Chapter 19

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A/N: whats up guys its me (finally)

Warnings: needles, i bullshit my way through weird medical descriptions, lil teeny tiny bit of smut, swearing,

Word count: 1990

Cad holds you against his chest. Your hair is splayed against his blue skin, your face peaceful as you slumber, one palm pressed flat to his flesh, right over the pulse of his heart. You're so warm; it makes him marvel at your heat, how you can afford to radiate energy all the time. Not even aware that he's smiling, he smooths your hair down with an affectionate sweep of his hand, a contented rumble sounding from his chest. He can't believe you're still here, still with him, and he intends to savour every ounce of your attention that he gets, intends to etch the picture of your sweet face into his mind, intends to glimpse every facet of that beautiful soul of yours; because even if your sharp edges slice his skin in places, the scars you leave revive his heart.

You stir, and he watches in something close to blinding adoration as you wrinkle your nose, squinting your eyes open. Yawning, you push off his chest and stretch your arms before melting back into him again. He traces lines down your skin, and you peek one eye open to look up at him.

'Yer beautiful. Ya know that?'
You huff. 'Thanks, but I'll be prettier if I get to sleep another five minutes.'
He chuckles. 'C'mon, li'l lady. Ya got to wake up at some point, Todo booked yer blood test for today.'
You perk up. 'I forgot about that.'
'Goin' to be nice to figure out a bit about who yer parents were, ain't it?'
You nod. 'Yeah. Thanks - thanks for being up for it.'

Cad can hear the apprehension in your voice, so he tightens the arm which is around your waist and pulls you up his body until he can kiss your forehead. A tingle shoots through him as he feels your lips pull into a smile against his chest, and he rubs a hand down your back. Nuzzling against his cheek, you sigh and seem to melt into him, going boneless. Quietly, his chest rattles as you mouth at the hollow of his throat, tongue flicking out to tease his cool cobalt skin: he growls, hands tightening around your body as he deftly shifts you beneath him so he can pin you to the mattress, his slender fingers loosely circling your wrists.

'Li'l lady, surely ya know what that does to me this early in the mornin',' he whispers, dipping his head into the space between your breasts so his words brush your skin, leaving trails of tingles in their wake. You open your mouth, a snarky response perching on the tip of your tongue, but he chooses that exact moment to shift against your legs, and something nudges at your crotch, something insistent and begging for attention. Smiling coyly, you blink innocently up at Cad, and he shudders as you drag your fingers down his chest, down over his stomach, down further than that, then back up, giving him a light push so he falls back on the bed. You straddle his thighs, beginning your descent again: he growls when you pause, yet he can't break your gaze - you've got him locked there, taut and waiting, desperate for your touch. Something glimmers in your eyes, and Cad knows then that you know the power you hold over him, you feel what you do to him right in the palm of your hand - literally. Your fingers tighten around his cock, and a soft sound slips from somewhere in his chest. He can feel your eyes on him, burning into his face as you watch his expression; the way his jaw goes slack when you swipe a thumb over the head, the way his eyelids drift closed when you run a finger down the underside.

Cad relaxes into the mattress. This is his way of telling you he trusts you, that he'll surrender to you, no matter what. Every single one of his moans, of his wanton sighs is a white flag waving to you - he's happy to lie there, under your touch: he does not chase his high or rut his hips into your hand, he just savours the gentle ministrations you shower upon his body, uncaring whether you'll make him cum or not, just content that you've got your hands on him.

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