An Unexpected Encounter Pt. 2

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???: Wakey wakey Spider-man.

I slowly opened my eyes. When fully opening them I see the person who kidnapped staring at me. I noticed that everything was upside down. Realizing the situation i was in, I tried to move but couldn't. I looked at my legs and saw a mechanical claw holding them.

I tried to shoot my webs but nothing happens. I looked at my wrist and noticed my gloves were off, including my web shooters.

???: Looking for these?

The guy in the mechanized suit gestures to a table. On it were my gloves and web shooters.

???: Despite having different powers, you and my Spider-man. Still need these so-called web shooters to go places.

Spider-man: Where are we?

I looked around the surrounding area. All I could see was a barely lit room.

???: In the sewers.

I started to smell the air. Yup we're definitely in the sewers. But why.

Spider-man: Why are you doing this?

???: For revenge.

Spider-man: Revenge? What'd I do to you? This is the first time we met.

???: To you this is the first time we met. But to me, we've met multiple times. You're the reason why I can't walk anymore.

Spider-man: What'd I do? Break your legs. Or maybe you couldn't stand my leg puns. See what I did there? I'm so bad at jokes.

???: One thing's for sure, you're both equally annoying.

Spider-man: Why thank you. That's one of my powers.

???: You and Connors think there's a cure to the cross-species disease. Both of you are dumb, there's no curing this.

He gestured to his face.

Spider-man: You have a disease? I thought it was really bad acne that made your face like that.

???: I find you very fascinating.

Spider-man: Fascinating? Are you talking about my good looks or my incredible sense of humor.

???: Your body.

Spider-man: Whoa, easy there partner. I don't roll that way, I'm into girls.

???: Your so annoying. You and the other Spider are completely different. My robots don't read you as a cross-species. So I did a little test with your DNA and found something quite interesting. You have radiation inside your body.

Spider-man: That is interesting. I think we're moving to fast, we haven't even gone on a date yet and your already running test on my DNA.

???: Now I wonder what Asu-- forget it. You don't know her. But what about that red hair girl you was with. I wonder what she thinks when she finds out who you are.

Spider-man: Hey this is between us. Leave her out of this.

???: I think I'll have my Spider Slayers find her and make her watch as I torture you.

Five Spider Slayer bots came out of the shadows. I immediately tried to pry the claw off my legs, but the my secret admirer grabbed my hands, preventing me from freeing myself.

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