~Chapter 2~

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You and Jungkook got off the ride and were greeted by Taehyung and Lia bickering. "Y/n this! Y/n that! Go date her instead! Since you care about her so much!" She yelled as he just sighed and replied, "She's my friend, nothing more. You know that too! Stop creating an unnecessary scene here!"

"I see the way you look at her! She's always hugging you and you have a girl-friend now! And that's me! Not her! So stop it with your concern towards her!" She yelled as Taehyung got angrier each second.

"Don't test my patience Lia." He replied calmly. "No I will today Kim Taehyung! What do you see in her that you can't see in me? Huh?!" She spat as you got more teary. Jungkook hugged you and tried to calm you down, which resulted in you breaking down in his arms.

"Why are you being like this?! She's just a friend! Nothing more! Shut up already! Why are you talking like this huh? Don't you trust me?!" Taehyung replied, now fully losing his cool.

"Can you both stop fighting because of me? I don't love Taehyung that way, Lia. I could never ever do that to you!" You stepped in sobbing as Jungkook tried to calm you down.

"I can't believe this!" Lia huffed in frustration and stomped off to the car and got in, and drove off. You got on Jungkook's bike and followed her worriedly. Taehyung and Jungkook followed you both too. Lia stopped the car at a cliff. And you stopped the bike and hugged her.

"Please don't do this Lia, he loves you a lot!" You cried. "No he doesn't!" She replied pushing you away. Both of you were bickering as you both were now standing at the end of the cliff.
Jungkook was secretly watching the two of you. He already knew why Lia was doing all this. Suddenly Lia pushed you but held your hand. You looked into her eyes and all you saw was pure rage and hatred.

"LIA?! PLEASE DON'T LET GO! PLEASE I BEG YOU!" You screamed, holding her hand tightly. She just smirked and lowered you more. "If you die, he'll love me, not you!" She spoke calmly, dangerously calm though.

Jungkook panicked seeing you both like this and was about to run to you but stopped when he heard Taehyung's voice calling the two of you out. Lia heard him and pulled you back and stood in your place and smirked at you. You were confused by the smirk and terrified too. Just then she held your hand and pushed herself  with it. Taehyung was a bit away so he couldn't see that she did it.

Jungkook screamed in horror and ran to you both with Taehyung sobbing and yelling Lia's name. Lia fell off the cliff and you screamed in horror. Jungkook hugged you tightly as you were trembling. Taehyung looked at you with bloodshot eyes.

"You! YOU KILLED MY GIRL-FRIEND! YOU PUSHED HER! WHAT DID SHE EVER DO TO YOU HUH?! SHE WAS RIGHT ABOUT YOU! LIA PLEASE COME BACK! I WON'T GO NEAR HER PLEASE COME BACK TO ME!" He yelled crying and sobbing. You were sobbing and trembling as Jungkook hugged you tighter.

"She didn't do it, Taehyung. I was-" Jungkook tried reasoning but was cut off by him saying, "Stop defending this slut! You're a murder! I will make your life miserable Choi Y/n! Just wait and watch!" He yelled.
You cried more.

"Taehyung, please believe me, I didn't do it!" You sobbed. For a moment he felt his heart break at the sight of you crying miserably. But that break was hidden by rage and hatred.

"Touch her and I will not spare you!" Jungkook roared. Taehyung just scoffed at you and let more tears out. Jungkook took you home and you were a crying mess.

"Y/n I know you're innocent. I was there, I saw her. You aren't a murderer." He said as he parked the car. You just looked at him still crying.

"Why doesn't he believe me?" You cried. "Y/n look at me." He said as you looked up at him with your teary swollen eyes, red nose, and messed up hair. He pulled you closer and kissed you as you kissed him back.

After 2 minutes you both pulled away and he hugged you tightly. "I will protect you, don't worry. I'll prove your innocence." He whispered, placing a kiss on your forehead.

After crying for an hour or two, in Jungkook's arms, you went to your house. You knocked on the door. To your surprise Taehyung opened it. You went pale as he was smirking at you. Jungkook had already left to somehow gather some evidence to prove you innocent.

"She's here." He coldly announced as you went inside to see your parents and his parents sitting in the living room. You were already soaked from all the rain and so was Taehyung, “How could you?” Your dad suddenly spoke up, looking at you with hatred.

“How could you stoop so low, Choi Y/n?! Is this the way we raised you huh?!” Your mom, who was in agony, cried out at you. "I didn't do it! Please t-" You were cut off with your dad slapping you. "How long will you lie huh?!" He yelled, letting his tears out. "Taehyung has already told us what you did!" Your mom yelled. "Please t-trust me. I didn't do it!" You sobbed.

Taehyung's parents were never fond of Lia. That girl gave them negative vibes and his parents knew you could never ever murder anyone. "How can I kill someone when I can't even kill an insect! I didn't do it. Please trust me!" You looked at Taehyung, sobbing helplessly.

A part of Taehyung wanted him to believe you, but how could he when he saw you pushing her?

Your dad wiped his tears away harshly and pushed you to Taehyung's parents. You stumbled and fell in his mom's arms as she hugged you tightly and rubbed your back. You cried your heart out to her, pleading with her to believe you. "I believe you, Y/n. I believe you." She whispered.

"Since you killed her so you could get Taehyung, that's exactly what's going to happen!" Your dad spat coldly as you widened your eyes. You shook your head violently as you sobbed more. "No no please I don't like him at all! Please I love someone else!" You cried, begging him. Taehyung's eyes grew dark hearing your response. You dad harshly pulled you up from the floor and yelled, “You are marrying him! That's it!”

With that Taehyung and his parents left after deciding that they'd get the two of you married tomorrow. That night was the worst night of your life. You cried a lot. You loved Jungkook too much. You didn't see or look at Taehyung that way. You cried for your dead best friend, your lover, and your soon to be husband.

Whereas Jungkook wasn't successful in getting any evidence but he decided to not give up and go search the place where it all happened.

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