What's Been Built Up

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(5 Years Ago Kyoto)

I was running around trying to find Fuutarou who ran off somewhere.

Y/n: You can't be serious where'd that idiot go?

I ran through crowd and crowd but had no luck in finding him.

Y/n: Where did you run off to Fuutarou?

I continued to look around for him, a couple minutes i still have no luck in finding him.

Y/n: This is a school trip we're all supposed to stick together. But no he had to go and do his own thing.

Walking around I noticed a girl with long reddish pink hair. She looks around worried.

Y/n:(Thoughts) She looks lost.

I walked over to her.

Y/n: Ummm excuse me.

She turns around.

Y/n: Are you lost?

She nods her head.

???: I was looking for my sister and got lost myself.

Y/n: Your sister?

She nods.

Y/n: I'm looking for my brother. Since we're both looking for someone we should help each other out.

She looks at me in thought. Then smiles.

 Then smiles

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???: Okay!

Y/n: My name is Y/n by the way.

???: It's nice to meet you Y/n.

Silence filled the air. I decided to speak.

Y/n: So what does your sister look like.

???: We're identical sooo just find someone that looks like me.

Y/n: That narrows it down. I'm looking for a boy who has blonde hair and blue eyes. Here I got a photo.

Grabbing my phone out of my pocket, I go to my gallery and showed her a photo.

Grabbing my phone out of my pocket, I go to my gallery and showed her a photo

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