~Chapter 5~

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~Three Days Later~
You were in your room, on the floor, yes you slept on the floor. Well they do say sleeping on a hard surface is healthy, is what you told to yourself, everyday before sleeping on the floor. Although it ain't healthy to do so. You did everything you could, to appear strong in front of him, so he can't get under your skin, to hurt you even more.

You looked at your burnt hand and chuckled sadly, as you remembered what had caused it.

Taehyung was sick, and you being the nice person you were, took care of him as a human being, but he was too blinded in rage and the fire of revenge.

You were making soup for him, which you always made when he used to get sick in the past. He saw you making the soup and smiling, which made him angry. "How dare she smile after making my life a living hell?!" He thought to himself as he walked to you. "Hey, what's up?" He asked, smiling innocently.

"Oh, I'm making your favorite soup for you. So you can heal and I can get back to-AHH" You were speaking when he held your hand and placed it inside the piping hot soup pot. Seeing you in pain, satisfied his inner revenge's fire.

"Taehyung p-please! It burns so bad! P-Please!" You wailed in agony as you let tears out, in front of him for the first time, since you two started living together. He let go of your hand and smirked, "Don't you dare smile, or next time, you know me...And make your filthy soup again, or else I will...I will do something worse! Got it?!" He yelled as he gritted his teeth before walking back to his room as you let out sobs.

After making the soup again, you went to his room and knocked on the door. "It's open, get in." He spat, rolling his eyes. You walked in and placed the soup on the nightstand.

You were about to get up when he spoke, "Feed me." He smirked, looking at your burnt hand.

Now you know exactly why he burnt your right hand, so you experience more difficulty in doing all the chores. You glared at him and fed him the soup and left the room.

You cried a lot that night, missing the old times, missing Jungkook, Lia and your parents, although you hated them very much for ruining your life. And you missed the old caring Taehyung too.

~Flashback ended~
You didn't realize you were crying by now. You were astonished at his hate for you, oh how he would freak out when you'd get a paper cut and look at him now...You wiped your tears away and got up weakly, limping to your door, and opening it to walk outside, only to find Taehyung standing with his ear attached to the door, as if he was listening.

"You were talking to that Jungkook right?!" He yelled as you flinched, by now you were very scared of him. "N-No I wasn't!" You stuttered, mentally slapping yourself for that. "You're not going to spit the truth out now, aren't you?! Wait, this will make you pay for lying to me!" He yelled, as he grabbed you by your arm, and dragged you outside the house.

"Taehyung, let me go! It's hurting, please!"
It was raining cats and dogs, and the weather was chilly too. Very coincidental, indeed. He pushed you out onto the lawn and smirked, "Enjoy Mrs. Kim~" He chimed, smiling at you sarcastically, before going back in and locking the door.

You just sighed, not having the energy to fight for yourself anymore. Gave up already? When a person's broken and hopeless, they often give up easily.

~A few minutes later~
Your lips were now blue and your skin was pale. Your body was burning up yet you were feeling cold. You were shivering in the cold and were drenched.

You had been crying, but since it was raining, your tears weren't visible. Your eyes were bloodshot and your nose was red from crying. All you were praying and hoping for was to die. Whereas he was in his room, all cozy and warmed up.

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