3) Movie at Yaz's

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The sun was beginning to set as Yaz flipped on light switches in her family's apartment. The Doctor and her father were engaged deep in conversation about his 'conspiracies'. For each one he mentioned, the Doctor immediately had an explanation.

"The moon, it has to be a hologram, it's got to be, I saw it destroyed myself! Now it's just back again?" Yaz heard her dad say, frustration creeping into his voice.

"No no, it's an egg," the Doctor answered with complete confidence.

"An egg?" Yaz thought the Doctor must have been joking.

"Obviously, you saw the creature fly away from it, and it laid an egg." The Doctor was unsure why this came as a surprise. "I was there, I would know."

"Of course you were." That, Yaz wasn't surprised by.

As Yaz's dad made an excuse to leave, the dining room fell silent and the Doctor and Yaz sat next to each other, now alone. Yaz hurriedly thought through different activities, looking for anything she could say to keep the Doctor here. Her face lit up as she remembered something the Doctor had told Dan last week.

"Want to watch a film?" Yaz asked, voice full of hope. "I heard you telling Dan how much you missed the theater, and my house can't compare to that but I do own a few good shows."

"I'd love that," the Doctor beamed at Yaz, thrilled to have a reason to stay. Yaz's skin glowed in the light of the setting sun, and the Doctor stared at her face, admiring her, but perhaps looking a little too long.

"What's wrong?" Yaz questioned, worried she had misstepped.

"Oh, no, nothin'" the Doctor replied hurriedly, turning her eyes to the couch instead. "Over there?" she pointed at the TV placed in the next room.

"Uh, yeah," Yaz was confused, but recovered quickly and walked over to the couch, the Doctor following close behind.

Yaz picked out a film as the Doctor found a spot to sit, then joined her, sitting on the opposite side of the couch. Yaz wished to herself that Dan was here, just so she would have an excuse to sit closer to the Doctor. When they were running around, caught up in adventure, it was easy to grab the Doctor's hand to run, hug her in relief, or share a look of pride, but here, alone, it wasn't as simple. Anything could be misinterpreted, and Yaz dreaded the thought of losing the Doctor as a friend.

The Doctor seemed comfortable as the movie started, sitting criss-cross, leaning her elbow onto the arm of the couch as she watched the screen intently. Yaz turned the lights down and grabbed a blanket from another room to wrap around herself. Now both settled in, silence fell as they watched.

As the plot in the movie lulled, Yaz glanced over at the Doctor, and - was she shivering? She doubted herself at first, but as she watched her longer, she realized the Doctor did seem very cold.

"Doctor, are you cold?" she questioned softly.

"Me?" the Doctor shifted her attention away from the movie. "Nah, couldn't be, I'm fine."

Yaz sighed. "Doctor, you don't have to act fine. You look cold." The stern tone she spoke in surprised herself but she didn't apologize. Instead, she paused, then hesitantly, she asked, "Do you want to share the blanket?"

The Doctor looked as if she was about to answer with a firm no, then suddenly her expression changed to a mix of confusion and gratitude before replying. "Actually, yes. You're right, I'm sorry. I would love to share the blanket." Regret and doubt raced through her mind as she remembered what Dan had said to her about how Yaz felt, what she had been thinking about for days. He must have been messing with her, playing a mean joke, she half-convinced herself.

"Okay," Yaz's voice snapped the Doctor out of her thoughts, and she looked up to see a faint smile form on Yaz's face as she moved closer and handed the Doctor an edge of the blanket. The Doctor wrapped it around her shoulder, immediately noticing how close they had become. Their legs and arms touched between them, and she could feel her cheeks warm. She thanked Yaz before returning her attention to the movie, hoping her blush wasn't noticeable.

Yaz felt her eyes begin to tire as the movie continued. She half regretted that she chose such a long film, but was grateful that it meant more time with the Doctor. Dan was right, she had feelings for the Doctor, and it was becoming more difficult to ignore them. At least the movie was interesting, something to keep her mind busy.

As the film ended, the Doctor opened her mouth to talk, before realizing that Yaz had fallen asleep leaning on her shoulder. She was so invested in the plot that she hadn't even noticed. She felt butterflies forming in her stomach as she looked down at Yaz's peaceful countenance.

The house fell quiet as the credits ended, and the Doctor was left alone with her thoughts. She did like Yaz, she really, truly did. But her head was full of fear - fear of losing Yaz. A sad smile formed on the Doctor's face as she remembered Rose, oh the adventures they had together. Memories continued to flash through her head as she remembered those she had traveled with, and tears began to fall down her cheeks as she remembered letting each of them go. The pain she had felt losing those she loved - she didn't know if she could handle it again.

Then the Doctor recalled what Dan had said to her moments before Yaz returned that day they were fighting the Daleks. "What's the greater risk?" he had asked her. "You either lose her without her ever knowing how you felt, or lose her knowing she felt loved, she felt appreciated, and special." The Doctor never got a chance to answer him, but she knew the greater risk lay in the first option.

Yaz woke suddenly and sat up. The Doctor panicked and closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep. Puzzlement filled Yaz's face but quickly changed to contentment as she realized what had happened. The Doctor was asleep, again, and she still felt so tired herself. Without thinking too hard about it, Yaz laid her head back on the Doctor's shoulder and drifted off to sleep again.

Once she was sure Yaz had fallen back asleep, the Doctor opened her eyes and gazed at Yaz lovingly. "Tomorrow," she spoke aloud to herself, "tomorrow I will tell you."  The Doctor closed her eyes again, falling deep into sleep this time.

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