Chapter 7

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A/N: it's been a long time so hi guys

Warnings: swearing, violence, death, weapons, cad likes food as much as he likes you, knives, idk what else,

Word count: 1138

Cad can't wait to get back to the Justifier. It's been a few weeks since you drummed up the confidence to request for some cooking ingredients, and almost three months since you climbed aboard his ship. Although he won't admit it yet, as a cold blood, coming back from a hunt to a warm meal... It's heaven. Plus, everything you cook tastes amazing, even if he can only compare the bland contents of ration packs to whatever meal you whip up. The Duros can't help but wonder what you'll have prepared for the two of you when he gets back. He hopes you'll make those blue milk pancakes again tomorrow, they're so fluffy and -

A dagger whizzes past his face and slams into the wall beside his head. The only thing that saved the blue skin of his cheek are his bone deep bounty hunter instincts. Scowling, he drops into a crouch, offended that someone threw a knife at a hunter with his reputation and mildly disgruntled that his daydreaming was interrupted. One hand drifting down towards the LL-30 on his right hip, he casts his red eyed gaze around the room.

The knife thrower sticks out like a sore thumb, but Cad already knows who it is. Sure enough, it's the male Xexto sitting furtively in the corner, mouth agape, trembling slightly, and identifiable as his quarry. Maker, he hates knife throwers. They're slippery and agile and they always, always make him chase after them like a massiff after a womp rat. And their knives... Sharp knives are a sure fire way to die of blood loss if you're not careful.

He can tell why the Xexto threw the dagger. If he hadn't missed, he'd have managed to kill Cad Bane and topple him from his pedestal in one single throw, which would have gained his respect from thousands of hunters dotted all around the galaxy. But, still, it was a stupid and desperate action; the action of a man who knows he's got nothing to lose because his death is near. Cad is never really not paying attention, especially not in a cantina like the one he's in right now. And even if the Xexto had succeeded in killing the very man after him, Cad still has too many allies for the Xexto to stay in favour for long.

As he expected, the Xexto leaps up as soon as Cad's gaze falls on him and vaults over a table, right out of the cantina. Cursing, the hunter follows, pulling out one of his LL-30s and shoving past patrons, hoping that today's race through the streets won't last too long. As he bursts out of the cantina, he manages to catch sight of his quarry, glancing fearfully over his shoulder as he bounds down the street, knives clutched in every one of his many hands. Activating the jets in his boots, Cad launches into the air, flying right over the crate of fruit that the Xexto had shoved over as he sprinted past in an attempt to slow his pursuer. Fleetingly, he notices that the fruit is jogan fruit, and wonders if you might use that in your cooking. He reckons it will taste nice on your blue milk pancakes; he should ask you about it when he gets back -

A knife flies past him, almost hitting his shoulder, and he spits out a Duros curse. He needs to focus, needs to stop thinking about you. Well, not you, your cooking.

Because you're only thinking about her cooking, right, Cad? A voice asks in the back of his head. Not the warmth that radiates off her, right? Not those delicate hands, right? Not that soft voice, right? Not those wide eyes, not that shapely ass, and not that bright smile, right? Not that sweet yet hardy soul that never fails to dazzle you, right?


'Fuck!' He snarls as another knife zooms past his other shoulder. 'Fucking fuck!'

Growling, angry now, he doubles his effort to catch the Xexto. He can see his quarry, just ahead, and he fires a volley of blaster bolts to the Xexto's left, herding him into a side alley. With a sound of triumph, Cad rounds the corner, LL-30s raised, and is forced to duck behind a crate immediately to avoid the storm of knives hurled at him, but not before little stings of pain shoot through him as he feels blades graze his arms and legs. Shielding his face with one arm, he fires towards where he can almost smell the Xexto's fearful panic. He just needs to hold out until his quarry's knife supply runs out, and then he can knock him out.

Popping up from behind the crate, he fires quickly at the Xexto, hoping to disable but not kill, but his quarry's flailing arms hold knives that flash in the sunlight, blinding him. He can't risk a stray shot killing his quarry, because he knows that if it does, he won't get enough credits to pay for both you and him. He knows he shouldn't give two shits about it if you get under fed, but he can't help imagining if it was her in your place, can't help but loathe himself for letting himself see her in you. Because even though you aren't her, he can't find it in him to kick you off the Justifier, not when with every second you prove your increasing usefulness. He knows, Maker, he knows that he surely doesn't have a heart by now, but he finds himself doing shit jobs like this to pay for you anyway, and he isn't even bothered by it. That's what aggravates him the most; he isn't even bothered.

After what feels like far too long, with his impatience simmering over, the daggers finally stop coming, and Cad shoots forward, lunging for the Xexto who now has no place to run to. Maker, he can't wait to get back to the ship and -

Shit, he always forgets that a cornered womp rat will fight dirty. Shit, shit, shit. The flash of silver metal registers in his mind too late, and the blade buries itself to the hilt in his cool flesh, slamming into his right side. He roars in pain, but lunges forward anyway, not about to let the Xexto run off after all this trouble. With a blow which might have been a little too hard, he knocks his quarry out with the butt of his blaster.

'Fuckin' bastard,' he mutters, gritting his teeth as he feels blood seep down his side. The pain is white hot, and it only gets more excruciating as he slings the heavy Xexto over his shoulder and makes his way back to the Justifier, cursing himself for letting down his guard and thinking about you.

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