A Kiss?

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You must be thinking. " Yay! Camping, can't wait to dance around the campfire, go skiing and enjoy some tasty food." Alas, those are not my thoughts. My head has been beating like a drum recently, I feel sluggish and no one has given me a water bottle to help quench my thirst. Love Camping trips.

At the moment, I'm helping out some other students here set up decorations inside the forest. Which should've been Fuutarou's job but he ended up watching over the food. Man, what I wouldn't do to be in his position right about now.

Thanks to my powers, I was able to set up some decorations in the trees. The hard part was making sure no one saw me doing so. Would've been quite a sight, seeing a 17-year-old teenager leap high in the air just to put a ghostly decoration on a tree.

Y/n: Can't believe I got stuck doing this. I know I'm supposed to do my part, but why out here?

Mj: Someone's gotta do it.

Turning around, I spotted Mj just a couple of feet away from me. I was surprised to see her here. Wait, why am I surprised? Makes sense that she's here, given that she goes to the same school as I do.

Y/n: Fancy meeting you here, Mj. They got you working on the decorations out here too, huh?

Mj: More like volunteering. I'm surprised to see you doing the same, but I'm pretty this isn't what you want to be doing.

Y/n: Yeah. They had me doing it. I don't mind doing my bit here, but I really don't appreciate being out here. Got this killer headache and these flies buzzing around me aren't exactly helping.

Mj: You're in luck, we just hung up our last decorations in our area. I came over here to see if you need some help but seems like you managed to get them all hanged up.

I stretched my arms, that phantom sensation of pain still lingered in my arm, but other than that, no other part of my body seems to be in any pain.

Mj: Food should be about done right now, wanna walk back together?

Y/n: Sure. I don't mind.

I don't what it is about her, but for some reason, I just feel drawned to her. Her smile, long beautiful red hair, not to mention those green eyes. Everything about her is amazing. Never met anyone like her.

We walked beside each other.

Mj: So tell me. Which Quint is your favorite?

Y/n: My favorite... Quint?

Mj: Yeah, I noticed that you seem to be hanging out with one of them every day at school. I know it's your job as a tutor to help them and be around them, but you gotta have a favorite one. So, spill the beans.

Y/n: My favorite? I don't think I have one.

Mj: Not even that Miku girl?

Mj: Miku? What about her?

Mj: You're telling me, that you have been around each other so much that you don't even know? It's pretty obvious.

I raised an eyebrow.

Y/n: No, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Mj: The way she looks at you, turns to you every time you enter the room. It's all in the body language. If not Miku, maybe Nino? I noticed that you strike up some conversations with her, most boys are too terrified to even approach her, and others too shy because of their big fat crush on her.

I sighed. Yes, Nino is indeed terrifying to talk to, but she has a soft side that no one seen. Me, I had the privilege of witnessing it many times, most of it me being Spider-man, but that's okay.

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