Chapter 11

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Her cover was now busted. Before anyone could react, the doctor came out of the room as Jungkook stood up and looked at him with hopeful eyes. "D-Doctor, h-how is she?" Jungkook asked as the doctor removed his mask and looked at him with an expression that churned his insides.

"I am sorry, we tried our best to make her gain consciousness, but she can't wake up due to the trauma on her brain. It might take 2 hours or 2 weeks. She is okay though, we have treated her scratches. I will take my leave now, thank you and take care." The doctor said as he left for his cabin. Everyone was now glaring at Taehyung and Lia.

"You married her? No wonder I was right about her being a whore, always spreading her legs for other men-" Lia was cut off by Taehyung slapping her. She held her cheek with tears in her eyes. "You love her don't you?" She asked as he looked away.

You don't hurt the people you love, you care for them, cherish them and their efforts, but what did he do? He did the opposite. He was the main reason behind your tears, your parents were equally a part of your tears too.

Jungkook was a sobbing mess, he loved you too much to see you in pain. Oh how he wished it was him instead of you. He looked at Taehyung who was standing there in a corner and walked up to him. "Why are you so silent now! Laugh, smile, your revenge is complete...y-you are her murderer. You are the murderer not her!" He yelled at Taehyung who was shaking and crying at how he treated you.

Lia was looking at you in the ward, she never knew that all this would happen. She sure was jealous of you and hated you but she did not know Taehyung would stoop so low. But who was she to say so when she was the cause of the situation?

She had no right to accuse anyone of their deeds, not after how much she had in her own bag! "Jungkook, you can't just blame me for everything! It was Lia's fault too!" He replied, making Jungkook clench his jaw before he punched Taehyung in the face.

"When will you grow the fuck up?! WHEN?! You are the reason she's here! YOU ABUSED HER SEXUALLY TAEHYUNG!" Jungkook yelled through his tears as he kept punching him until Mrs. Jeon pulled him away. "She won't like seeing you violent...calm down..." She said as he calmed down and started crying again.

"If she doesn't wake up I will kill you Taehyung, and I mean it. And you! You are going downhill. You think we don't know how you got all that money huh?" Jungkook said pointing at Lia whose face lost all the colour, as if she had seen a ghost. "I-" "Ms. Lia?" Lia was interrupted by the cops who had just arrived at the scene.

"Y-Yes?" Lia answered. "You're arrested for drug dealing, and stealing from Mr. Park's office." The officer said as he cuffed her hands while all the other people present in the waiting gasped.

"NO! IT'S A LIE!" She yelled trying to push the cop away but he was stronger. "You will have extra charges on you for trying to hit a police officer on duty. Take her inside." He said as the fellow officers dragged a resisting, crying and screaming Lia inside the car.

"Thank you so much Mr. Jungkook and Mr. Park. We were able to catch her because of you." The cop smiled as he shook hands with Jungkook and Mr. Park before leaving with Lia in the car. Taehyung was in shock. But what he found strange was that his heart did not race like it used to when he saw Lia. He felt nothing.

But for you, oh boy, for you, he felt guilty and regret treating you that way. But that's all he could do now. He was too ashamed to even face you now. He couldn't, not after what he did. Any sane human would've abandoned him, but you kept your promise, unlike him.

He did not just fail you, he failed the beautiful friendship you both had, he failed humanity too. "Any relatives from Kim Y/n?" The nurse said as she came out of the room.

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