Chapter 12

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He walked out with his mother following him. He looked like a maniac. He kept smiling looking at the bracelet you handed him with the divorce papers.

It was the friendship bracelet you both gave to each other in kindergarten.

He sniffled letting tears fall out again before wearing it on his wrist and walked to his car, getting inside as his mom got inside with her husband or his father.

He drove off letting tears out, shaking from crying too much. He deserved all the agony and guilt.

Lia was in jail, getting treated the way she should've been. You were sleeping in your soulmate's arms. Jungkook looked at your pale worn out face and planted a kiss on your forehead, pulling you closer making you wrap your legs around his torso.

He smiled and felt at peace now that he had you, his love in his arms and he planned to never let go.

~Timeskip to 5 years later~
Today you were getting married to the love of your life, fully healed and moved on from the traumatizing years of your life.

It took you a lot of time but Jungkook was patient and helped you all the way, just like how he promised to. You did not hear from Taehyung after that day nor did you want to. Though Lia approached you for money but was yet taken away by the cops again for running away from prison. 

You forgave your parents, but you never met them. Rose was smiling at you, seeing the glow on your face. "You look so beautiful, if I were a guy and weren't taken by Chan, I'd bang you!" She spoke as if she really meant it, making you snicker. "Rose! Chan will kill me, don't say so!" You laughed.

"He won't. If he dares to lay a hand on my best friend I will chop his baby maker off." She huffed. "You both fought again, didn't you?" You giggled as she fixed your hair. "Well he didn't get me ice cream after promising me to-" "Here." Chan interrupted her, handing her the ice cream. "W-When did you get-" "When you threatened to chop my divk off. How can you be so cruel with your boyfriend?!" He whined as she kissed his cheeks eating the ice cream.

"Of course I won't." She laughed as he whispered something in her ear making her turn red as she gulped. You snickered. "Get a room already." You chortled as she hit your shoulder playfully before touching up your make up.

"Hyung, I'm freaking going to shit my pants." Jungkook rambled nervously as he kept setting his hair while looking at the mirror. "Bruh, stop shaking, she loves you, nothing will happen." Yoongi patted his back. "It's time to go c'mon dude."

~Time skip~
"You may kiss-" Jungkook did not let the priest finish his sentence and smashed his lips onto yours as you blissfully returned the kiss. Everyone cheered and had fun.

You spotted Taehyung's parents coming towards you and Jungkook. "You look so beautiful together." Mrs. Kim smiled as she hugged you whereas you smiled returning the hug. "And you look elegant aunty." You smiled as she chuckled.

"Where's Taehyung..?" You asked. "Oh...he's not here...he's in the hospital..actually..." She trailed off as she told you how Taehyung started having hallucinations of you, and always screamed at the slightest inconvenience, always cried and never let anyone touch your belongings.

Slowly yet steadily, he started going crazy. He started following his hallucinations which almost ended his life 7 times. Maybe God did not want him to die and endure the pain, guilt and regret forever. His hallucinations led him to start taking drugs which worsened his condition. His parents had no choice but to send him to the mental hospital.

Your eyes teared up, so did Jungkook's. Even after all that went down he was still someone close to you both and it kind of hurt you both seeing him suffer this way.

"We...we hope he gets better soon.." You spoke wiping your tears away before hugging Mrs and Mr. Kim. "Thanks dear, and congratulations on your wedding." They smiled big before leaving the venue.

~Timeskip to Jungkook and your apartment~

!!slight mature content!! !!skip if you're uncomfortable!!

You both entered the house as he pinned you to the wall before kissing you hungrily making you let out a moan. He deepened the kiss as you bit his lower lip, wrapping your legs around his torso.

He laid you on the bed and hovered over you, leaving love bites all over your body, marking you his. Skin on skin, he intertwined his fingers with yours, as he kissed you feverishly. 

Jungkook's pov

I walked towards her, hovering over her before pulling her in for a kiss which she gladly returned.

Deepening the kiss, she sucked on my lower lip biting it softly making me moan. I pulled away and looked into her eyes as I kissed her forehead before placing wet soft kisses all over her body as she blushed hard.I kissed her inner thigh, sucking on it leaving a red mark as I looked up at her earning a curt shy nod from her making me chuckle at her shy behavior.

Slowly I got back up and kissed her passionately as I slid myself inside her, making the both of us gasp and moan softly. I stayed inside her, as she blushed even more before hiding her face in the crook of my neck.

"Aww, my baby is shy now?" I chuckled, kissing her cheek as I slowly thrusted. "You're so beautiful." I spoke as I continued to thrust slowly and deep, making her moan softly and blush at my words. "So caring." I whispered near her ear as I kept thrusting slowly.

"So loving." I said as I kissed her forehead, whereas she kept moaning silently and blushing her way through all my words. "So kind and passionate." I kissed her nose as I thrusted a bit deep yet still slow. "I love you so much." I whispered as she moved her hips clenching around me making me moan out softly.

"I love you too." She whispered as she arched her back before pulling me in for a chaste kiss which I blissfully responded back to. My thrusts were slow and deep making her moan softly at how deep I was. 

"You're my everything, my first and last, in every aspect." 

I kissed her forehead as tears escaped her eyes at my words. I wiped her tears away and kissed her. "I love you forever." I smiled as she released all over me before kissing me as I kissed her back pulling out and releasing on her stomach, not pulling away from the kiss. 

She kept kissing me, pouring out all her love she had for me in that kiss, making tears escape my eyes at how much she loves me. We both pulled away as we wiped each other's cheeks before snuggling close to each other. "I love you." "I love you more." She replied blushing as she nuzzled into the crook of my neck before drifting off to sleep.

"I love you more than I love myself." I whispered to myself as I kissed her forehead, before wrapping my arms around her pulling her closer before closing my eyes and falling asleep in each other's embrace. 

~Taehyung's condition~
"Baby? Y/nie look I s-still have your bracelet, the one we both used to wear! Look I suffered a lot now please come to me? I love you sooooo much pleaseee?" He pouted looking at you. Well it was a wall he was talking to but to him, it was you standing there. 

When you shook your head as a no, he started screaming and crying. 

"Cupcake please! Please come to me..." He slowly passed out from the injections that were immediately given to him by the nurses that rushed into his room when they heard screams. Mrs. Kim cried as she hugged her husband.

Mr. Kim patted her head as he hugged her back before covering her ears so she couldn't hear the blood curdling screams of their son. 

~The End~

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