing his head sheepishly.

Itsuki: Well, we waited a long time, but then we just had to start without you.

Itsuki walks away from him, heading toward the living room.

Fuutarou: Sorry. But, anyway, I'm determined to make you pass this time.

He takes his backpack off him and reaches for the countless problem sheets. Itsuki stops and looks over to see him holding out the massive stacks of paper in his hand

Fuutarou: Which is why... I've prepared this.

She stares at the stacks in horror.

Fuutarou: It's a problem set that covers all the topics we can expect to come up.

He tries to hand them over to Itsuki, but she holds out her hands to stop it.

Fuutarou: If you guys do well on this, you might have a fighting chance!

Itsuki pushed it towards him.

Itsuki: I dunno, we've already lost so much time. Let's just call it a day!

Fuutarou pushed it back.

Fuutarou: No way! You're going to do them, and that's that!

His persistence finally prevails. Itsuki held the papers in her head while grumbling.

Itsuki: It's massive.

The reason for his tardiness finally clicked in her head.

Itsuki: Wait a second, were you up all night because you were working on all of this?

Fuutarou shakes his head.

Fuutarou: It wasn't me. Y/n is the main reason for this. He carefully wrote everything down on his phone. All of it is carefully detailed and written down for each of you to understand easily. He simply sent it to my phone, and I wrote it down.

Itsuki: He did this...?

Itsuki looks at the sheets of paper. Holding it more carefully.

Itsuki: Where is L/n anyway?

Fuutarou: He's doing his morning patrol. He has three patrols each day. Morning, afternoon, and night. Why? Are you angry that he's not here?

Itsuki shakes her head and held the sheets close to her chest.

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