Chapter 14

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A/N: lowkey forgot this fic existed for a sec-

Warnings: violence, swearing, blood, mentions of sex, death, sexist bastards, sexually suggestive insults,

Word count: 1233

Translations: schutta = similar meaning to slut (huttese)

Cad is still riding high on the taste and feel of your lips on his as he navigates his way off Florrum and to Coruscant. It doesn't matter that he didn't get the sex, his head is spinning anyway at the thought of your bright eyes and sweet yet resilient soul by the time he enters the cantina with the knife throwing Xexto's head in a bag, and the funny look that Tygrav gives him informs him that there's a stupid grin on his face that he can't wipe off. You remain standing by the booth - the two of you had already discussed this, and you'd decided that it would be safer for you in case anyone tried to use you against Cad - but you lean against the side of the seats, relaxed with the Duros so close.

'So, Cad, what's got you grinning like that?' Tygrav asks, darting a look at you.
Cad shrugs. 'I want my job and the credits as usual.'
The Human male sighs dramatically, producing a bag of credits and a puck, both of which he hands over to Cad. 'Always straight to the point.'


As Tygrav informs Cad about his new bounty, you sense someone stalk up behind you. Stiffening, you turn to face a female Trandoshan. She sneers at you, nostrils flaring, and you recognise her as Cad's ex, Uta Syss.

'Look at you,' she hisses. 'Nothing but warm meat, and you think he caresss?'
You raise an eyebrow. 'Who says that I've got anything to do with him?'
She chuckles. 'Oh, ssso you have gotten braver.' Her tongue darts out to scrape against her needle like teeth. 'Of courssse you have, you think he givesss a fuck about you. Well, I'll tell you thisss, laserbrain, I can ssssmell your pretty little Human sssscent all over him, and I'm going to break it to you now. He doesn't care. If he didn't care about me, he will never care about you, little Human.'

You're desperately trying to keep yourself from lashing out, from meeting her blow for blow, desperately trying to restrain yourself from showing her that she's hit something inside of you that you don't want to think about, and yet the words still pour off your tongue.

'What makes you think you and I are the same?'

She hisses, a harsh sound, yellow eyes flashing dangerously before she grabs the front of your shirt and slams you onto one of the tables, one large, scaled hand slapping over your mouth and nose, smothering you. Twisting under her grip, you bite down - hard - on her fingers and spit her sour blood to the side as she recoils with a shriek, balling her hand into a fist and raising it -

'Don't ya fuckin' dare touch her!' A voice roars.

Hardly a moment later, a slender fingered, blue hand wraps around Uta's wrist and yanks her backwards, slamming her into a booth and bringing her face to face with her attacker - and your defender - Cad Bane. He snarls, showing his sharp teeth as he punches her right in the face, anger burning red in his eyes. Uta flips over, bringing him onto the ground with her, and they grapple there, no one in the bar willing to break apart the two bounty hunters. The silence is filled with the sounds of their fighting, Uta's hisses and Cad's snarls, both of them cussing and spitting.

Suddenly, someone's sweaty fingers wrap around your wrist and pull you backwards, and you stumble, trying to gain your balance. Finding yourself face to face with a leering Human male, along with a Nikto and a Rodian, you stagger backwards, but the grip on your wrist tightens, and you wince; it's right over where one of the Weequay pirates held you.

'So, little schutta, what did you do to get Cad Bane's protection?' The Rodian asks.
'Probably lets him fuck her with that blue Duros dick of his,' the Nikto sneers.
'Is that true?' The Human croons, bringing his face close to yours. 'Are you his little whore? Do you warm his bed and spread your legs for him?'

You want to throw up. You want to smack all three of them in the face and scream until your lungs burst, because no, he hasn't done any of this, he hasn't touched you, he hasn't even spoken to you like these bastards are right now. They all laugh as you try to pull away, raucous, drunk laughter, and you ball your hands into fists, anger rising up.

'Can't even admit it, can you, little schutta?' The Rodian taunts.
You growl through gritted teeth. 'No, I fucking can't, because it's not true.'
The Human laughs. 'Oh, so she's a feisty one. Bet Bane loves that. Bet he - '

You don't think, don't give it any thought apart from a cold, detached part of your brain which remembers one of the Twi'leks girls back with Gavinc Russ telling you to keep your thumb on the outside of your hand. You yank your hand out of the Human's grasp, grabbing a tight fistful of his shirt and punching him straight in the face, shocked and slightly too proud when his head snaps back and he cries out, holding his nose. There's a not so dull ache throbbing in your knuckles, but the surprise on the Rodian's and Nikto's faces is enough to soothe it.

Abruptly, the Nikto stands up, having recovered from his surprise first. He snarls, taking a threatening step towards you, and yet you don't feel any fear, still running on the adrenaline shooting through your bloodstream from the first punch. Readying yourself, you ball your hands into fists and brace yourself, when fear rushes like a shadow through his face, and he sits quickly back down.

'Ya want to get like Syss too?'

Cad's voice sounds behind you, and one hand rests on your shoulder, territorially pulling you back towards his chest. Relaxing into his touch, you look down at the three men, now trembling in the presence of the infamous bounty hunter. All are desperately shaking their heads, eyes momentarily darting to the crumpled shape collapsed in the corner - Uta Syss, you realise, knocked clean out, left draped on the floor like one of those reptile scale rugs since no one is brave enough to move her out of the way, let alone touch her in the wake of Cad's outburst.

'No? Then don't go near her again.'

With that, he turns on his heel, striding out of the cantina. Following behind, you inspect your knuckles - they're split, still throbbing, and they sting slightly if you make a fist. Pausing, Cad glances over at you, and you notice he's giving you a quick once over, checking you for injuries. You do the same, noticing a bloody bite on his shoulder, green blood oozing out. The teeth marks are small and deep, the work of a Trandoshan - the work of Uta Syss.

'We'll get yer knuckles cleaned up when we get back,' Cad falls in step with you, scowling.
'We'll get that bite cleaned up when we get back,' you mimic, and he snarls softly, muttering something in aggravated Durese. Soothingly, you pat his shoulder, grinning over at him.

'Hey, Cad, it's okay.'
'Yeah, now that I fuckin' knocked her out.'

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