Chapter 13

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A/N: totally didn't momentarily forget this book still needed to be updated (sorry cad i still love u)

Warnings: kissing 🥴, a mention of non consent, sexual content which stops before it becomes explicit, probably swearing,

Word count: 1241

You weren't quite sure what you were thinking when you launched yourself at Cad, but you knew exactly what you were thinking when you kissed him. You never expected a kiss to feel so fucking good - pleasure shooting through you like the stars streaking past in hyperspace. You'd already pondered the thought before - not kissing him in particular, but anyone - that maybe it would feel like it always did, back when you were forced to kiss Gavinc Russ' clients.

It didn't.

Well, of course it didn't. For the first time in your life, you kissed someone and you actually wanted to.

And he wanted to too.

Currently, he's gazing intently at your face, lips half parted, trembling like a newborn loth kitten, a blissed out look on his rugged features as if he's on a spice high. One of his hands comes up, slender fingers cool against your cheek as he runs a thumb lightly along your cheekbone. Turning your head, you press a kiss to his palm, and he blinks, coming back to the present. His eyes flick down to your lips, and when you lock gazes again, his is burning, hungry, needing sating.

'Izrin,' he grinds out, the Durese rolling off his tongue.

Simultaneously, the two of you reach for each other again, hands roaming. Throwing an arm around his neck, you pull him closer, fingers scrabbling desperately at his shirt, needing something to hold onto. A low, hissing rattle sounds from his chest as he knots his fingers in your hair, locking your faces together, his other hand sliding down the curve of your spine, pressing you to the hard ridges of muscle that sheathe his body until there's not a millimetre between the two of you, his desperate kiss all lips and teeth and tongue.

You're not sure how, but somehow you manage to yank his shirt over his head, revealing his blue, scar littered chest. You find yourself pressing open mouthed kisses over his collarbones, his fingers spasming in your hair, rough Durese curses falling from his lips, as, growling, he fumbles with your shirt. Eventually, he gives up on the buttons and tears it off you, breath hitching as he surveys your cleavage before he rips off the cloth binding your breasts too.

He groans, low and hungry, as he cups you in his cool hands, watching your nipples tighten before he shoves down your trousers, taking your pants with them. The air of the ship is chilly against your skin, but you hardly notice - not when he's unbuckling his belt with frantic speed, not when every second a new, unseen section of delicious blue skin is revealed. Unable to resist, you grab his shoulder and pull him down for another hungry kiss as he lets his boxers fall from his fingers; surveying the hull for a flat surface and evidently finding it unsatisfactory, Cad hooks his arms under your thighs and slams your back against the wall. Arching your spine away from the cold metal, you choke on a ardorous gasp as he squeezes one of your breasts, hooking your ankles over his shoulders and lining himself up -

You flinch.

Fucking hell, why did you flinch?

Cad freezes, then pulls away, gently setting you down on the floor. He looks confused, bewildered, and you hate it. Leave it up to you to ruin it - just when you want it, when you never even thought you'd want this after Gavinc Russ - you have to fuck it up.

'Did I do somethin' wrong, izrin?'
You shake your head. 'I - I don't know why I flinched, I just - '
Surprisingly tender, he brushes some hair from your face. 'That's okay, li'l lady.'
You hug yourself, suddenly cold. 'Maybe I just... need some time.'
He nods. 'Is there - uh - is there anything I can do fer ya?'

His voice is gruff, one hand reaching back to rub the back of his head. You doubt he's asked someone that in a long time, but the shyness in his voice makes your heart melt. Maker, how is he putting up with this? You kiss him, you touch him, Maker, you touch him, you let him come so close, his cock mere inches away from where you both want him, and then you jerk away, and he somehow finds that he has it in him to ask you if there's anything he can do.

You smile. 'Just - just hold me, Cad.'

He picks up your clothes from the floor, handing them to you. He hesitates as he passes you, before pausing to drop a kiss on your forehead, one hand touching your waist gently. You close your eyes for a moment, savouring the tender gesture from a man who's infamous for his ability to use his trigger fingers. Absently, you watch the muscles ripple under his blue skin as he steps into his trousers, and he glances up, feeling your gaze.

'What're ya lookin' at, li'l lady?'

Quickly, on instinct, you turn your head away, and he laughs, tucking his shirt into his belt so the fabric hangs against his thigh, and, scooping you up, he nuzzles his face against yours in an affectionate gesture. His blue skin is cool and you giggle, pressing a kiss to his cheek. A low, rattling rumble sounds from deep in his throat as he shivers against you, pressing you close to his chest before he strides to his bed, collapsing on the sheets with a huff. Touching a palm right over his heart, you glance up at him.

'I'm sorry I couldn't - couldn't give you what we wanted,' you say, tracing a particularly raised scar on his skin, unable to meet his gaze.
He snorts. 'This, izrin, whatever we're goin' to call it, it ain't jus' about me.' He lets out an approving growl when you snuggle closer to him. 'Ya can take however long ya want, li'l lady.'

Cad's slender fingers thread in your hair, and you sigh in content, burying your face in his neck and hooking a leg around his waist. You feel your eyelids drooping shut as he fiddles absently with your hair, and you sigh, your breath fluttering against his throat.

'Cad?' You mumble. 'Can you take me on your hunt with you next time you go?'
He stiffens under you. 'Why?'
You shrug. 'It's boring when you're gone.'
He chuckles, and your head bounces slightly with the movement. 'Good to know that you miss me, izrin.'

You can hear the forced lightness in his voice, his reluctance to confirm anything right now, and you kiss a slim scar that stretches over his shoulder. You'll ask him about it later, get him to tell you why he doesn't want to bring you. One of his hands smooths over your waist, and he growls at the loss of warmth when you raise your head off his chest.

'What does that mean? That word, iz - izrin?'
He props himself up an elbow and meets your eyes. 'It means beautiful, li'l lady.' He smirks. 'Yer accent is cute, ya know.'
You blush, hiding your face in his shoulder. 'E chu ta,' you mumble in Huttese.
He laughs. 'Ya kiss me with that mouth?'
You nod. 'Yeah, and what are you going to do about it?'
He grins. 'Nothin', izrin.' He cocks his head. 'Might kiss ya again, actually.'

lol yall thought you were getting smut

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