Chapter 10

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"Why did you do this Taehyung...? H-How could you stoop so damn low?!" Jungkook yelled at him as he kept crying, making Taehyung feel even more guilty than before. He deserved all the guilt.

Jungkook wailed as he kept hugging you and kissing your forehead in hopes of you waking up.

But as he expected, your body was ice cold. The ambulance soon arrived as they rushed you to the hospital. Jungkook decided to call Mr. Park, your parents and Taehyung's parents today so he can take you out of this hellhole for good.

"You will regret everything you ever did to her today Kim Taehyung, just wait and watch! I will not spare you for this!" He spat and left with Taehyung crying and running out to his car to drive off to the hospital.

Jungkook picked everyone up and brought them to the hospital and rushed inside. "Doctor! Kim Y/n! Where is she?!" He asked for you as he panted heavily.

"We are treating her...I am sorry for whatever happened Mr. Jeon, she may not wake up due to the trauma on her brain." The doctor replied as he patted a crying Jungkook's back before leaving back to where you were admitted.

"W-what happened to our Y/n son?" Your dad stuttered as he looked at Jungkook. Taking a deep breath he tried to calm himself down but he couldn't.

No matter how much he tried to, he couldn't. "Please sir, I respect you a lot. But do not dare to call her yours after whatever you all did to her! Where was your concern when she was crying and begging you all to believe her?! She suffered so much! Yet she still cared about you all! Do not call yourself a parent, not after how you chose to believe someone you all knew for 3 months over your own damn daughter! How I wish she did not follow and try to save that witch! FLASH NEWS PEOPLE! SHE IS ALIVE! ALL FREE AND ROAMING AND WHORING AROUND LIKE SHE USED TO!" He yelled at them, making them drown in guilt as they gasped at the news.

"W-we all buried her." Your mom stuttered. That's where Mr. Park stepped in. "That body was another person's corpse that has been reported to be as old as 2 years. And according to Ms. Lia's death certificate, she died 5 months ago." Mr. Park said as he showed them the autopsy report with the death certificate.

"W-Where is she?" Your dad asked as he showed them a clip from the club and the restaurant. They all crowded at one place to watch the clip and it showed, none other than Lia herself, serving drinks and dancing and kissing men.

The second clip showed her being a receptionist at a hotel. "H-how...w-why?" Your mom stuttered as Jungkook scoffed. "If you still don't believe it, we can call her here too." He spat as Mrs. Jeon tried calming him down.

That's when Taehyung arrived at the scene and frowned upon seeing everyone. "What's going on?" He asks as he avoids Jungkook's sharp glares.

"Oh welcome here, your lover is alive Taehyung!" Jungkook emphasized the word 'lover' as he mocked him.

"Stop lying, it's not funny..." He replied as he tried looking for you. "We aren't lying Mr. Taehyung. Please look at these clips." Mr. Park said as he showed him the clips.

Taehyung's breath was now uneven, he started having flashbacks of your crying and begging face, of how you cried all day, of how he tortured you, of how he harassed you 2 times and how tried to rape you.

"Mr. Park, call that witch here." Jungkook stated as he glared at your parents and Taehyung. Mr. Park nodded and texted Lia to come to the hospital.

"W-Where is Y-Y/n...?" He asked as he gulped at the thought of you not waking up. "She's somewhere safe inside. And away and safe from you!" He replied now in tears. "Safe from him? What do you mean son?" Mrs. Kim frowned. "You don't know?" He replied, making her frown. "No son, what is it?" She asked as he scoffed.

"No it's nothing mom, he's just-" "YOU CALL ALL THAT NOTHING YOU BEAST?!?!? How can you say that after abusing her daily?! How can you after harassing her and forcing yourself on her?! After beating her up daily?! Burning her hands?! Leaving her out in the rain when you knew about her phobia?! Firing all the maids in the house and making her do all the chores after injuring her?! After making her go suicidal and after mentally torturing her?! YOU CALL ALL THIS NOTHING?!" Jungkook yelled, cutting Taehyung off.

Everyone looked at Taehyung in horror. Your parents were in tears, so were Taehyung's. Mrs. Jeon knew whatever you went through and she wanted to help.

So she did help. She used to visit every now and then, and give you emotional and moral support.

" this how we raised you..?" His dad asked, as he slapped him hard making all the people present at the scene flinch. Mrs. Kim, who always used to stop her husband, did not dare to stop him today.

She knew her son, but she knew her husband better, so she decided to not stop him today.

"I-I...I am sorry...I-" "You did not mean it?" Taehyung was cut off by Jungkook. "Oh hell yes you meant it! You wanted her to suffer for killing your girlfriend. She's suffering now, congratulations Kim Taehyung you achieved your mission." Jungkook spat as he cried, hugging Mrs. Jeon.

On the other hand, your parents were in deep regret. Oh how they wished to believe you that day.

They wanted to take all their harsh words back and hug you tightly and shower you with all the love you deserved but they were too late weren't they?

They were the cause of all of this, only if they trusted their daughter, none of this would've ever happened.

Only if one could go back in time. All those 'ifs' did not matter now, not after all the damage that was done.

One could only regret after all of it was done. This is why one should listen to both sides of the story, to decide.

Watch your mouth for you do not know what one is going through. These two lessons were the ones that her parents forgot.

Oh and they regret it so much now. Mr. Park signaled Jungkook, indicating that Lia is here.

Jungkook nodded as he shook Taehyung's shoulder and pointed his finger at the person who was the main cause of Y/n's ruined life.

There she was, all dolled up, looking around to find why Mr. Park, or her sugar daddy called her at a hospital. Taehyung was in tears now. He ran up to her and hugged her, making her flinch.

"It's you! It's really you! I missed you s-so much! Why did you leave? Why didn't you come back?" He cried as she pushed him away. "I-I don't k-know you..!" She stuttered as he cried more. "Lia it's me, your Taehyung!" He said as he cupped her cheeks but she pushed him away making his heart ache. Was this how you felt when he separated you and Jungkook? He thought as he looked at Lia with watery eyes. "I came to see my sug- My boyfriend, leave me alone for goodness sake! I am finally having all that I ever wanted and that Y/n she's in hell as she should be. It was always her! She used to get all the love! She used to get everyone's attention and I was just her friend! A nobody!" She blurted out as her face turned white.

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