Chapter 16

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A/N: YAAAAAAALLLL this is the first ever sort of smut i wrote (the ones in thots book i wrote after but posted first) so please don't judge, ngl it's written weirdly but we're ignoring that

Warnings: mentions of sex until it's basically smut just in the past tense, swearing, nightmares, horny times, mention of past trauma if you squint,

Word count: 1223

 You jolt awake, fear stabbing at your chest, fingers clawing at the sheets. Eyes wide, roving wildly around the darkness of the bedroom, you search for attackers who were there moments ago, their blasters trained on you. Recently, your nightmares haven't been of clients, but of Cad - Cad never coming back from a hunt, Cad falling to his knees before you, pain engraved deeply into his features, a steaming blaster wound right through his heart. Cad in your arms, colder than normal, limp and lifeless.

You choke down a terrified sob. Your fingers unconsciously secure around the arms circled protectively around your waist, and you grip tightly onto them, afraid to let go. Slowly, they tighten, pulling you back against a hard chest, slender fingers brushing hair away from your skin before a cool face nuzzles into the back of your neck.

'I'm right here, izrin,' a voice murmurs in your ear.

His voice murmurs in your ear.

You relax immediately, twisting your head to catch a glimpse of the familiar crimson glow of Cad's eyes in the dark. His cool fingers slip under the hem of the shirt you wear to sleep - his shirt - and rub lightly at your waist. Letting your eyes drift closed again, you tangle your legs with his, hooking your ankle around his calf. Scooting closer on the mattress, you hear his chest rattle, a familiar, contented sound, as he presses small kisses to the nape of your neck. You squeak - a little higher and breathier than you'd like to admit - when he nips at your skin, mouths at your ear, and suddenly, you find yourself wanting him, wanting him in the way you did when he first kissed you. The two of you haven't done anything more than kiss since a week and a few days ago with the Florrum incident, as you've come to think of it.

Now you want more.

You crave more.

And this time, you won't flinch.

Arching your back, you grind your ass against him a bit, and his chest rattles again - a completely different sound from before, more urgent, more insistent, more... hungry. His slender fingers wrap around your hips, gripping hard as they drag you against him. Rolling over, you grab his shoulder and fit your mouth to his as he tucks you under his body, his weight pressing you into the mattress. Grabbing the fabric of your shirt, he attempts first to yank it off you, but finding that he'd have to let you go to get it over your head, he rips it in half, flinging it across the room before he starts scrabbling at his own clothes.

You glance in the direction he threw your shirt. 'You're paying for that.'
'I don't fuckin' care how many shirts I got to pay for,' he snarls, his tone near ravenous, before he abruptly cuts off your snarky reply with another rough kiss.

Words forgotten, you hook your legs around his waist as he runs his hands up your ribs until he can cup your breasts, his thumbs swiping over your nipples. Nudging him off you, fingers sliding blindly down his chest, over his lean stomach and v - lines, you shimmy down the bed until you kneel between his legs. Dipping your head, you grasp his achingly hard cock in your hand -

'No,' he says quietly, and you lift his head as he continues. 'Ya done enough of that to men who are even more undeservin' than I am, izrin. Let me - let me taste ya. Want to show ya what it feels like. Please? Can I?'

A shiver dances down your spine, and you feel yourself trembling, still kneeling between his legs, jaw slack as you process his words. No one - no one - has ever offered that to you before. They all just came and went, chasing their own high, barely looking at you, and here he is, the best bounty hunter in the galaxy, wanting to show you what it feels like. A whimper escapes you, half yes and half moan - shocked, but practically soaked in arousal - and it's all that Cad needs to hear.

You feel the mattress shift when he sits up, you feel his cool hands grasp you lightly, and then, the next moment, you're in his place, he in yours: your back pressed against the mattress; he kneels between your legs. Your knees instinctively spring open when he wraps a cool hand around your thigh, and his deep chuckle sends shudders racing down your spine.

'Let me know if you want me to stop,' his voice goes straight to your core.

And then he dips his head down between your thighs.


When he finally sheathed himself deep inside you for the first time, the heavenly taste of you still fresh on his tongue, your body had barely just ceased convulsing with the strength of the orgasms he teased out of you with his tongue and fingers. Curled up on the bed, with him in your arms, eyes half closed and drowsy from both the shower and the sex, you can still remember every single detail as if it's still happening: how he had shuddered as he eased himself in, letting out a strangled moan of your name, his grip iron around your hips. How he had ground out harsh Durese curses in that voice of his, eyes squeezed shut and jaw clenched around a moan as he first thrust into you. How when you bit down on his shoulder to muffle your pleading mewls he had snarled and drilled into that spot inside you until you saw white. How by the time his second and your third orgasm came round, both of you were littered with hickeys, your waist, hips and thighs bruised with his handprints, his back striped with scratches carved by your nails. How as he came he gasped out how good you felt, clenching like a scorching hot vice around his cock, his face contorted in bliss. How both of your cries and pants of pleasure echoed through the room, how you drowned in the glorious feeling of each other's skin.

Currently, Cad sprawls on top of you with his head on your chest, resting in the valley between your breasts, one hand idly playing with your hair, the other tracing the bites he littered the skin of your neck and shoulders with. Turning his head to the right, he buries his face into the pillowy flesh of your breasts and groans.

'Could stay in yer tits forever,' he mumbles into your skin.
You laugh, lightly tracing patterns on his scalp. 'You know, I never thought I'd want this again after you got me out of there.'
'Well,' he replies, lifting his head. 'I guess I'm a lucky man, izrin.' He drops his head back onto your chest and pats one of your breasts. ''Specially since I got these.' He looks up at you, face turning serious. 'And ya. I don't know what I did to get ya, but it definitely wasn't killin' people for a livin'.'
You grin, unable to tear your eyes off him for even a second. 'I can't say I know either Cad, but I'm more than glad that I have you too.'

side note: prepare for more emotional whiplash next chapter, you have been warned (i didn't want to do more filler chapters)

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