8) Nightmares

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A/N: This is actually a chapter I have in my one shots work, edited a bit to fit the continuity of this story. I am working on writing more chapters for this story but am a bit busy this week, so I thought I'd include this so there is still something to read! Feel free to give my one shots work a look if you'd like, I am hoping to finish a new chapter for it soon! - A. 

The next day, Yaz wandered the TARDIS library, lazily scanning the shelves, waiting to find a title that sparked her interest. Today was a day in for the fam, Dan had fallen asleep watching a movie in the theater. He had invited Yaz, but she politely declined. It wasn't that she didn't want to join him, they always had loads of fun together. Yaz chose the library in hopes of running into the Doctor.

Yaz knew the Doctor sometimes spent her free time in the library. She saw her reading here often when picking a new novel, but found it almost impossible to read in her presence. Being around her muddled Yaz's thoughts, she couldn't focus on anything other than the sound of the time lord's voice, and the excitement that was so often shown on her face. For that reason, Yaz avoided actually reading in the library, opting to take the books she chose back to her room instead.

Despite the fact that she already had a large pile of books in her room, waiting to be read, Yaz was searching for another. She wandered the towering shelves, her attention split between reading titles, and searching for the Doctor. She made 3 loops through the books before admitting to herself that her friend wasn't here, and probably wasn't coming.

Yaz grabbed a book with a olive green-colored spine that had caught her eye ten minutes before and sat down in the closest chair she could find, too tired to walk back to her room. Even without the Doctor in the room, her mind wandered from the book, thinking of what she was up to.

Soon enough she felt her eyes getting heavy, and she didn't feel like fighting back. Yaz listened to the gentle hum of the TARDIS fill the library as she drifted into sleep.


The Doctor strolled through the library, slowly winding her way around the many shelves that filled the room. She knew what book she was looking for, and where to find it, but found peace within the aisles of books, purposely taking the longest route through them. Eventually, she made it to her destination, rounding the last corner, book in hand, before reaching her favorite nook.

The hideaway was in a hidden corner of the library, walls painted a deep blue, and small stars scattered from floor to ceiling. In it lay quite a few seating options, the woman's personal favorite being an indigo sofa. On it, lay a sleeping Yaz.

The Doctor came to an abrupt stop, carefully observing the occupant of her seat. She smiled, tiptoeing closer, and sat criss-cross on a nearby chair instead. The Doctor's original plan to read all evening had been happily shifted. As she read, she frequently paused to glance over at Yaz, checking that she was okay and that she hadn't woken her friend.

Despite spending so much of their time together, or maybe due to the amount of time they spent together, the relationship between the women still lay undefined. The feelings they had for each other were by no means hidden, they had kissed and cuddled of course. There never seemed to be time, or the right time anyways, to sit down and have a proper discussion about it. 

The hum of the TARDIS and occasional page rustle were the only sounds filling the large room as the Doctor read. She had become especially captivated by an action scene in the novel when she noticed a sniffling coming from Yaz's direction. She quickly set her book down, peering at the girl sitting only a few feet from her. Again, a sniffle. As she stood up, careful to remain quiet, the Doctor realized that Yaz was still asleep.

The Doctor's heart sank as she realized her Yaz must have been having a nightmare. Nightmares frequently plagued the Doctor's sleep, she knew how awful they felt. Anxious to provide some sort of help, she knelt down next to the couch, gently placing a hand on Yaz's shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay, you're safe," the Doctor's voice came out in a soft whisper.

Yaz woke abruptly, one hand reaching to push away whoever was behind her, the other coming up to her face to hide her tears. Voice still trembling with fear, she gave her best effort at sounding okay. "Hey," she paused as she noted the Doctor's long coat floating in her peripheral vision. "M'sorry I must have fallen asleep." Her fingers trembled as they pushed the Doctor's hand away, moving to sit up.

"Had a nightmare?" the Doctor spoke, offering a knowing look from her hazel eyes.

Yaz thought about lying, keeping up the ruse she had started, but gave in as more tears began to make their way down her cheeks. "Yeah," she said, hands falling back to her chest, voice trembling.

Strangely sure that it was the right thing to do, the Doctor replied with a question. "Want a hug?" she smiled gently.

Yaz nodded, moving her shaking hands from her chest to allow the Doctor closer. Her breathing slowed as the time lord held her, body relaxing into the embrace. When Yaz's grip loosened, the Doctor raised her head, knees still on the floor.

"Doctor, can you stay?" Yaz shyly asked, eyes avoiding the Doctor's gaze.

"Of course," the Doctor's eyes lit up as she responded.

Yaz shifted onto her side, moving her body farther towards the back of the couch, leaving room for the Doctor to lay next to her. The Doctor took off her coat, leaving it in a messy pile on the ground. She happily took her place on the couch, wrapping her arm around Yaz's stomach.

Faces hidden from each other, both women smiled, content with the nearness of their bodies to one another. Yaz couldn't help but notice how safe she felt in the Doctor's arms. She found it wonderfully easy to fall back asleep, waking to no nightmares this time. 

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