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A/N: wrote this purely because i love Dad Bane

Warnings: literally nothing not even swearing i think

Word count: 0.3k

'I thought you said you were only going to have one,' the midwife says.

You glance around at the familiar hospital bed, almost the same since the last time you were here, then at the child in Cad's arms, squirming, little fingers grasping at the air as he cradles him, your daughter clinging on to his leg. A sweet smile pulls at your lips as you behold the sight of your little family; the blue tinge of both of your children's skin, the deeper shade of their father's as he grins down at your newborn, entranced by the way the child wraps his thumb in its pudgy fingers.

'We thought so too,' you reply. 'But then Cad wanted more, and who was I to complain?'
She chuckles. 'Well, I'll leave you four alone for a bit. Ask one of the droids if you need any help.'
You smile at her. 'Thank you.'

As she leaves, you turn your head to look at Cad again. He's begun to make soft baby noises to his son, chuckling as he kicks his tiny blue legs, safe in his father's arms. Your daughter watches, as enchanted as you are by the sight, and you softly call out your husband's name, your heart swelling at the smile he throws you. Tenderly, he caresses your face, leaning down to press a kiss on your forehead, and you close your eyes, relishing his cool touch before your daughter tugs on your sleeve, rising to her tiptoes to peer at you up on the bed.

'I like my new baby brother,' she says, her small face lit up with a grin.
Cad grins. 'Good thing, that,' he comments. ''Cause he's stuck with us.'

Stuck With Me: A Cad Bane NovelWhere stories live. Discover now