4) The Talk

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Yaz woke up in the early hours of the morning, a sleepy smile forming on her face as she realized that she was still leaning on the Doctor. Worried Sonya would tease her endlessly if she found them like this, Yaz reluctantly stood up and moved the Doctor's head to a pillow before walking back to her room. She groaned as she realized that she had also forgotten pajamas, then grabbed a large shirt from her closet to wear, and turned off the light in her room before slipping into bed.

The Doctor woke to beams of sunlight beginning to peek in through the windows. She sat up, frowning as she realized that Yaz wasn't next to her anymore. Her frown turned quickly to concern when she noticed the sounds of others waking. It would be awfully awkward trying to explain why she was still at their flat, scrambling to think of an excuse.

Before she had a chance to think up a plan, Najia walked in, flipping the lights on as she cheerfully greeted her. "Doctor! Yaz mentioned you slept here, I just didn't think she meant on the couch." The Doctor's face turned a deep shade of red, which she quickly tried to hide. Before she could respond, Najia spoke again. "You can stay here anytime you like. I'm going to make toast, would you like any?"

"Nah, that's okay, thank you Najia," the Doctor politely declined. "I need to be off soon. Mind pointing me to Yaz's room?"

"Second door on the left," Najia smiled at her as she pointed towards the hall.

"Great, thanks," the Doctor hurriedly replied.

The Doctor started down the hall, smoothing her hair on the way, trying to look somewhat presentable. As she approached the door, she knocked softly but heard no response. Slowly, she pushed the door open, then closed it behind her, trying not to startle Yaz. She had no idea what she was going to say but knew that they needed to talk. Almost instinctively, she sat down at Yaz's feet, accidentally waking her. The Doctor lowered her eyes, embarrassed that she had been so careless.

"Doctor?" Yaz whispered. "What are ya doing in here?"

"I'm just on my way out," the Doctor stammered. Her voice softened. "Thanks for putting the blanket over me last night. I don't even remember falling asleep," she lied. The Doctor wondered if Yaz remembered sleeping on her shoulder before moving into her bedroom. She glanced at Yaz, who was now sitting up and noticed a blush forming on her cheeks.

"Yeah, of course," Yaz said, still trying to get her bearings. She was not a morning person. "You're leaving now?"

The Doctor paused before responding. This might be the last time they're alone for a few days. Maybe the best chance she would get. "Actually - there was something I wanted to talk to you about first." she looked down at her feet as she finished her sentence, too scared to see how Yaz reacted. The Doctor continued, "maybe now is a bad time, I haven't even given you a chance to wake up, your mum is probably wondering why I haven't left, I need to check up on the TARDIS -" she stopped talking when she looked up at Yaz. The Doctor couldn't help but pause to admire the sleepy woman in front of her.

"I'm sorry, I'll leave you be," the Doctor finished.

"No, please stay," urged Yaz. She could see pain and confusion in the Doctor's eyes, and all she wanted to do was comfort her.

The Doctor closed her eyes briefly, her body slumped from disappointment in herself. She knew she had been a terrible friend to Yaz as of late, and she regretted ever keeping how she felt a secret. The Doctor took a deep breath, hearing the sheets move, then felt two arms reach around her shoulders and envelop her. A tear of relief threatened to fall down her cheek as she gladly reciprocated the hug, turning sideways to wrap her arms around Yaz's waist.

Yaz knew from experience that asking the Doctor what was wrong wouldn't get her any answers. Instead, she simply whispered "I'm here for you," and held the Doctor as they sat in silence. In the other room, they heard the rest of Yaz's family waking up.

Despite how much she was enjoying the warmth of Yaz's body against hers, the Doctor worried about what her family would think if they were in here too long. "Yaz - your family - I should go," she said, concern written across her face as she turned to face her friend.

"Doctor, our moment on the beach, we missed that. Let's not miss this too," Yaz said, trying her best to convince the Doctor. "You said you'd tell me everything, so tell me. Never mind what my family thinks, they'll tease me anyway. I'm here for you. Tell me, please," she begged.

"Okay," the Doctor took a deep breath. "This is a long story."

Yaz reluctantly let go and moved her hands to her lap as the Doctor moved to sit against the headboard, knees to her chest. Yaz adjusted to be in front of her, placing a comforting hand on her knee. "You can tell me. I'm ready," she said, almost whispering.

The Doctor began to tell Yaz everything she had learned about herself and about the Division, pausing only to breathe, or when Yaz had a question. The relief she felt in telling someone else was indescribable.

Yaz watched the Doctor intently, doing her best to soak in everything she said. The Doctor kept her eyes closed most of the time, something Yaz hadn't seen her do before. Occasionally a tear would fall down the Doctor's cheek, but she seemed so lost in the story that she didn't even notice. It took everything in Yaz to not wipe it away.

By the time the Doctor had finished, Yaz's parents and Sonya had all gotten ready, eaten, and left for their respective jobs. Yaz stood up, "I'll get some water," she said, still processing everything the Doctor had told her.

Yaz came back with a glass of water, and handed it to the Doctor, now sitting criss-cross on the bed. After taking a drink, Yaz set her cup down on the side table and sat next to the Doctor.

The Doctor started, "Yaz, I'm sorry," she sighed. "I shouldn't have kept it from you this long. You're my friend, you mean the world to me. I'm sorry that I ever made you feel any different. I -" the Doctor was cut off by Yaz embracing her again. "Thank you for listening. Your kindness is unmatched Yasmin Khan." She wrapped her arms around Yaz's neck and quickly wiped her tears, hoping Yaz wouldn't notice.

"Of course," Yaz stated this with certainty. "I'll always listen when you need to talk. You're like my best friend Doctor. I -" Yaz stopped, unsure whether now was the right time.

Before she could start again, the Doctor interrupted, "I feel the same way."

Yaz was unsure whether the Doctor somehow had known what she was going to say next, or just meant she also felt that they were best friends. All of her hoped it was the first option, but her heart wasn't sure to trust that it wasn't the latter.

They held each other for a few more seconds before reluctantly, they both pulled away. "This conversation isn't over," Yaz ensured, "but we need to go get Dan, shouldn't be late, or we won't hear the end of it from him."

"You're right," the Doctor agreed. "Ought to get ready." She smoothed out her hair, checked her outfit was right, then grinned at Yaz. "I'm good!"

"It's going to take me a minute longer," Yaz laughed.

The Doctor sat on the edge of the bed, fiddling with her sonic while Yaz got ready for the day. She hoped Yaz might need help with her hair again, but couldn't help but smile at how cute she looked when she came back into the room, wearing it in a messy braid instead.

"What?" Yaz laughed. "Why are you staring?"

"Was I staring? I don't remember staring," the Doctor stammered. "You just look nice, that's all."

"Thanks then, we should get going."

"Yes, right, off we go." The Doctor stood quickly and led the way back to the TARDIS.

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