6) Breakfast

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As they entered the hall together, Dan wasted no time, immediately interrogating Yaz on the previous day's events. "So, did you tell her then?" he said, though he could already tell something had changed between the two women.

"Tell her what?" Yaz looked at Dan, pretending to be confused.

"Let's not do this again Yaz, you know what I'm saying. You told her how you feel?"

"Well, not exactly," she replied, her cheeks turning pink. "But she knows now."

"Mate, did you kiss her?" Dan teased.

Yaz defensively replied, "She kissed me!" That was a lie, but Yaz wasn't about to admit it.

"I told you Yaz, she likes you too! Can't believe it took you two so long to figure it out." He continued, his tone softening. "But it's out there now, and I'm proud of ya. I suppose I'll have to start knocking before I barge in on you now," he finished, with a wink.

"Dan!" Yaz scoffed, hitting his shoulder softly. "Get over yourself, we've got things to see."

The two continued their walk through the TARDIS, teasing each other as they went, making sure to visit all the important rooms on their tour.


Back in the console room, the Doctor paced in circles until she was too dizzy to stand. So much had happened since she left the TARDIS last night. She was so glad that Yaz and she had talked, that she had been able to tell her everything. Even more so, she felt giddy remembering the kiss they had shared just minutes before.

The Doctor had been falling for Yaz ever since they had met. She was incredibly intelligent and the greatest help when they found themselves in sticky situations. Then there was her seemingly infinite kindness and patience with anything and anyone they encountered. And on top of all that, her physical beauty was breathtaking. The Doctor felt her cheeks heat up as she pictured Yaz this morning when she had just woken up, eyes not quite open, messy hair, and that gorgeous smile of hers. She felt a goofy smile forming on her own face.

The Doctor's thoughts were interrupted by a growl erupting from her stomach. They had forgotten to eat before leaving Yaz's place and it was catching up to her. She checked the TARDIS screen to locate Yaz and Dan so she could catch up to them.

Only a minute had passed before the Doctor found them, Dan wandering the library with a look of amazement on his face, and Yaz watching him, amused.

"You lot want breakfast?" she asked, startling them.

Yaz nodded quickly. "Yes please, I'm starving"

Dan glanced at Yaz, raising a questioning eyebrow to ask if he should let the two be alone. Yaz blushed in response, quickly turning her head down. Dan looked back at the Doctor. "I already ate, I think I'll just explore in here for a bit. You two go ahead without me."

"You sure?" the Doctor checked.

"Yeah, there's still tons for me to see."

"Alright then, give us a shout if you need anything," said the Doctor, turning to head out the door with Yaz following close behind.

An awkward silence fell as Yaz and the Doctor wandered to the kitchen, neither of them sure of what to say. After what seemed like an hour of silence, but in reality, was only about 30 seconds, they arrived.

"I think I'll just have toast and jam," Yaz decided. "Want some?"

"That sounds delightful!" the Doctor agreed. Yaz popped some bread in the toaster as the Doctor picked out strawberry jam, dipping her finger in to taste it before placing it on the counter.

Yaz giggled, earning a confused expression from the Doctor. "You're a goof, you know that?"

The Doctor argued, "Everyone tries the jam first, you're the goof if you don't."

"Whatever you say," Yaz replied, stepping closer to the Doctor. "At least you're a cute goof."

Her compliment made the Doctor blush, cheeks turning red as a tomato. Yaz's smile grew, happy that her compliments had such an effect on the Doctor. Just then, the toaster popped, scaring both the women. They readied their food, then sat next to each other at the awkwardly placed booth sitting in the kitchen corner.

They were both so hungry that they didn't bother stopping to chat while they ate. Once they had both finished, Yaz piped up, "Here, I'll wash the plates."

"Thanks!" the Doctor said happily.

The Doctor couldn't help but stare as Yaz cleaned up the mess from their quick breakfast. The way she hummed while she worked was enchanting, and the flyaways dancing away from her braid while she moved were quite cute.

As Yaz finished up and began to rinse her hands, the Doctor stood and moved toward her, gently wrapping her arms around Yaz's waist from behind.

"Hey," Yaz whispered as the Doctor squeezed her gently.

"Hi," the Doctor replied, using her hands to turn Yaz around in one swift motion. She smiled at Yaz, then felt her soft lips crash against her own. The Doctor returned the kiss, wrapping her arms around Yaz's back as she did. She felt Yaz's fingers run through her hair eliciting a soft, involuntary moan.

Yaz's heart raced faster hearing the Doctor's reaction, she had been longing to kiss her again since their shared moment in the console room earlier that day. Her fingers tangled further into the Doctor's hair as she pulled her head closer to deepen the kiss. Yaz gasped as she felt the Doctor's hands lower slightly, stopping just above her hips. She was sure the Doctor noticed. They paused, both trying to catch their breath.

Yaz moved her hand to the Doctor's face, cupping her cheek. "Let's do that more often," she grinned.

Authors Note:

Hello! I have one more part almost ready to publish after this one and plan to keep writing if there is enough interest. Let me know if you want to see more and I'll keep writing!


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