A Day Off

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It was Sunday meaning no school for me. You must be wondering what would I be doing on my day off, hangout with my family, go outside and try to make some friends or a girlfriend. Like normal teenagers would do. Unfortunately I'm not a normal teenager. I dodged bullets as I'm holding a pizza in my hand.

Spider-man: Come on I can't even eat my pizza without someone trying to kill me!

Thug 1: Come on how are you idiot's missing he's just a kid tights!

I dodged the bullets all while trying to eat my pizza

Spider-man: Timeout! Let me eat my pizza.

Thug 2: HOLD STILL!!!

Spider-man: How about you guys stop shooting!

Thug 3: What is Kingpin paying you idiot's

What he said caught my attention

Spider-man:(Thoughts) Kingpin didn't shocker mention him before? I need to get answers I will get those answers.

I started closing in the distance by swinging towards shooting from one web to another while dodging bullets unfortunately my pizza didn't fare so well. One of them shot my pizza out of my hand.

Spider-man: NO PIZZA!!!

I watched my pizza fall in slow motion as it hit the ground with a splat

Spider-man: You-You-

All the Thugs started to sweat. Without saying a word I webbed up two of their guns and threw them at two of the Thugs, I then shot a web pulling one towards me.

Spider-man: Get over here!

When he was in reaching distance I punched him straight in the face knocking him out.

Spider-man: Where can I find the Kingpin.

The Thugs started to run away.

Spider-man: You two ain't going anywhere until I get my answers!

I webbed one to a wall

Spider-man: You stay right there.

I jumped onto of a building and saw the last Thug running away.

Spider-man: Oh no you don't!

I shot a web and it attached to his leg and I yanked him towards me, I then grabbed his leg holding him.

Thug 3: Woah Woah Woah what are you doing!!!

Spider-man: Interrogation. Who is the Kingpin and where is he.

Thug 3: What makes you think I know who he is!

Spider-man: He hired you to kill me didn't me correct?

Thug 3: Not kill to distract you.

Spider-man: Distract? For what!

Thug 3: I don't know. That's all I know I swear!

I dropped him and making him fall but before he could hit the ground I quickly webbed his left foot stopping him mere inches away from the ground. I went towards a wall and grabbed my camera I webbed up so I can take the photos.

Spider-man: What is the Kingpin planning *sigh*. Can't dwell on it now at least I got these photos, all I gotta do is bring it to the Daily Buggle get that prize money and bingo.

I started heading towards the Daily Buggle fast as I could


I was on the elevator going up to meet John Jonah Jameson. I will admit I was nervous, I mean come on I'm giving him pictures of me, even if he doesn't know I'm Spider-man. I got out and started walking towards his office.

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