A Destined Love

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(Six Years Later, Y/n Pov)

To be honest. I couldn't remember much that night. The night of the school trip was all but a blur. But I remember their faces, and more importantly. Hers.

That day, when I saw her in that wedding dress at Fuutarou's wedding, it made staying apart from her even harder. She completed me. Made me whole. My mind will go back to that night when we broke up. A four year relationship ended in one single night. Funny how something that lasts a long time ended so quickly.

Down on the street below, I watch as five identical sisters walk down the sidewalk. Laughing, talking, having a good time with each company.

My eyes laid on her. It's been six months since we broken up. Six months since we last talked to each other.

I wish I have time to sit down and talk to her. Time seems to be a luxury I couldn't afford lately. From my real job and helping out at F.E.A.S.T, my schedule was full. What I wouldn't do to be at least next to her.

I watched her laugh from the comfort of the rooftops. Sometimes, I wish that I wasn't the only Spider-man in this universe. My thoughts dwell on him. A man who found himself in my universe years ago. A man who had earned the title of Spider-man.

Spider-man: U/n. I wonder what you're doing right now. Been five years since you last were here. I probably wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.

The sirens of police car had caught my ears. I looked off in the distance from where they can be heard.

Spider-man: Time to get to work.

I stood up and took one glance at her. And for that brief second, she stopped as if feeling my gaze on her. She looks up at me.

Call me a stalker, but every since we broke up. I followed her through the rooftops, keeping a valiant eye on her.

Spider-man: See you around.

With one leap. I dived down to the streets. There are some things I wanted to say. Things I wanted to do. But maybe after this whole Demon thing, I'll be able to sit down with her properly and talk. Until that time, I'll continue on being that Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man. And protect what is most important me.

(Present Time, No One's POV)

Miku had the sleeping Y/n's head on her lap. His breathing had returned to normal, for now that is. Miku touched his forehead to check his temperature.

Miku: You really are sick. Your forehead is burning up.

Miku stared worriedly at him. This would not be the first time she saw him in a weakened state like this. Difference is that he's not wearing a mask.

Miku: I can forget sometimes that your still Human. You need sleep like the rest of us. So, why. Why do you push yourself like this? Always standing up on your feet no matter how battered and beaten you are, like that one night you came to our house bloodied up.

She leans close to his head.

Miku: I gotten to know Y/n L/n first, and then Spider-man. I wonder, which is the real you. A high school student teaching five identical sisters? Or a vigilante that spends his time fighting crime wherever he can? Do you know who you really are?

He doesn't respond. His eyes remain close. Miku moves a strand of hair away from his face. Her heart beated fast. Like it was trying to leap out of her face.

Miku: Funny how we always find ourselves in these situations. Alone, where no one would bother us.

Miku dwelled upon the moments she shared between her and Y/n.

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