More Trouble

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(No One's POV)

Fuutarou was currently walking in the hallway looking at his study cards. A familiar voice called out to him.

Yotsuba: Uesugi!!!

Yotsuba bumped into Fuutarou from behind, resulting in him stumbling forward. Miku followed closely behind.

He turns around in shock.

Fuutarou: Woah! Yotsuba!

Yotsuba: Tomorrow's the big day!

Fuutarou: For what?

Yotsuba: Come on! You know what day I'm talking about! See, look!

Yotsuba held out the school camp flyer in front of her.

Yotsuba: It's the school camping trip! Have you read the information booklet?

Fuutarou: Can't say that I have.

Yotsuba: They've got all kinds of fun activities! Outdoor cooking and skiing, fishing, hiking, of course. And then, there's the campfire! Where the dance happens!

Miku stood there and thought about Yotsuba's words yesterday.

Yotsuba: I heard that a lot of people have ended up dating because of it, so the legend's gotta be legit!

Fuutarou: Like I said, students shouldn't date. It's just a waste of your time.

Yotsuba: Aw. That's sad! If you had feelings for somebody, you would want to go out with them, right? Wouldn't you, Miku?

Miku stayed silent as her thoughts dawn on a question on her mind.

Yotsuba: Miku?

Miku: Wait, why do we date people we like, anyway?

Fuutarou and Yotsuba: Huh?

Ichika came up behind Miku without anyone noticing.

Ichika: That's easy. When you like somebody, you want nothing more than to be with them. Miku should know that feeling pretty well.

Miku thoughts dawned on Y/n. She turned to face the other direction, to avoid everyones stares.

Fuutarou: All right. Enough foolishness. It's time to start studying!

Yotsuba: Again? I'm not ready!

Ichika: I have a shoot, so I'll have to skip out. Sorry. I sent you a text earlier.

Fuutarou: Huh?

He pulls out his phone and checks the messages.

Yotsuba: Yeah, and I'd better get set for tomorrow.

Yotsuba turned around and took off, Fuutarou reached out her and watch as she took ran away.

Fuutarou: Hey, you can't just take off! Should have known.

Fuutarou ran after Yotsuba, leaving Miku and Ichika by themselves.

Ichika: Miku. My class has a meeting about the camping trip later on.

Ichika pulls out a wig from her purse and hands it to Miku.

Ichika: Do the usual, please?

Miku nods.

Miku: Okay.

With that they both headed their separate ways, Miku turned around to the corner and went to use the bathroom until she saw something that caught her attention.

On the stairs just next to the bathrooms, sat Y/n and Mj. They both chatted with each other with text books on their laps. Y/n says something that makes Mj giggle, punches his shoulder in response to the joke.

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