Chapter 9

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He threw her on the bed and ripped her clothes off making her flinch and cry. "Please...don't..." She cried, but he did not listen. Stripping himself completely he hovered over her again, holding her hands and pinning them above her head.

She tried to push him away but he was stronger. Letting tears out she kept crying, "P-Please...d-don't do this to me please..." She cried and sobbed, but he didn't pay any heed to her pleas and cries.

He started sucking and biting her neck, making her wince in pain.

Making hickeys all over her neck and cleavage he pulled away and tied her legs and hands with his belt. "T-Taehyung please d-don't do this..." She voiced out crying even harder as she moved around trying to get out of the belts but they were too tight.
He just chuckled.

"We're married. I am your husband right?!" He spat as he rubbed her, making her cry more. "P-please...d-don't..." She wailed.  He just ignored her, making her want to puke out of disgust as she choked on her own sobs.

"I-I beg you...p-please...d-don't..." She wept. He pulled away, staring at her angrily.

"P-please I-I beg you d-don't rape me please...please..." She whispered as he suddenly looked down at her. She was covered in bruises and red marks, her hands and legs bruised, with hot tears running down her face.

His breathing got uneven as he untied her with his shaky hands as she sobbed and bawled her eyes out.

"I-I am s-sorry p-please d-don't rape me...I-I will c-clean and do e-every c-chore...I-I will do everything p-please..." She bellowed as he slowly came up to her making her move more away from him.

"I-I am sorry I am so sorry for killing your girlfriend and r-ruining t-the hoody...I-I never meant to d-do it I p-promise I did not-kill her...I-I am so-sorry I-I w-will wash the h-hoody and s-spray her p-perfume o-on it s-sorry I am so sorry....I-I d-don't like y-you a-as a man or a-anything I-I n-never s-saw you t-that way I-I did not m-mean to r-ruin f-for everything I am so-sorry.." She cried loudly as she kept on shaking and covering her body making him cry.

"I-I am sorry Y/n-ah forgive me once p-please.." He wept as she moved away and limped to the bathroom sobbing.

He widened his eyes as he ran after her and banged on the door making her cry more. "Go a-away p-please..." She cried as she scratched her skin wherever she saw a hickey.

"Y/n open the door or I will break it!" He yelled banging on the door making her sob and tremble.

She covered her mouth to try to suppress the sobs and make him go away but nothing worked. She was shaking out of fear.

"What if he tries to do anything again if I go out? What if he tries something when I am sleeping?" These were the thoughts that roamed around her brain making her sweat and tremble as she picked her phone up from the floor with shaky hands. He kept banging at the door.

"Do not do anything stupid to yourself please Y/N!" He yelled as she dialed Jungkook's number.

"Yes? Bubs all okay what's-" "he-he d-did..." she cut him off as she cried and panted heavily. "He what? Y/n what is wrong are you alright?" He said worry laced in his voice. "H-he t-tried to f-force himself to-'' Before she could finish she blacked out. "Y/N?! Y/N! SHIT!" He cursed as he quickly jumped out of his bed and rushed downstairs.

Getting in his car he drove off to her place. Parking the car he took out the key that was placed under the doormat and entered the house. It was eerily quiet, which made shivers run down his spine.

"Y/n..?" he voiced out. Now Taehyung did not hear any sobs. It was pin drop silence. He could only hear his heavy breathing.

He panicked as he pushed the door open only to find her unconscious with her phone in her hand. "No...FUCK NO!!" He cursed loudly as he cried.

Jungkook heard the voice and rushed into the bedroom only to be greeted by an unconscious Y/n and a weeping and shaking Taehyung.

She was naked and looking at her body, he got an idea of whatever happened.

He cried at the thought of her crying out for help and ran up to her and Taehyung and held her as he covered her with a blanket.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER YOU ASSHOLE?!" He screamed at Taehyung who looked down crying and shaking. "I-I" "STOP YOUR PATHETIC ACT AND CALL A BLOODY AMBULANCE R-RIGHT NOW!" He yelled at him as he flinched and called the ambulance.

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