Chapter 32

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Warnings: canon typical stuff, smut because cad and reader are back at it like rabbits again,

Word count: 1.3k

Cad's blue fingers turn white with how hard he grips the handles of his LL-30s as he stalks through the tunnels of Jabba's palace. He'd shouldered his way past the Gamorrean guards before they could try to stop him, rattling something off about business and squeezing off a few warning shots when they informed him they weren't supposed to let him in. Stars, he doesn't want to be here, however nice the warm weather is for his cold blood, because he's here to confront one of the most powerful crime lords in the galaxy about how he chose the wrong person to kidnap. Seething, he bursts into the throne room, red eyes blazing like an echo of the crimson slash of a blaster bolt, rage coursing through his veins in an unstoppable tide. How dare the Hutts trick him, how dare they try to take advantage of him, how dare they take his fullua -

Growling to himself, chest rattling menacingly, he barges through the door and simply freezes, the LL-30 in his fingers almost slipping from his grasp. Across the room, right next to the side exit is - is him. Complete with glowing eyes in the shadow of his hat's wide brim, complete with the barely noticeable hickey from you, half hidden by his coat collar, complete with every single scar and mark, complete with the insufferable half sneer, half smirk.

What the fuck?

And then the other him throws up his hands in a gesture that is unique to you, the eyes rolling in irritation. 'Come on, Cad,' you groan in his voice. 'You really had to come in just when I was about to escape? Talk about bad timing.'

He realises now that he accidentally ruined your escape; how you managed to skulk through Jabba's palace in his form and match his demeanour so identically that you couldn't be recognised as the changeling is beyond him, but the fact that half of the blasters in the room are aimed at him, the other half at you, is definitely not beyond him. Tensing, he unholsters his other LL-30, rapidly running through the various outcomes of what he'll do next, carefully weighing up the options before pointing it squarely at Jabba. The Hutt exclaims in alarm, waving his tiny arms in the air as his Kowakian Monkey Lizard squawks with him, and the revulsion Cad feels towards him only deepens.

'Sorry, old man,' he mumbles under his breath. 'Hope ya don't take this too personally.'

Setting his blaster to stun, he shoots Jabba and activates his rocket boots, flying across the room towards you as everything descends into chaos. The hunters swarm to Jabba, some at you, and both of you roll to the side, ducking blaster bolts. Bursting through the side door, he grabs your hand and, not breaking his stride, he sprints out towards the bay where he docked his ship. Seamlessly, you shift into your Trandoshan form in effort to keep up with him and his longer legs, and he feels you nudge him in the ribs with your elbow.

'If you fucking dare to take the credit for this escape, Bane, I will kill you.' You huff indignantly in a way that is far too endearing to him. 'Why did you come here anyway? I was going to actually escape, and you had to ruin it. I had it all covered, you know.'
He glances over, catching a glimpse of your pout as he opens the ramp of the Justifier with a tap of a button on his vambrace. 'I jus' wanted to say I love ya back.'

A smirk plays over his lips as you almost trip over, shock and something like pure joy flashing across your features. Instead, you catch yourself impressively on the half open ramp of the Justifier and clamber inside. Scowling, you shift into your own form, greeting Todo cheerily before turning back to Bane and glowering at him. A laugh escapes him, and you make a face at him before turning to the dashboard and slipping into the pilot's seat, firing up the ship's engines, smirking to yourself as you begin to run calculations for hyperspace. He's surprised how damn easy it was to say those little words, how freeing it was to admit to you what he used to think he would never say to anyone - he assumed all emotions had been burnt out of him after his mother's death, and yet here you are, millimetres away, your scent sweet, although a little ripe from the Hutt's dungeons as reassuring as your touch. Wrapping his arms around you, he nuzzles his face into the back of your neck, his fingers squeezing your waist, and you huff.

'Cad, I stink right now.'
He chuckles. 'I couldn't care less, li'l - '
Cursing, he lurches forward as you make the jump to hyperspace, and you chuckle as his arms tighten around you. 'Should have kept your seatbelt on, Cad.'
'Ya little minx,' he growls against your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. His voice deepens, takes on a timbre you've never heard before. 'My fullua.'

You turn in the pilot's seat, and the look in your eyes almost makes his legs buckle. It's desperately soft, divinely tender, and it leaves a sweet, tempting taste on his tongue that leaves him no choice but to lean forward and brush his lips against yours, his hands soon coming up to tangle in your hair, deepening the kiss and holding you closer. A noise emanates from his chest, almost a purr in how content it is, and you press your fingers to the source of the noise - a habit you've developed recently - as he scoops you up from the pilot's chair and lays you down on the bed. Your arms twist around his neck, bringing him down on top of you as you press the curves of your body to his, and all he can think is: holy Maker above, she's a fuckin' angel.

You wrestle his shirt from his shoulders, tugging at his belt, a coy smile pulling at your lips as you run your warm hands over his skin, caressing him and touching him as if you know the very substance that breathed life into him. He can't keep his hands off you as you undress, squeezing and grabbing your curves, both of your articles of clothing fluttering to the floor to form a small, forgotten pile of fabric. A broken whimper almost leaves him when you mouth at his cerulean skin with your furnace hot lips, and he collapses against you, grinding his hips into yours as you run your fingers over the rippling muscle of his back, dragging your mouth over him, watching with silent admiration of your own work as he shudders, his eyes rolling back when you take him in your hand.

'I love you,' you whisper into his shoulder before biting down on his skin, and this time he chokes on a moan, the tip of his cock notching in your cunt. Your back arches as he thrusts into you, your breasts pressing up flat against his hard chest; he fits his mouth to yours, your near delirious mewl sweet on his tongue. Clenching around him, you wrap your legs around his waist, drawing him ever closer, and even as his pace increases, he tenderly kisses you, breathing his words like prayers over your sweat sheened skin.

'I love you too, my fullua.'

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