~Chapter 3~

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You woke up feeling cold water splashing over you. You jolted up and saw your father with a bucket in his hand, which you supposed had water inside.

Which was all over you now. You looked at him and he had his usual cold aura around him. You sighed, having no tears left after last night. "Get up, you are getting ready for your wedding." Your mom spoke as her voice cracked at the end, she was crying.

"Why would she cry now? Didn't she want this?" You thought as you walked to the bathroom to take a shower. Meanwhile Jungkook was heading to your house to have the spare keys for Lia's car.

After taking a shower you came out and dressed up in Jungkook's hoodie. You smiled as you wore it, inhaling his scent that intoxicated you.

You stood in front of the mirror and stared at your reflection. Swollen eyes, eye bags indicating you stayed up all night, a red nose and bloodshot eyes. Chapped dry lips and a pale looking face. That was what you were looking like. Dead but alive.

Your mom walked in and hugged you and cried. You just scoffed and let her do her thing, without hugging back. "I am sorry." She cried, as you scoffed yet again, making her look at you.

“Okay.” You replied with a poker face, which sent chills down her spine. "I love you my-" "And I hate you." You cut her off and walked downstairs only to see Jungkook smiling at you. You smiled back and hugged him tightly.

He hugged back and you let out tears and kissed him. You kissed him hard, knowing you won't be able to do it again.

He kissed you back and pulled away and panicked seeing you cry. "No no don't cry it's going to break my heart!" He chuckled, pulling you into a hug as you hugged him back tightly and told him everything.

Hearing the marriage his grip loosened. You looked up at him and you knew he was the one, but destiny had other plans.

"I will prove your innocence and love you and marry you, wait for me." He said as he let more tears out and kissed your neck, sucking and nipping the skin. He was leaving a mark, to let that beast know, you belonged to someone else. He pulled away and hugged you crying. "I love you" He confessed.

"I love you too." she replied.

Your mom saw the whole scene and dragged you out as your dad kicked Jungkook out of the house. "She's getting married, and you are invited." He spat throwing the card on his face before forcing you to sit inside the car.

You looked back as he passed you a smile, covering all of his pain. You sat back as they drove. Jungkook picked the card up, and held it tightly in his fist.

"I will save my y/n." He spoke walking away with the car keys.
You were silent the whole ride and you knew you were going to get married to a beast, a beast who was hungry for revenge. Oh how you wished someone believed you over that Lia.

You were getting ready when Jungkook came in and back hugged you, you smiled in pain. He had puffy eyes, indicating he cried. You smiled before pecking his lips as he pulled you in for a kiss.

He pulled away and smiled. "I will find proof in 5 months. Stay for me...for our love...please.." He voiced out. You just nodded before saying, "I love you too." Your mom came inside the room as Jungkook walked out.

"You look beautiful, stay happy." She smiled as you just looked in the mirror fixing yourself, completely ignoring her. "Who are you?" You asked, finally facing her. "What do you mean baby? I am your mom a-" "No, don't you fucking call yourself my mother after you chose to believe in someone else over your own daughter." You cut her off coldly.

Your dad came in "Let's go." He smiled expecting you to smile back. You held a poker face and walked out on the aisle all by yourself. There you saw him, smirking at you. You purposely pulled your hair to show him the hickey, and when his eyes fell upon it, they darkened.

~After the vows~
"You may kiss the bride." The priest announced as Taehyung leaned in, smirking at Jungkook. You looked at Jungkook who had a smile on his face, watching you, trying to hide the immense pain.

"O-Oh." You suddenly said, pretending to faint, to avoid the kiss.

Jungkook giggled watching you protect yourself from him. Taehyung pulled back and took you to the car. You looked at your so-called parents for the last time as they passed you a smile which you didn't return.

Your eyes searched and yearned for someone else. And that intrigued him.

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