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hEllO ThErE,

This book is a mix of canon and stuff I made up because there's literally nothing about Cad Bane's past on Wookiepedia. There are no spoilers, and if there are, I'll put them in chapter warnings. If there are any spelling errors or grammar errors, please let me know, I will not be offended.

The reader was a female sex slave. Rape is not described in great detail but it is referenced - please do not read this if that makes you uncomfortable.

If you like my writing, there's more of it in my Star Wars Guys x Reader book (including Cad Bane) and also in my Din Djarin Imagines book, both of which I take requests for, and my Din Djarin book Haat Ijaa Haa'it... okay, I'll stop the shameless plugging session.

Star Wars does not belong to me, and neither does Cad Bane (lmfao I wish tho).

Thank you for reading, every single one of you counts. Updates are mostly weekly, depending on how busy I am etc. etc.

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