Chapter 8

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It was a diary, she was looking at a diary and weeping silently, making his heart clutch due to some reason, he himself did not know.

Too oblivious, he was too oblivious about who conquers his heart and who he had infatuation for.

Oh what a foolish boy he was! Whereas she was weeping and did not even glance at him, she didn't even know he was watching her.

A hiccup left her mouth as the tears made their way down her soft cheeks. She missed her old life, which was full of love, happiness and friendship, but now it's a disaster!

He was lost in her tears, thinking he was the reason for them. He wanted this, why is he feeling guilty and sad after seeing her cry? Isn't this what he wanted?

Wasn't this his motive all along??? He was thinking about why she was crying when he bumped into the suitcase on the side.

Her room did not have anything other than a thin blanket and a nightstand. She wiped her tears away quickly when she heard the bumping sound and maintained a good distance from him.

"What do you want..?" She asked with her raspy voice, which was raspy because of all the crying, making him sink deeper into guilt. She was looking at the floor, the wall, her hands, but not at him. She looked everywhere but not at him, making his heart clench.

Taehyung's pov
Seeing her not looking at me hurt me a lot. But why do I feel hurt? Isn't this what I wanted...? Why am I feeling this way? Am I falling for her? No I cannot fall for her, I love Lia and she killed her!

"Look, I am sorry..." I said, making her chuckle sadly. "Sorry? For what? For burning my hand? Dragging me across the stairs? Starving me? Abusing me mentally? Forcing yourself on me two times? Making my parents hate me? Or for forcing me to marry you? Or for separating me from my love? Or for yelling at me?" She said, still looking at the floor.

"I..." I had no words to say. "You des-" "I deserve that for killing your girlfriend. I know I am a murderer, you don't need to rub it in my face Taehyung." She cut me off, making me sigh.

"Look, I really am sorry for whatever happened last night...I did not mean to do so.." I again apologized, making her finally look up at me, making me somewhat happy (?).

She looked deep into my eyes for a good 3 minutes and just replied with, "You disgust me Taehyung, you really do and-" We both were cut off by the door bell ringing. Sighing I glared at her and walked downstairs and to the door. I heard footsteps meaning Y/n followed me too.

I took a deep breath and opened the door only to see..

"Hey kids!" Taehyung's dad chimed as Y/n smiled at them. "Hello uncle. Welcome home..." She said as he glared at her.

"Stop glaring at her Taehyung." His mother said as they both made their way in the house. His mother looked around and smiled. "The maids are doing their work well I see!" She smiled looking around to find maids but didn't find any.

"Where are the maids?" She asked. "Oh he fi-" "I gave them an off for today." He cut her off, making her frown. "Y/n your eyes are swollen, were you crying?" His mother asked. "No no," she smiled, "we were cooking together and some chili powder flew into my eye." She replied as his mom seemed to buy it, making her sigh in relief. "Should I make some food? Are you all hungry uncle an-" "Call us mom and dad, daughter. You are a part of our family, right Taehyung?" His dad asked as he looked at his son.

"Yes of course of course..." He smiled, not forgetting to grit his teeth looking at Y/n making her sigh.

"M-mom and dad...I will make us lunch, please make yourself comfortable." She stuttered as she went to the kitchen and cooked lunch. She came out and started serving them the food when she accidentally spilled some sauce on Taehyung's hoody that he was wearing.

"WHAT THE FUCK Y/N?!" He yelled, causing Y/n and his parents to flinch. "Stop yelling at her, it was an accident!" His dad roared, making Taehyung flinch. "It's okay dad...he's just stressed." She smiled as he sighed.

They all had lunch with his parents laughing and smiling with you. But he was looking at her smiling state in anger. "How dare she smile and have a good time when she made me and my love suffer?!" He thought to himself as he ate the food.

"Bye Y/n and Taehyung! Thank you for the food dear, it was delicious." His mother chimed as she hugged Y/n and kissed her forehead, making her smile.

"You can come over anytime mom, it's your home too!" She replied smiling as his parents left.

He closed the door shut and turned around glaring at her, making her gulp a bit. He was shooting daggers at her with his sharp gaze.

"Now, WHY DID YOU DROP THE SAUCE ON MY LIA'S HOODY?! THIS WAS THE ONLY HOODY I HAD THAT SMELLED LIKE HER! WHY?!?! HUH WHY?!" He yelled as she flinched. "I did not know, sorry." She replied calmly which seemed to fuel his anger.

"You don't even know how big of a deal this is right?! You don't even love anyone. All you think about is yourself! You are so damn useless and selfish! Ugh why am I stuck in this stupid marriage?! You are so pathetic! I hate being friends with you! I hate the day we met! You are a mistake! You do not deserve to live!" He spat, panting heavily due to anger.

"Okay." She replied, still very calm. Only if anyone knew how those words hurt her so much.

"You won't understand like this." He said as he held her wrist and pulled her to the bedroom making her wince in pain.

"Stop." She mumbled but he did not hear it.

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