5) The Kiss

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"Here we are, Liverpool," the Doctor's voice was full of confidence.

Yaz wasn't so sure. She peeked out the door of the TARDIS and reluctantly agreed. "You're right, we've made it to Liverpool." She walked back to the console and checked the screen. "Right day too, but an hour late."

"Yes!" the Doctor happily exclaimed. She often landed them in the wrong cities, or more often, wrong times, but kept the same confidence each time, on the chance that she had gotten it right. She looked over to see a disappointed look on Yaz's face. "Close enough, I'm sure Dan's fine." the Doctor said reassuringly.

Yaz sat down on the steps to wait, and the Doctor followed, sitting only a few inches from Yaz. Although the Doctor seemed wide awake, Yaz found herself yawning still. She laid her head on the Doctor's shoulder, causing both their cheeks to redden. Just as Yaz had begun to drift off, Dan came bursting into the TARDIS.

"Where were you lot?" he asked loudly, but with a smile on his face.

"Short jump didn't work out well, didn't mean to get here late, sorry," the Doctor explained.

"Ah, don't worry about it, I was fine. How was your day off?" he asked innocently.

"Good!" Yaz replied quickly, sharing a smile with the Doctor before looking back toward Dan. "And yours?"

Dan looked at Yaz questioningly, he had noticed the smile she and the Doctor shared. She just wrinkled her eyebrows in response. "Mine was good too, mostly just got me new house set up, had to get all new furniture and such."

"Sorry again about that," the Doctor grimaced.

Dan laughed. "It's alright. Wouldn't trade the experience for the world. I'm the luckiest bloke to be traveling with yous." They all shared a laugh as Dan began to walk toward the hall. "I ought to finish getting ready though. Didn't get a chance to shower at my place."

"Gross Dan!" Yaz shouted, teasing him as he left. "Try not to get lost this time, eh?"

The Doctor chuckled in response, then busied herself fidgeting with various buttons on the TARDIS console. Yaz smiled, she knew the Doctor was pretending to be occupied, but thought her awkward attempts to seem busy were cute. Yaz watched the Doctor stumble around for a while longer, her own thoughts racing. What Dan had said a few nights before had been nagging at her. She wanted so badly to tell the Doctor how she felt but didn't even know where to begin.

"Doctor?" she called hesitantly.

"Yeah?" the Doctor looked up, glad the silence was broken. Yaz had a worried look on her face, which concerned her.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about something, too." Yaz stepped closer to the Doctor, who turned away from the console to face her.

"What is it?" the Doctor questioned, terrified that Yaz was going to ask to leave. She could hardly bear the thought of that happening.

"All this time we've spent together, it's been amazing, truly." Yaz smiled softly. "You're the best person I've ever met." she paused, unsure of how to continue. "I never want to leave you."

The Doctor sighed, relief flooding through her body. Yaz was staying.

"I don't ever want you to leave," she said, stepping closer to Yaz.

Yaz's hands shook, and she looked down at her feet as she continued. "Doctor, you're my best friend. And the feelings I have for you, they're, well -" Yaz paused, feeling the Doctor's hand gently tilt her head up. The Doctor's eyes were beautiful, full of hope, kindness, and everything good in the universe. "- they're more than just friendship."

"Yaz," the Doctor began, but before she could speak any more, she felt Yaz's lips gently touch hers. As quickly as it began, the kiss ended when Yaz quickly pulled back.

"I'm sorry," Yaz stammered. "I shouldn't have."

The Doctor didn't bother to answer. She wrapped both arms around Yaz's neck, pulling the two of them together, kissing her softly at first, slowly. Yaz placed her hands on the Doctor's waist, kissing her deeper, a smile forming on her lips. The Doctor pulled back, resting her head on Yaz's shoulder, holding her in a tight hug. "Haven't done that in a while," the Doctor admitted, sheepishly.

Yaz giggled in response, enjoying the warmth of the Doctor's body against her own. She'd never felt as safe as she did in the Doctor's arms right then.

"That was lovely," Yaz said, pulling away to look at the Doctor as she spoke. The way her eyes twinkled in the glow of the room was mesmerizing.

"Oh no, do I have something on my face?" the Doctor asked, worried at how Yaz was looking at her silently.

"No!" Yaz laughed. "It's just, you're gorgeous. That's all."

The Doctor was taken aback. She had rarely been called gorgeous in any of her male regenerations. If anyone here was to be described as gorgeous, it was most certainly Yaz. Her hair, her face, that wonderful intelligence and confidence she had. Yaz was gorgeous.

"So are you," the Doctor smiled before closing the gap that had formed between them and kissing Yaz again. The kiss was short and sweet, interrupted by the sound of Dan's footsteps coming down the hall. The women took a step apart, both trying desperately to hide their blushes as Dan entered the console room.

The Doctor busied herself looking at the console again. "Dan, you're newest, why don't you choose where we visit today?" she asked, glancing up at him as he came down the stairs.

"Before that, I was hoping one of yous could show me around the TARDIS first?" Dan questioned. "You've mentioned a pool, and a library?"

"Ah yes, how could we have forgotten!" the Doctor exclaimed.

"Mate, the TARDIS is infinite," Yaz explained. "You're going to love this."

"Mind showing him around yourself Yaz? I've got a few things to fix in here." the Doctor smiled, hoping neither of them saw through her lie. The TARDIS was fine, but she needed a minute to catch up with the day. The morning's events had gone wonderfully but left so many questions that she needed to think through.

"Yeah of course. Come on scouse, let's go," she called to Dan as she ran up the steps.

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