~Chapter 4~

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He grabbed your wrist tightly and dragged you out of the hall to the car, leaving a worried Jungkook behind.

You hissed and tried to wriggle your wrist out of his tight grip. He tightened his hold on your wrist and pinned you to the car and leaned in.

"You are mine now. Think about me and me only. You should only have eyes for me and me only! I am-" "a monster." You cut him off coldly and yanked his hand away as you pushed him away from yourself, before getting in the car.

"Dare touch me and I will skin you alive Kim Taehyung. I-I am not weak!" You spat and got in the car. "Don't you want to meet your parents?" He asked, perplexed at your sudden bold behavior. "I have none to meet." You spat.

The whole ride was silent. You pitied yourself at how your parents and your childhood friend chose someone they knew for 3 months over someone they knew their whole lives.

You blame yourself for all of this, for Lia's death, for Taehyung's cold and rude behavior, and for Jungkook's condition. Taehyung on the other hand, was perplexed at how fast you changed.

How you got so bold, did things to him yet he denied those feelings putting Lia before anyone else.

That boy was too in love to notice his lover's tricks.

Love sure is blind.

Taehyung's gaze fell on your reddened wrist, and the bracelets that decorated it, one was your friendship bracelet, which Taehyung gave you and the other one had Jungkook's initials, which made him stop the car suddenly, causing you to hit your head at the front-board.

"Now you don't even know how to drive or what?!" You hissed, rubbing your forehead. "Why do you have him on your wrist?" He asked. "Because I love him. He believes in me and loves me." You replied as he stared at you in disbelief. You looked at him boringly. "What?" You asked.

"Nothing. Get ready to experience hell Mrs. Kim” He smirked as you gulped hard. "Yeah right, learn how to drive first. And speaking of hell, I was always there until someone came and took me out of it, and it's not you." You smiled and played with the bracelet Jungkook gave you. Taehyung groaned and started the car as you chuckled in victory.

~Magical Time-skip~
"Where's my room?" You asked, looking at him boringly. "Oh yeah the maid's room is yours now, I fired them all." He replied, hoping to earn a reaction from you. "Oh well that's your problem, not mine now is it? Thanks for the room, I get to be away from you and you don't see your so-called girlfriend's murderer a-" You were cut off by him slapping you hard. "How dare you sta-" You cut him off this time, by slapping him back.

"Tit for Tat" You replied, and walked off to your room.

Taehyung's pov
Did she just slap me back?! I am going to get her back for this! "How dare you slap me back?! Get back here!" I yelled, whereas she seemed unbothered. I'll get her for this tomorrow morning! "Ugh!" I groaned and went to my room to sleep. Taehyung's pov ended

No one's pov
You woke up from the floor and washed up, looking at the time you yawned and made your way to the kitchen to make yourself food. You were cooking, thinking about whatever happened last night. You were so lost in your thoughts you did not notice Taehyung coming downstairs.

"Make me food, hurry." He spat. You rolled your eyes at him. "Okay." You replied and smirked to yourself. You knew he couldn't stand spicy food, so you did exactly what you had to. You added a lot of spice to his eggs and served it to him.

"Here you go." You smiled as you kept his plate in front of him. "Why are you smiling?" He asked, looking at you suspiciously. "Oh it's called emotions, you won't get it." You replied as you held the jug of water and poured him a glass of water. He just looked at you in disbelief.

He took a bite and after a few minutes he started coughing, "W-water!" He screamed as he spit the food out. You laughed, "Oh this," you pointed at the glass of water, "Here," You poured him the water and held the glass in front of his face and pulled it back to yourself and chugged all of it down, while he screamed, "Get me the water! Now!"

"Get it yourself. From what I see, you are perfectly fine and able to do a simple task by yourself." You spat and took the jug with you, smirking in victory. "Ugh! I will get you for this Y/n!" He groaned.

You were washing the dishes when he stormed towards you, "How dare you do that to me?!" He yelled. "Do what? Oh I don't know, you tell me." You smiled as you washed the dishes.

He pulled you to him, "Stop it!" he said, "What do I stop? Oh the dishes? Thanks TaeTae!" You chimed and giggled as you dried your hands leaving the dishes, and walked away, whereas Taehyung was a blushing mess hearing a nickname you gave him.

It took him a good minute to process what you meant and when he did, he yelled profanities you'd never even heard of! Hilarious right? You heard him yelling and smiled in victory.

"You wanna play like this? Then we'll do it like you like it baby~" He mumbled as he washed the remaining dishes.

“Yes sir? Oh my gosh! Really? Where is she?"

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