Season 2: Trailer

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A landlord of an apartment leads Y/n to a room. He opens the door to present him his new home.

Landlord: Rent is due on the first month. Don't be late.

Y/n flips the light switch to see the apartment he rented. A single bed was already inside the room for him. Besides the bed, nothing else was on there.

 Besides the bed, nothing else was on there

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Y/n held a box full of his belongings. Including a sewing machine and a new camera. His heart weighted heavy. The chances of him seeing his family, the Quints, was practically impossible at this point. For their safety, he chose a difficult decision for their sake. Now alone, Y/n puts the box down at a counter. Taking in the situation he was in.

After a brief moment of silence, he turns around to retrieve the other boxes outside. One by one, he brings in all the boxes.

Closing the door behind him, Y/n began to rummage through a specific one. Taking out a bloody and nearly destroyed suit. His Classic Suit. Beyond repair, Y/n tosses the suit away.

He takes a deep breath and begins to unpack.


Y/n stares outside his window, watching the snow fall from the night sky. The happiness he once had was replaced by a sad expression. It was during this moment that he truly felt alone.

He glances over to the desk that had two picture frames. One of his family. And the other, the Quints.

 And the other, the Quints

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He turned to his bed and grabbed a newly crafted mask sitting on his pillow

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He turned to his bed and grabbed a newly crafted mask sitting on his pillow.

Looking at his phone, he looks at his crime app. Hearing all sorts of chatter from the police. Multiple reports of crime were being made throughout the city.

Y/n puts on his new suit and headed to the window. Opening it, he felt the cold breeze on his face.

Jumping out of his apartment, Y/n lands on a roof, rolling forward on the snow

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Jumping out of his apartment, Y/n lands on a roof, rolling forward on the snow. He gets up and slides forward and flips over a ventilation. Running towards the edge, he leaps off the building and dives down.

Swinging through the air, he jumps off and does a roll forward, and shoots another web to keep himself airborne.

Spider-man: Being Spider-man is a sacrifice. Choosing between the things I want and what's right. These powers I have are my burden until the day I die. No matter what, I must be true to myself. I must be steady, and be ready to give up things. Even my dreams. That's what it means to be Spider-man. My burden.

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