Chapter 1

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A/N: please read warnings <3 and welcome to this book and well done you made it this far

Warnings: reader is/was a sex slave, non consensual touching (the worst of it is the first two paragraphs if you want to skip it), death, violence, probably swearing, mention of rape,

Word count: 1391

Your stomach twists as one of your master's visitors beckons you over with what he must think of as a tempting curl of his fingers, his eyes filled with lust. Forcing yourself to sway your hips as you move across the room towards him, your chains clinking, you paint on a seductive smile, much like you had caked thick layers of makeup over your features that morning. Once you reach him, you drag your fingertips across his shoulders, barely stopping yourself from recoiling when he grabs you and forces you down into his lap, so you are straddling him. You know that if your master walks in and sees you flinch away from one of his guests, he'd withhold at least three meals from you - and that would be kind.

The man whose lap you currently sit in takes eager eyefuls of your cleavage, and you swallow down bile as fingers roam over your exposed skin. Hating yourself for maintaining your sickly sweet smile, hating yourself for not being brave enough to have run away ages ago, you grab the back of the chair to steady yourself as the man starts moving his hips. Tears form a shiny sheen over your eyes, and but your refuse to let them fall as -

A blast sounds in your ears. You cry out as the man beneath you shoves you off him and you collapse on the floor, barely preventing your face from hitting the ground. Gasping, you raise your head just as a blaster bolt whizzes over your head and takes down the man you'd just been sitting on. You don't regret the sense of relief that shoots through you as his body hits the ground with a wet thump.

Shaking your hair out of your face, you glance up and freeze.

You recognise him easily from the descriptions you've overhead. Nervously, you swallow and back away a little, terribly aware that you're the only live person in the room other than him. And if the gruesome rumours you've heard of him are true, he's not only going to kill you, he's going to suck your blood as well, and probably worse. In one smooth movement, the bounty hunter holsters the blasters he holds, one in each hand, and you tense. Are you that pathetic that he doesn't even need a weapon to murder you?

Heart pounding, you scramble backwards, already knowing that you're much too late by the time a hand closes around your wrist. He speaks, and now you're terrified. You imagine his voice is the same that the devil uses, gravelly and casually threatening.

'You're not going anywhere.'

The long blue fingers around your wrist let go. Speechless, you look up at him, not sure why he released you. Is he playing with you? Is this just some sick game of loth cat and mouse? Trembling, you nervously adjust your skimpy clothes - if you could even call them clothes - eyes fixed on his face. It strikes you, that despite all of the descriptions you've heard, none of them ever mentioned that he had no nose. The thought almost makes you laugh, but instead, you glance over his shoulder towards the only exit. You skitter backwards as he takes a step forward. Maker, is he going to...? Fear shoots through your veins at the thought of him even touching you, let alone... Immediately, you raise your arms to shield yourself as he lifts his hands.

'Ya know, they call me a lot of things, but I'm not as bad as them,' he says quietly. 'I ain't going to touch ya if ya don't want me to.'

Lowering your arms a little, you find that he was only showing you his empty hands in a placating gesture. Your breath catches in your throat, and you wonder if he means it, or if he's just pretending to be your friend. Warily, you edge another step backwards, attempting to put a little more distance between the two of you, but the chain clasped around your ankle jingles, and you glance down to find out that it's pulled taut. Your heartbeat quickens as you realise that even if the bounty hunter wasn't standing in front of you, you're trapped anyway. Only your master has the keys, and judging by his absence, and the presence of the bounty hunter, he's probably dead. Not that that bothers you much, but you also wouldn't mind not being at the mercy of a supposedly merciless bounty hunter.

The red of a blaster bolt flashes through your vision, the bang sounding loud in your ears, and you flinch, expecting that as soon as you open your eyes, you'll be face to face with your Maker. Instead, you stumble back, falling hard on your ass. The significant pull that was on your ankle is now gone, and you glance down at your feet. There's two links clinging to the manacle locked around your ankle, the end one still glowing a hot red, but the rest of the chain lies on the floor, very much not attached to you. You look up at the hunter, mouth falling open.

'What - You - I - You - you shot - '
'Yeah,' the hunter replies, re - holstering his blaster. 'I did. Come on, now, don't ya want to get off this shit hole they call Uveth?'

Most of the fear leaves you, replaced with confusion. Why is it that the bounty hunter that you've come to associate with death and cruelty is the one who saves you? Is he even saving you? What if he's just being nice to gain your trust, and then he'll let you board his ship and never let you off it? Surely he can't be the man your master's visitors always spoke of in terrified whispers. He's too... too nice. If anything, the man you heard them describe would have raped you, then garroted you with your own chains, not set you free. Your head spins, full of queries that you doubt you'll ever dare to voice. It finally occurs to you that he asked you a question, and you nod frantically.

'Y - yes, I do want to get off here, I... I just don't know where to go.'
'We'll sort that out later,' he answers, striding over to the door.
'Is - is my master, uh, Gavinc Russ, is he dead?'
The hunter turns to you, hand hovering over the panel by the door. 'Yes.' A smile pulls at the corners of his lips. 'He was my quarry.'
'Then - then you're my new - new - '
'I know full well I am.' He jerks his head. 'Come on.'

So, he knows that he's your new master. And, from the sound of it, he's eager to leave Uveth. Briefly, you wonder if he's got anyone chasing him, but you decide there can't be, because firstly, who would chase a bounty hunter with his reputation, and secondly, why would he spend so much time talking to you if he himself was in danger? His last sentence sounded something like an order, so you obey, trailing after him. In the next room, he pauses to grab the body of your old master and throw it over his shoulder. You open your mouth to offer to help, but he's already striding away, apparently carrying the corpse with ease.

Eventually, you follow him outside, and as soon as the chilly air hits your exposed skin, your teeth start chattering. Uveth isn't exactly an ice planet, but it isn't Tatooine either. The hunter striding in front of you pauses, acting as if he's only just noticed your lack of real clothing, even though you very clearly saw him tearing his eyes away from your bare skin only moments before - Maker knows why he bothered, since he's your new master, and he can do what he wants with you. But, he did say he wouldn't touch you, and maybe, just maybe, he meant it. For now, anyway. Slowing his pace to let you catch up with him, he somewhat reluctantly hands you his coat. It's far too large, the tails dragging the ground behind you, but it's warm, and it's an improvement from your old master, who would have just laughed as he watched your lips turn blue.

So, obediently, you follow the infamous Cad Bane as he leads you to his ship.

also look i drew him (i copied a picture off the internet lol) and the bottom half is not good but look at his nice hat (and if someone brings up his hands i will probably cry)

also look i drew him (i copied a picture off the internet lol) and the bottom half is not good but look at his nice hat (and if someone brings up his hands i will probably cry)

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