The Birth of Spider-man

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After the whole incident on the trip, Y/n took a couple of days off from school to recover from his fever. The Quints insisted that he should be taken to the hospital for a proper check-up. Which was quickly declined by Y/n. Ever since the trip, Y/n felt a little closer to the Quints. Though, he quickly discarded the thought, thinking that it was all in his head. Maybe it was. Or perhaps, that possibility is very much close to the truth.


Itsuki stared at the night sky, out on her balcony. She takes a deep inhale. Drinking in the tranquility of the night.

Itsuki: It's quite peaceful out here, isn't it?

She looks to her right, addressing Y/n who was in his classic suit. He sat on the ceiling holding a single piece of pizza in his hand. His lower mask was pulled up so that he could take bites out of his pizza.

Spider-man: Meh. I get used to sights like these every night. It's nothing new to me.

Itsuki: You're like the worst person to talk about things like these.

Spider-man: Itsuki. I'm Spider-man. Sitting down and enjoying the scenery of a beautiful sky like this doesn't last long until some lunatic decides to rob a bank.

Itsuki: Aren't you full of sunshine and rainbows.

Spider-man: Ain't we all? Though, you are right about the sight. It's breathtaking.

Itsuki nods in agreement. Her gaze lingered on the night sky. This situation felt all too familiar to her. Reminding her about the field trip to Kyoto, she went on five years ago.

Itsuki gaze landed on Y/n. Seeing him in his suit had raised a question on the young girl's mind. One that she and many others thought of.

Itsuki: Can I... ask you something?

Finishing up his pizza, Y/n turned his attention on her.

Spider-man: And I might have an answer to that question. Fire away, Eatsuki.

She bites down a retort.

Itsuki: I'm sure you already heard this before, but why do you do the things you do?" And I'm not settling for "cause it's the right thing to do!" I want actual answer. And I'm gonna keep staring at you until I do!

She marches up to him. Her eyes stared into his lenses.

Spider-man: Alright then, if that's how you're gonna play.

He leans closer to Itsuki. Their faces nearly touching each other.

Spider-man: I'll do the same until you can't take it anymore.

Itsuki: Okay, you do that! Whoever looks away first is the loser!

Spider-man: Trust me, Eatsuki. I can do this all night. Can you?

Itsuki eyes held determination, but her trembling lips told a different story. Y/n noticed this, and a playful smile slowly formed on his lips.

Spider-man: Sure you don't want to quit, I won't tell anyone. Heck, I'll even let you have a little snack break, Eatsuki~

She grumbles.

Itsuki: Stop calling me that!

Spider-man: Eatsuki, Eatsuki, Eatsuki.

Y/n chuckles and decided to look away.

Spider-man: Knowing you, you'd probably will go at this all night. And that is something I don't have time for. Being Spider-man is time-consuming. So I'll tell you my little sad origin story.

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